
Her intention, His agony.

All it took was a gunshot.....bang!. .... Diva decides to stay in her mother's homeland for a while, not because she needed the space her grandma and father told her she needs- time heals. Picking up her bag and leaving the room... her mother's killer was far away from the kingdom but not far from her mother's country. He was there. ___ 'Red-eyed creatures don't exist. They are just myths'. Her friend Hailey said with an air of confidence and knowledge as she chew on her burger. Myths?. If there are just myths and don't exist, then does that mean that she was just hallucinating things when she saw those pair of blood-red eyes looking at her. After a while, her friend asked her, 'Why do you ask? Have you seen anyone?'. Yes, once in her nightmares, twice in her school. 'Anyways, next time you see Emma and his friends, run in the opposite direction'. Diva nodded and rose her head, only to be met with someone's threatening gaze. 'Come outside'. She read the words off his lips. ___ The events around her mother's death still played fresh in her memory and helped to remind her of her revenge-- to give her mother's killers a slow and painful death. But would she be able to go through with her plans after falling in love with the killer, especially after he had confessed his feelings to her?.

Winnie_Malachi · Fantasie
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84 Chs


' What? But you shouldn't have done that.

He's just a boy. He will get to understand later. Don't make rash decisions. '. Mrs. Philip said to her husband after she heard what he did to Dawin.

' He would learn with this that I don't go back on my words. I am his father and deserve his respect, but if he is not ready to give me some, then he should leave the house '.

' But don't you think you are being too harsh, what if something happens to him? What if he is attacked, kidnapped, stranded, or harassed? What if ...'

' This is not Gold kingdom. This Nigeria. And here no one knows about us '

' But you are rich too and affluent. There would be enemies. They could be after him too to bring you down Besides he has represented you in your company's meetings too '.

Mr. Philip opened his robe and joined his wife on the bed. ' I have made my decision. If he can't accept you. I can't accept him. Let's not talk about this matter. The night is old '. He added, dimming the lampstand.


' What? You did what? Where are you now? '. Dva asked having heard what happened to Dawin and though they were engaged in a phone-to-phone conversation, her facial expression gave it away.

< Am at a hotel now >

' But you shouldn't have done that. You have to apologize to him tomorrow. He is your father after all '.

< He shouldn't have brought her to the house. He knows we are not on good terms >.

< She is your mother >

' My stepmother '. He corrected promptly.

' She seems nice '.

< Diva, that's because you don't know her. The circumstances around my mother's death are unknown and the haste with which my father married her is very suspicious >

' You believe she killed your mother and your father had a hand in it? '.

< I believe she has things she isn't telling us >.

' That is why you should accept her '.

< Excuse me? >

' Yes. If you have such suspicions, you should be closer to her than anyone else '.

< What are you trying to say, Diva >

' To know the things she is not willing to tell, then you have to stick to her. You have to win her trust. Give her every reason to trust you. Then they will believe you are changed '.

Her words were followed by a long silence.

< She is very strong-willed, Diva. she doesn't trust easily >.

' The trust will come with time I am not saying that it must be the first thing you should do. You have to first apologize to her in front of your father and possibly everyone. Treat her as a mother Let them see that you are indeed ready to accept, the trust will come with time '.

< I am not doing that. I can't pretend to care for someone I don't like >.

' You have to stoop to gain her trust. If you believe she had a hand in your mother's death, then these you must do to expose her. Don't go hating without evidence '.

< You are supporting her, ain't you? >.

' I am supporting as my friend. I am saying that you should not be reckless in your actions. Don't act with a well-laid plan '.

< They would be asleep now if I am to go to the house >

' You should not go this night but tomorrow. Your father will find it suspicious if you are to go back this night as he would be expecting you to ponder on your actions and knowing how rebellious you can be, he would anticipate your apology tomorrow or even next week. But it has to be done tomorrow, first thing tomorrow. And hmmm, your baby brother is so cute. Give him a perk for him '. She said, chuckling at her end.

< Gross >

' Hahaha!. See you tomorrow then '.