
❤️ Proposal


A very busy day for Raine as Amora is not well so Caden didn’t allow her to come for work.. and Misha went to her parents with Kevin..

Without her two bestfriends..her work doubled.. she has no time for lunch and continued working till evening.. finally getting off from work she took a deep breath and laid on the couch..

Raine: such a tired day..uff these two little witched enjoying time with their partners and here I am working like a machine...and where is Jacob.. he should atleast call me.. idiot..

She kept mumbling and her eyelids become heavier and she fall in slumber..

Here Jacob end his meeting with client after signing the contract and thought to pick up Raine from work.. he drive to the company..and went to her department..

Entering in her cabin..he found her sleeping on couch.. he smiled and kneeled near her placing a kiss on her forehead.. he caressed her face..

Jacob: hey firecracker.. get up..let’s go home..