
Her Honor

Sometimes being obsessed with honor isn’t bad. *The characters and cover isn’t mine*

HukanaMoana · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs


The gossip spread like wildfire.

"I've heard Fire Lord's girlfriend might be pregnant" No, she isn't.

"What a disgrace." No.

"She never shows emotions. Cold-hearted bitch" Well, you don't know her.

"I heard she was a bastard child, you know" No, she wasn't.

"Her parents probably had her before marriage" That's not true.

"She appears like it" No, again.

"His chin is so weird" Zuko liked the sharp features. It made her stand out.

"She isn't even that appealing" She is the prettiest.

"She never speaks; just indicates how dense she is" She doesn't want to waste her words over absurd discussions.

"She shouldn't be honoured," Utter Bull. She should!

"Mai isn't a woman of honour" How dare you?!
He listened to what the advisors and servants were talking about in the kitchen on the way to their room, and the last ones were what did it for Zuko.

"How are you not mad at them? You are my girlfriend, and you deserve respect" He seriously thought she'd slit their throats with her knives.
She just played with her knife, moved it around, touching the tip every minute and had her eyes closed—her signature act.

"I don't care for them. I've heard this stuff often, sometimes even worse, for 21 years. It has lost touch. Words hurt the first time, but then you get used to them," Mai said in her flat voice, but only Zuko knew her expressions and voice. He didn't miss the hint of sadness on her face and very clearly heard the embarrassment.

Zuko laughed out of nowhere in disagreement and surprised Mai. This offended her somehow. "Your honour matters to me!"

"Oh god, Zuko, not this honour again. I'm not like you; I don't care about honour. I've never had any!" The last sentence broke his heart.

To think his Mai was never respected her whole life...the 21 years of her life, no one granted her the respect she was entitled to. He wanted to put the entire world on fire and burn every single person who ever had looked down on her.

Sometimes he wishes he was Ozai's son when someone disrespected her, but no, he wasn't. He was Ursa's son and Avatar Roku's descendant, so he calmed down and sighed.

He knew that well enough. She had a horrible family, and when your own family doesn't respect you, it's easy for others to treat you similarly. He just...he didn't know what to do; he didn't know how to protect her. She never told him anything about his family till now, and he respected that, but sometimes he wished she would so he could protect her.

He wished he could take her away from this world and show her all the love he had for her. All he wanted to be was a Fire Lord, but now that he had Mai, he hated his power. If he couldn't protect his loved ones, he wasn't even a man, then who was he?

"I love you" What else was to be said other than this? He couldn't say anything else when he had the number of words that would fill thousands of scrolls.

Mai slid the knife onto her arm, then she embraced him and sighed in the gloomy way that he loved. "I love you too."

She was different from other girls, so much different that the world called her the strange one. No one truly understood her, and Zuko loved that. It made him feel special that only he held that power and was honoured that he understood her. She wasn't the strange one the world was.

Just because she was different didn't make her strange. It made her special.

They had moved past the "I don't hate you" part, and for some reason, he missed it. It was more Mai.

So Zuko tried again and tucked a strand of hair that was dangling freely by her ear behind her ear. "I don't hate you."

He caught Mai's lips curl a bit, just by a centimetre that no one would've noticed, but he did and forever will. The flat line had a slight curl at the end, and she glanced him in the eye, and all he saw was love and appreciation

"I don't hate you too" That's what he loved now. This fitted them more. This was more Mai, and oh, did Zuko love that.

This lady deserved the honour more than anyone in this world. More than him too. She saved the Fire Lord and the nation. She fought for what was right, and one day when he married her and when someone dared to disrespect her. He'll make sure they go through agony. He's sure his mother and grandfather won't mind him honouring his wife. They'll surely be proud.

Zuko kissed her on the forehead, an act he found more intimate "You're a girl of honour, and I'm honoured to be your Fire Lord and husband one day if you'll allow me to" He just realized that he proposed in such a stupid way and mentally smacked himself.

The most unexpected and terrifying thing happened...she cried. She broke down. His Mai, who never cried...cried, and this didn't only break his heart but shattered it into billions. Why did she cry?

The lady who was never honoured in her life just got honoured not by anyone, not by her boyfriend but by The Fire lord. The leader of one nation. She always knew he loved her, but she never expected those words to be said out loud. Zuko was never one to show emotions by word. They both weren't.

When this whole world treated her like a nobody, this man, this handsome man who she loved so much, just honoured her.

Someone finally said those words...someone she loved.

"If I've said anything to break your heart. This world may eat me up. I hope my whole body gets burned, and I wish my honour gets taken away. I really think Katara will freeze me to death. What have I done? Please tell me, my love. My words..." Zuko cried out; he had no idea what he just did. His tears ran down his face, and he loathed that Mai cried because of him.

Mai shut him up with a kiss she found most intimate. Damn it, why did she have to be loved so much? "Yes, you made me cry."

Zuko knew now he didn't do anything because if Mai admits something, it usually implies the opposite but in love. If she were angry, she would've remained silent.

She cried for almost half an hour with few breaks but cried again, and he didn't dare to speak. He let her cry and held her with his dear life.

A knock interrupted them, but Zuko still didn't let her go. "Fire Lord you have a meeting in a few minutes" There was bitterness in that voice as they knew Mai was in his room. The transformed room after three generations spoke of home and family, and they knew Mai was behind it.

Mai smoothly drew off his hold. "I'll get you ready get up, love" He just nodded because, oh, how he never questioned her and only agreed.

Mai got him in his formal clothes and ensured the clothes were smooth and out of any curves. This side of Mai was only his. This domestic and affectionate side was only his. She had made changes to the traditional Fire Lord clothing. He looked more approachable now, and his attire didn't scream power but more leader now. He was breaking traditions day by day; another reason everyone hated her was because it was clear that Mai had done it. But they didn't know that both of them were doing it as a team.

Everyone knew how he honoured her when in every meeting before making a decision, he'll say, "I'll discuss it with Lady Mai and let you know tomorrow" He saw the scowl on every man's face; after all, no man ever said this before the previous Fire Lords made sure of that.
Also because he trusted Mai's judgment, and she was remarkable at politics. Sometimes even if she didn't know the correct answer, which had never happened, he knew to agree with her just to show respect.

Maybe this honour thing was never bad, which he came to hate after being obsessed with it for years.

Because this time, it was her honour, and that was his.

"Before I leave, I'll ask this again. Will you mar..."
And simply as he expected, she spoke, interrupting him, "Yes" In the flattest voice ever and kissed him on the cheek. Oh, Agni, how he loved her.

Zuko brought out the necklace from his pocket and held it out to her. "This...this is Grandmama's, my mom's mother. This was hers, and my mother gave this to me. I want to follow my mom's traditions. Would you want this?"

"How could I not?"

"I'll put it around your neck then" He pushed her hair from his back, and his hot touch sent shivers down her spine.

The necklace was a bit warm, and she realized he did that with his fire bending. Oh, how thoughtful he was. He latched it, and it perfectly went over her neck; it was as if it was made for her. The necklace was entirely blue with black coloured two dragons on it. It was perfect. It showed power and love, just like them.

Zuko held out his hand. "I'll announce our marriage today; come with me to the meeting."

"Zuko, I don't look ready; let me get dressed. It'll take time you should go without me. It would be best if you weren't late" Mai hesitated in her own way and pointed towards the door. She had never joined him in a meeting before.

Zuko smirked and sat down on the couch. "Fire Lady Mai I don't think it's appropriate for The Fire Lord to be without her at a meeting."

"Zuko, this has never happened before. It's against the laws" Mai gritted her teeth in irritation.

He cracked up and kissed her hand. "Since when have I cared for laws? Get ready now."

She sighed and took off towards the wardrobe where some of her royal outfits were just for an emergency like today.

Zuko unlocked the door and was met with his advisor standing by the entrance. "Let them know I'll be late by an hour the most."

"But, your highness, you look prepared" The advisor had no idea what was the reason behind this. The Fire Lord clearly looked ready for the meeting.

Zuko smoothened his sleeves and ordered, "I don't think my outfit is clean enough. Please go and let them know" The advisor having no more say, walked away to make an announcement.

Zuko met with his uncle a few meters away from his room and was met with a proud smile, knowing well enough what had just happened. "I love what you've done to the palace. It offers warmth and a sensation of home."

"It's all Mai," He said with a goofy smile. It was true.

His uncle couldn't be more proud. "You're breaking the cycle, you know, and I couldn't be prouder."

"I've learned from my father," Zuko glimpsed at him, and Iroh knew he was speaking about him. He had always thought of him as his son, and they both knew that.

Iroh snickered. "I see you're ready for the meeting. What's holding you?"

"I'm taking Mai with me, and she's getting ready. I...I want to announce our engagement, and I want her to be honoured."

Iroh yanked him in the tightest hug ever. "I don't know how someone like you could be born in this family. So kind and loving."

"He takes after his mom's side," Ursa interrupted with a loving motherly smile who had just joined them.

Zuko proudly admitted, "Of course, I do, I know."
The door clicked, everyone's heads turned, and Mai looked drop-dead gorgeous. "Alright, Fire Lord, your Lady is ready."

Ursa saw her family necklace and embraced Mai but made sure her dress and hair didn't get messy "Congratulations, my daughter."

"Thanks, mother" It took months, but eventually, Mai got used to calling her mother. Zuko beamed at the sight of the most remarkable women in his life hugging.

"Shall we?" They hadn't noticed Zuko had already sneaked by the side of Mai, who had a love-sick smile. She took his arm in hers.

Once they left, Ursa and Iroh both said at the same time, "I'm proud of him."

They went back to drinking Iroh's tea that Iroh had just prepared. They all missed the rest of the family, but it was nice to have some quiet. Kiyi and Ikem were gone to meet the Avatar for a trip. Azula and her husband Riku are finally formally invited to a congratulating party at Sokka and Suki's. They all should be back home by tomorrow.

On the other side, Zuko was very nervous about everyone's reaction to the meeting. Not that he cared about them, he was worried Mai might get hurt by their words. He couldn't see her cry again. Mai gripped his hand tighter in support, and the guards opened the meeting door.
They both entered, and everyone stood up, showing respect and greeting the Fire Lord. Behind him followed Mai, and the frowns and shock on everyone's faces didn't get unnoticed.

Zuko sat on his chair first, and he saw everyone about to get themselves seated, too, so he lifted a hand to stop them. "Let your soon-to-be Fire Lady sit first." Mai gasped a bit too loudly and turned to look him in the eye. What was The Fire Lord up to?

"But my Lord, the traditions." Zuko's advisor said, who was just as shocked as the others.

Zuko suddenly stood up and drew the chair for Mai side by side with his chair at the head of the table so she could sit first. The table was wide enough to fit ten chairs. Then he sat and then the rest. He knew the stubbornness of everyone in the meeting. He should show the respect he had for her in front of everyone. The change starts with yourself. As long as he's standing, no one will dare to sit, so he might as well do it after The Fire Lady.

Zuko finally talked when everyone sat with a bit of venom on his face that only Mai saw. "I don't care for traditions. This is a new era, and I hope you guys keep an open mind because many traditions will be broken soon. Starting with your soon-to-be Fire Lady attending every meeting and having the same right to speak and make decisions as me" Mai remained astonished and didn't move her stare from The Fire Lord.
A general had the guts to speak, "But my lord, the traditions..."

Zuko slammed his hands on the table a bit too hard that the material of the table turned red with his fire. "Is my order not understood?!"

"Yes, it is," Everyone murmured, obviously not agreeing but being forced.

Zuko figured out who was to be trusted among them as he saw the pride on a few faces, which were just seven among the seventy six.

"The meeting shall start," He ordered once again to start the meeting. He hated to be this guy who gave orders, but he knew to gain respect, you have to give orders, as his uncle used to say, and so he obliged.

"We are thinking of sending our troops to the earth kingdom to support them" One of the men shared the idea.

This didn't sound that bad, Zuko thought, but from the corner of his eye, he saw Mai scowling and once again, only he noticed. He ignored her as he knew she'd speak her mind out soon.

"Like this, we can ask for favours too. We can ask for space to do fire-bending experiments" The man continues his idea. Oh, so this is what it's about. Try to trap them with the troops, forcing them to give us space for experiments. This clearly sounded like a trap.

Before Zuko could reject the idea, Mai spoke, sitting upright as a Fire Lady should, and his heart swelled at sight, "I reject the idea! We have already done enough damage to other nations. Firstly, they haven't asked for our help yet, so we shouldn't offer. Secondly, if they do ask, we'll only send the doctor, workers or whatever they ask for and ask for no favours, especially such as the one you mentioned. We've done enough damage already, so instead of doing anything; it's better to stay quiet and let the other nations rise again. Until then, we can focus on our issues. That's how we can restore the balance."

Zuko's heart burst with pride. This was exactly what he would say, but Mai absolutely said it better.

And just as he expected, they had no respect for a woman's voice, so they started whining.

"That's not right."

"We haven't done anything to other nations."

"We don't have any issues."

"This is how we can gain power over them again."

Zuko was to answer all their statements powerfully and calmly, just like he planned to, but the worst thing that could be said was said.

"This is not a place for a woman, so I suggest you tell her to go inside. They belong in the palace! That's what Fire Lord Ozai..."

Zuko stood up abruptly, and everyone else did too, but Mai stayed seated with an evident smirk on her face. This time everyone could read that expression. She was enjoying the support of her fiancé very much. It's good to know that there's someone who'll fight for you.

Zuko fired the edges of the long room in agony. "I'm not Ozai! I'm Zuko, the grandson of Avatar Roku! And if one of you goes against my word, they will be dealt with severe consequences, and I surely will not accept any kind of offence against The Fire Lady. So I suggest you all think twice before talking about The Fire Lady because I won't let anyone disrespect my wife's honour. Are we clear?"

Some mumbled a "yes" in fear, but some remained furious and stood still, not knowing how to disagree.

Zuko lifted his hands and fired up the whole boundary of the room from start to end, and his fire started to rise and reach the top of the room with his anger. He never ever thought he could control the fire with his emotions. This frightened everyone in the meeting. The seventy-six of them were shocked at what had just happened.

Mai's heart just gushed with love. Aang was right when he said emotions control your bending, but only the avatars had that ability. Maybe because his grandfather was an avatar, so the ability passed on, or maybe his emotions were so strong for Mai that this happened. Just how much did this man love her?

Zuko brought his hands down back to his sides and took a deep breath, and the fire cooled down. He put his shock away as he had no idea he could do that and asked with evident poison in his voice, "Is it clear or not?!"

In unison, everyone stood up straight and nodded their heads in agreement. "Yes, my Lord" This surely felt good to Mai.

Mai sat up straight again and questioned, letting her Zuko relax, "Who is in favour of what I spoke of."

General Riku, the Avatar and the leader of his tribe Sokka, who had somehow just appeared out of nowhere, yelled, "I am."

They arrived early to join the meeting. She loved how they never missed a chance to protect and support him.

They all had pride clear on their faces, and they looked like they wholeheartedly agreed, not just saying it because they were family. Mai felt like her honour was finally restored, and she sucked in some tears that might've dropped if Zuko wasn't holding her hand under the table. His hand was still hot from bending, and the fire ignited in him.

She was surely honoured by Zuko's family, including their weird friends that were a part of the family. But being respected by strangers was something else.

The show he put on today for the ministers and generals definitely created fear in them and put shame on the previous Fire Lords' bending. There was never a firebender controlling Fire with his emotions before that had already left his body. There was some connection he had with his fire.

Slowly everyone agreed with her. It appeared the answer was forced upon them, but for a few years, this was how it would go. They need to get out of their old mentality, and then fair votes and discussions will happen. They must understand their new laws and ways of balance.

Zuko stood up, and so did Mai. "Perfect, so we didn't have enough time to discuss all the matters as we had some things to clear up. In a week Lady Mai and I will be getting married so I will join my place in the meetings after three months. Until then, General Riku will be taking my place. The meeting is over."

Everyone saw General Riku stand up and bowing in respect and agreement. Other generals scowled in jealousy. Everyone thought there was nepotism here because he was Azula's husband, but they were wrong. This wasn't the new Fire Lord's way. Riku was well deserved for the position. He was the best firebender after Zuko in the fire nation. And he had leadership skills and love for his people, which others didn't. The others wanted the power, and were greedy. Riku wanted the position to make the nation better and happy. This new royal family was very different.

Many people wanted to disagree, but no one had the guts, and just when they thought they could control the powerless new Fire Lord, they were wronged and filled with fear. This will be the most powerful Fire Lord they'll ever see and the best.

Once the door closed and only Mai and Zuko were behind it alone, she pulled him into the roughest and most passionate kiss ever, leaving Zuko breathless. Nothing needed to be said. Zuko knew she appreciated him. After all, she was never about words. They fit together like a puzzle.

They headed to their room speechless—Zuko in fury and Mai in shock. Just what was this Fire Lord up to? Allowing her to join the meetings? Making transformations to the palace and traditions? Giving her the same rights as his? There was something very much wrong with this.

Once they were in and laying on the bed, Mai asked in a dead, dull tone, "Why did you do that?"

"I did a lot; you'll have to be specific, My Lady" He chuckled in return and played with her hair knowing well enough what she meant.

Mai looked up from his chest and straight in the eyes. She maintained that eye lock for a few seconds and sighed. "Why did you say all that about me in the meeting? Telling them to stand for me. Pulling out a chair. Letting me speak before you. Shutting everyone down who dared to utter a word..."

Mai's words were stopped with a peck on the lips. "Because I love you."

"Zuko, I know that, but you didn't have to do that. It'll only spread more gossip and damage your position as Fire Lord. It's only been a few months. It would be best if you hadn't done that"

Zuko sat by the bed's headboard with Mai on his chest. "I don't care about gossip. They are stubborn-headed old men and women; they'll say what they want. But I need to ensure you get the respect you deserve."

"Oh, so this is what it's about. Your obsession with honour again, and I thought it was because you loved me." She totally took it the wrong way.

"Of course I love you, and no, it's not about my honour" Zuko tossed his arms around in frustration. He didn't know what to say and how to say it. Sometimes it sucked how they both weren't that impressive.

Mai screamed at him, not sitting straight in the bed and glaring blades at him. "Then what?" Mai was clearly lost now. She thought Zuko wanted her to be respected, but he did all this for his honour. Once again.

Zuko dipped his head, looking at the bedsheets, not knowing what to do and whispered, "Your. Your honour. It's about your honour. I want you to be honoured. As you deserve."

Mai gasped with tears rushing down her eyes. This was the most she had cried in her life, and it all happened in a day. "Agni! Zuko, just stop! I don't care about my honour anymore. I want to be there because you want me to, not because you want me to get honoured" The word honour had never been used this much in this palace before.

Zuko slid off the bed in anger and pulled his hair.

"You should!"
"Should what?"

"Care about your honour!"

Mai sat on the bed facing the window, now quiet. This scared everyone in the palace. The door was open, and everyone in the palace heard their shouting. But now it got scarier as Mai was quiet, and Zuko looked like he could pass out of fear. The Fire Lord of the Fire Nation, the one everyone dreaded, was scared of Lady Mai and why? Because she was quiet.

Ursa closed their door scolding everyone to go away and mind their own business. It went unnoticed by Zuko and Mai in their room. They finally had their privacy now. On the other side, Ursa just couldn't be prouder of her son.

Zuko gradually went around the bed and kneeled in front of Mai. The Fire lord kneeled in front of His Lady. "I'm sorry I should've asked you before making these decisions. You don't have to join the meetings or discuss politics with me." He held her hands in his hoping for a response. Anything but just please say something.

"You should've." She didn't say no, and for that, there was hope ignited in his heart.

Zuko took a big breath and found the guts from somewhere to speak again. "You should care about your image. You are an important part of this palace, of the nation, of my family. And you deserve to be honoured."

Mai kept looking out the window and replied without looking at him, "I was an unwanted child, and my parents hated me. They would lock me in the room for days, and they had for 21 years. I was a showpiece for them, and they degraded me in front of every single person I met. Ask your mother; she saw it all happen." This sort of confession was unexpected, but it was appreciated. It made him feel nice that she trusted him to be vulnerable with him, but it broke his heart at the same time.

Zuko was still silent, tears burning his eyes. "I'm sorry, and you don't have to share anything with me." He wished he could take the pain away from her and give her so much love that there couldn't be more to give.

Mai eventually glanced back at him and brushed his tears with her thumbs, then smoothly cupped his face. "I choose too"

Zuko got up from the ground and sat on the bed. He held her in his arms on the bed and pulled her closer to his chest. "I'm listening."

"No one respected me my whole life. I mean, my parents didn't, so how could I ask a stranger to? Zuko...I don't know what honour means, and I'm not used to being respected. I'm afraid I can't give you what you want from me. I've gotten used to not care."

Zuko tightened his grip on her and chuckled. "Well, you'll have to change that, Lady Mai. As long as you want, I'll wait but remember that no way in hell I'll let anyone disrespect you. They'll face the wrath of my fire. So you better change your ways of life Fire Lady."

Mai chuckled in return and sighed, "Ok, but please let me know your plans before putting on a show in front of seventy-six men and women. I was dumbfounded."

Zuko bowed and made her laugh again as he wished to. "As you say, My Fire Lady."

Zuko kissed her on the forehead and whispered with such affection that Mai might just pass out, "I hate that I can't do anything about your past. If it were up to me, I'd get you the respect you deserve and fill your life with happiness. But what I can do is change the present and the future. Till I die, there's no one who'll ever dare to hurt you in my presence or absence. I'll make sure of it."

Mai was completely shocked, and she might just cry again, but all she said made his heart flutter. "I don't hate you at all."

Zuko just chuckled in return. "I love you too."

Later at night, when Mai was asleep in his arms, he stared at her in aww, how this remarkable and beautiful lady was his and his alone. He had the honour to call her his Fire Lady, his wife-to-be, and his best friend. Also, the mother of his children one day if she'll allow.

His obsession with honour he thought had died, but no, it didn't. Maybe the direction had changed, but the obsession was still there, and for once, he didn't hate it.

But this time, it was her Honor he was obsessed with. And he'll die protecting...

Her Honor