
Her Imperfect Life

Tracy a young, teenage, college girl who'd lost her virginity at a much younger age in a quest for true love,is torned between trying to balance an excellent and exemplary life, a peek from the worldly life and satisfying her thirst for a perfect life, After many failed attempts of a love affair, she finally meets her soulmate, Steven Timothy in a social platform. She tries to correct her unholy and sinful past, sacrificing a whole lot to make this new found love the perfect one.Things get bloomy and smooth when suddenly he has to leave …"with a promise of coming back for her after a year"... and seek for greener pastures to give her the perfect life she wants. After an unjust school contest, unfortunately her past comes knocking again. She opens up with mixed feelings and reluctance, fear of unfaithfulness and strings of an uncorrected past egging her on. As things get worse, Steve discovers this and plans a break up without her knowledge. Now she's in love with two guys. Who will she go for? If Steve...will she succeed in convincing him they are meant to be? as her unquenchable thirst for a perfect life goes on.

Bless_Jhay · Teenager
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7 Chs

A Suicide Attempt on my Birthday

I got back home and acted like nothing happened. Diana had come back for the holidays. As I was about to undress, she barged into the room we both shared.

"My boyfriend is taking me and a Friend out, Do you mind coming along?" She asked as she sat on the bed, the bed sunk in a little bit. She is a bit Chubby and thick in the right places.

"Yeah, sure" I replied immediately without thinking. Anything to clear my head and change my mood. With that she left to go and invite Andy also but it was a bit difficult. He was mummy's boy so you have to get through mum first as she had a big influence on him. After much conviction, the duo finally agreed. Over here I was trying to decide what to put on. I usually find it so difficult to make a choice quickly. I remember last year I had received a hot slap from my Aunt, patience in public due to that attitude. We, the kids, had gone to Calabar to spend a week with her immediately after her wedding and mainly because of the carnival. On the day of the much talked about carnival, we had managed to convince Aunt to take us there. It was our first time. Diana had suddenly developed cramps and had opted to stay back hence, couldn't join us. We trekked a long distance due to the road blockage from so many cars and the crowd of people that had attended from all over the country and outside the country. We got tired and thirsty so Aunt had asked me if I would love to take a soft drink. I answered in the negative. When Andy was asked he said yes and she got it for him. As we were about to leave the store I changed my mind and told her I wanted a drink too and that was when the slap landed on my cheeks. I smiled while recalling all that. Especially the stares I got and the tears that flowed freely down my cheeks. Funny enough she still got me the drink after that. That's just one of the many memories I made there. I miss Calabar so much and I hope to go back there soon. Voices outside the room pulled me out of my thoughts. I hadn't realized how long I've been inside here. I also recognized one of the voices to be of one of Diana's friends, Sunshine. Apparently the one who would be going out with us. This signalled that it was almost time to leave. I immediately put on the Royal blue jean trousers I got from Diana. Yeah I love taking Diana's stuff that doesn't fit her anymore. The jean had patches of turquoise blue on it and an "I Love You" inscription designed using crystal stones on the left side of my laps. The trousers fitted perfectly but the waist side needed a little amendment so I used black and white belt on it. I put on a white singlet with a rainbow coloured, sleeveless shirt and packed my reddish brown braids in a rose style. As I sat down to put on a light makeup on my face the door suddenly opened.

"We are ready to leave" Diana said as he peeped inside.

"Few minutes please," I said. Still trying to rush over the makeup.

"This is the reason why I don't like going out with you," she said while closing the door. "you always make me late," she added. "We will just leave without you" I heard her say from the hallway.

"Hmm" I sighed and added final touches to my hair, picked up my black purse and slippers and left the room. Few minutes later we bid mum goodbye and left. Mum knew about Diana's boyfriend but dad didn't because mum was easier to talk to.

We arrived at "De Choice" , the new eatery that just opened up at the circus. After a few calls Rashford, Diana's boyfriend finally showed up with two other friends and after the exchange of pleasantries we went in.

Orders where placed, I opted for Meat pie and a drink. Andy did the same while others went for food.

When my order finally arrived, I ate in silence, a little chit chat here and there. Didn't talk much due to my shy and introverted nature. I found it difficult to keep long conversations, I even preferred chatting to calls. But others were busy laughing and whiling away time. I turned and noticed that Andy seemed bored. It seems we were both the same when it came to outings with many people.As for me I prefer a duo kind of date. After We finished eating, we got takeaway food for mum and Diana decided to stay back. I took Andy home as it was getting late. I didn't like going back home at night. When we got home I slept off because I had a big day tomorrow. I had to bake and design my cake. It's not like I took up any classes to learn how to bake. One day I had just taken my phone and googled "how to bake a cake". Since then I have been doing it myself.My birthday was the day After tomorrow I just couldn't wait to get it over with.

My birthday had finally arrived. I woke up expecting to feel something different, maybe a year older, wiser or smarter. But no, I felt nothing. It was just like other days. I sighed and went to the refrigerator to look at my cake. I had chosen a pink themed cake with blue flowers on the sides.

I stared at it and started salivating. I just couldn't wait to cut it but I had to wait for the others. Which others if I may ask? I had called Zoe, my bestie, to invite her over and she had offered apologies that she needed to travel as it was urgent, promising to make it up to me when she returned.

I didn't keep friends so I opted to call one of my female cousins, Ella, and the only one I relate with a bit. She promised to come. My parents had stepped out and my sister had used that Opportunity to go visit Rashford.

I was home alone with Andy.So let's just say I'm waiting for Ella, my parents and sister.

I went over to the compact disk to insert the CD I bought the day I was with Dominic only to realize that it wasn't functioning anymore. I felt bad then picked up my phone and logged into Facebook. I uploaded the pictures I got from the shoot with a long birthday caption wishing myself long life and prosperity. People commented wishing me a happy birthday. I checked my inbox and saw many more messages then I spotted Dom's own. I can't believe I had almost forgotten about him these past few days.

"So an Angel was born today, happy birthday pretty soul" Dom's message read. My cheeks stung from blushing and smiling widely.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it," I replied to him with blushing emojis.

"You are welcome, how is your day going?" he texted back immediately. I hadn't realized he was online.

"Well at least it hasn't gotten bad yet" I replied to him with laughing emojis. He sent laughing emojis too showing he understood. It was 10:am. I can't believe I woke up late as well on my birthday. I always sleep for too long. I excused Dom and went to do my house chores. But while doing it, I kept wondering if it was right for the birthday girl to be doing house chores on her day, hahaha!! I laughed at the reality of things. No one is gonna treat me like a princess and do my house chores for me, certainly not my brother. When I was done I went back online straight to Dom's inbox and realized he was still online. I felt Happy and continued chatting from where we stopped.

"Hey there, I'm back" I texted him.

"I missed you," he replied. "Actually I'm missing you," he added. "Can we meet?"

"Sure, where" I asked.

"In my area, but in my friend's place". He answered.

"Why your friend's place?" I typed back.

"Actually I stay with my parents but my Friend is living in a rented apartment". I went into thoughts Wondering why we can't just go on a date instead. I just hope nothing happens.

"You're not gonna try to touch me right?" I opened up.

"No!!! You said you're a virgin",

"I just want us to get to know each other better, physically"

"Get to know each other better in your friend's apartment?" I retorted.

"Why not in an eatery, sit out or something close to that?"

"Hmm,I don't like public places or outings, I'm an introvert and a bit shy too," he replied.

" So you're just like me" I typed back, sending him surprised emojis. But then I'm shy yet I can go out, I thought to myself. Has his own level of shyness gotten to this? Or maybe he can't afford taking me out. He should have just said so. Well, I had no choice but to believe him.

"Okay how about when you're married, will your wife and kids suffer the same fate? I asked not knowing where that question came from.

"No, they can always go alone without me or I can drop them then come pick them up when they are done" he tackled the question.

"Jeez! This is serious"

" Anyways,What date will be favourable?" I asked him letting it slide. Seems I had already started developing a soft spot for him. I couldn't wait to see him too.

"Any day you're free, it's your choice to make" I loved how that sounded. I smiled then noticed my battery percentage had gotten low and there was no power supply. I sighed.

"Let's chat later, my phone is down," I told him. He must have felt bad due to the disappointed emojis he sent. I guess he really loves talking to me. He is really cool to chat with too. At least he kept me company. Now that my phone is down I started wondering what I would do the rest of the day. I spent the next four to five hours, walking around, reading a book, trying to sleep and doing anything I could find to keep myself busy while waiting for any of them to come back. Gosh I was beginning to feel this year's own was gonna be the worst. Suddenly I heard a knock on the gate. I leapt with joy, finally someone is back. Andy was sleeping. I didn't want to disturb him so I rushed to open the gate only to find Diana outside looking so disheveled and one pair of her slippers in her hands. Seemed it had cut.

"What happened?" I asked her while ushering her in.

"Nothing" she said, making the sound of forcing tears back, that was when I noticed her eyes were red, it seemed she had been crying. There was dirt on some parts of her body.

"Tell me what happened, you don't look okay?" I urged her while we entered the house and went to our bedroom.

"We fought again," Diana said and broke into tears. I sighed of course it was obvious. I really don't know why she chose to remain with Rashford. She claims she loves him so much and at least has money to take care of her. I also know that some of their fights are always her fault from what she always tells me but I feel like no guy should raise his hand on a lady no matter what.

"So did you guys break up" I asked, I already knew the answer though. It's what they do. Break up and later come back together.

"Yes," she said while crying.

"Okay what happened" she manages to tell me.

" Don't worry you guys will get back together again" I try to assure her. Though deep down I wish that won't happen because I hate to see her cry.

"No" she said, "this one is different, we are done" and poured out another round of tears.

"Hmm" I sighed. "You will be fine okay?" I said to her and excuse myself I was too emotional to be doing this. It was really affecting me and on my day. I strolled outside to receive some fresh air. I felt like going back online to text Dominic that it had finally gone bad hahaha I laughed at that. Few minutes later I went back inside straight to my room to check up on Diana but she wasn't there. I checked other rooms opening and closing doors. I finally found her in my dad's room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Nothing, Please can you get me a glass of water" she said. She had finally stopped crying.

"Alright" I said and left to go get it for her. I got to the dining room, opened the refrigerator, stole a glance at my butter iced cake and filled a glass with cold water. I took it back to her and she demanded I close the door and leave. When I was about to leave I spotted a bottle of engine oil and the medicine my dad bought for Killing snakes. My eyes widened in realization of what she was about to do and I finally understood why she was in my dad's room because those two things are always kept there. Where Diana had realized that I had noticed she got up and pushed me out of the room and locked the door

"Diana please don't do this" I said while banging on the door. Tears spilled out of my eyes.

"Go away please" she said. "It's not what you think, I won't do anything".

"So why then are you with those things?" I asked.

"Just go, I need some space". With that I let her be and stepped out again. Feeling so confused and wondering why things always get bad on my birthday. I prayed and hoped she wouldn't do anything silly. I felt so lonely. I went back inside to take out my diary and I started scribbling my thoughts and how I felt. That's what I usually do instead of talking to someone. It really helps and it did help. An hour later I heard the door open and Diana walked in. I examined her and heaved a sigh of really that nothing happened to her.

She seemed to feel better as she took a book to read.

It was getting dark and my Ella never showed up. My parents finally came back. Mum cooked jollof rice. My brother was still asleep so I had to go wake him up. I brought out my cake and we gathered around it except for dad.

"Happy birthday to you" They all chorused. I felt so shy and at the same time a bit happy. At least I will get a happy ending this year. So they prayed for me and I cut my cake. Of course I took the biggest share. I love cakes so much. Anything snacks, count me in. Dad wasn't even concerned but I still gave him a piece of the cake. Mum got drinks for us too. So we ate and drank and went to bed. As I laid on bed everything that happened today flashed back. So today has finally ended just like that? I thought to myself and sighed. There was still no power supply so I didn't get to talk to Dominic again, reply to messages from my inbox or check out the comments I got on my birthday post. I laid for some hours and I still couldn't sleep. I got up every 20 minutes to go get another piece of cake. Atlas, I finally slept off. Pheww! What a day!!