
Her intention, His agony.

All it took was a gunshot.....bang!. .... Diva decides to stay in her mother's homeland for a while, not because she needed the space her grandma and father told her she needs- time heals. Picking up her bag and leaving the room... her mother's killer was far away from the kingdom but not far from her mother's country. He was there. ___ 'Red-eyed creatures don't exist. They are just myths'. Her friend Hailey said with an air of confidence and knowledge as she chew on her burger. Myths?. If there are just myths and don't exist, then does that mean that she was just hallucinating things when she saw those pair of blood-red eyes looking at her. After a while, her friend asked her, 'Why do you ask? Have you seen anyone?'. Yes, once in her nightmares, twice in her school. 'Anyways, next time you see Emma and his friends, run in the opposite direction'. Diva nodded and rose her head, only to be met with someone's threatening gaze. 'Come outside'. She read the words off his lips. ___ The events around her mother's death still played fresh in her memory and helped to remind her of her revenge-- to give her mother's killers a slow and painful death. But would she be able to go through with her plans after falling in love with the killer, especially after he had confessed his feelings to her?.

Winnie_Malachi · Fantasie
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84 Chs

Training him

For those years of hating his father, he wished and hoped that he did something to change his mind, to change his impression of him, to change his perspective. He wished he showered him with love, some care. He didn't know when it all change, all the attention. Didn't know when he started loving his brother alone. His brother cared for him, he remained close to he sat with him in those times when the punishment given to him shook his body and slowly solidified his heart.

In the absence of his paternal love, he longed for his brother, his friend, each time he traveled on his trips. He got attached to him and surprisingly, his brother felt disturbed that his dad was pushing all the attention to him alone; " I don't wish to cause strive or stir hatred, but Papa is being partial. You are the elder and you are meant to be loved more. Papa isn't caring and it hurts. It hurts to see him pretend like you are non-existent. I fear I might leave him one day if it persists because if he does this to you, he can do it to me ". And to his death, he loved Fierce, growing hatred, for his father.

He felt on the day of his death, his power seeping out of control, discharging smoke from his insides. He knew it was all rage, but he couldn't stop it in the office that day when his father called. It set his core on fire.

Now, he couldn't stop it, the more he felt the rage filling his heart again, the more he got the strength, the strength to fight unrelentingly. The strength to free him. He could feel the drug effects being defeated and the bounds on his hands gradually losing, but at a cost.

It burned him, the rage. His blood boiled, his heart as though it was being roasted. It was eating him. Affecting from within.

' Argggh!!! '. He screamed, feeling the chains breaking.


The screen showed a red alert. The injector was being affected by the smoke, the fire alarm broke inside, and soon everywhere was filled with the sounds of sirens and the red light. Doctor Noel, looked at him in anxiety and then at Fred. He was the doctor of the royal family of Ruby Kingdom, a close confidant of the King, and seeing all these happening now, he failed to understand to what extent, the father will still his heart and refuse to let his son go.

' One more dose '. He pretended to not hear. If he wanted to kill his son, he should do it alone and not involve him.

And while he was at it, the King, watching his son and expecting the bag of anesthesia, he prepared to leave. He waited another extra ten seconds and when his patience was stretched, he turned to him, only to see him standing where he was and with no bag. ' Get me the bag '. He ordered outrightly, but the latter stood there fixing his eyes on Fred before turning to him with flared eyes.

' I can't. I have seen an overdose of the drug kill people and just because your son is still fighting does not mean he is not affected, his power sustains him but when it lapses, who will save him from the numbness after? From the effects on his body and brain. I am leaving, your son's life is in your hand '.

And with that, he left the room and the office. He couldn't imagine drugging his son, talk less of overdosing him, but here was a father, experimenting with his son's life like he was a lab rat. He held his briefcase firmly, adjusted his glasses, and walked out of the premises.

To say, he was not in shock as Dr. Noel walked out, would be a lie. He felt his words ring in his head. And first, he looked confused and then angry. This was the way he wanted to help his son, protect him, to save him. He could only learn how to control his power in a hard situation like this one. Learn to control himself in torture. He won't die, he knew it. As long as the Ruby stone is in him, he would live, undefeated, undying like an immortal until what was meant to kill him, out of the ordinary, comes to him. It was his way of showing him how to subdue his anger and fight with it. Training him to have it under control and to a weapon, defeat his enemy.

Thus far, he was doing well but he wasn't satisfied and so he dosed him, and having Noel call him irresponsible, irked him.