
Her homecoming

After five years, following a divorce and a stressful, high-stakes job in New York, Lillian Broughton returns to her ex-husband and her adopted nephew, Paul, her late sister’s son. Paul has now grown into a man and the three embark on an exhilarating and passionate journey together.

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chapter 11

Lillian lay on the couch staring at the ceiling. The memory of the previous day still filled her with warm joy -- Paul, her wonderful Paul. It was incredible! She and Paul had turned the agonizing discovery of their partners' infidelity into a new, wonderful source of mutual pleasure.

Then her thoughts darkened. This couldn't go on. They were now doing exactly what Art and Jennifer had done – having sex with each other behind the backs of their erstwhile lovers. And while Art and Jennifer richly deserved this turnabout, there was something underhanded and immoral about conducting themselves in this way.

She forced her mind to look at the situation rationally. She had to do something -- she couldn't just allow Art's and Jennifer's carnal coupling to be forgotten; couldn't pretend it had never happened. Nor could she and Paul continue with what they were doing. There had to be a reckoning, in which Art and Jennifer were faced with their deceitful and lustful betrayal. And one during which Art and Jennifer were also made aware of the new relationship between herself and her nephew, one that had begun in tears and grief, but had blossomed into sexual love and mutual desire.

For more than an hour, she agonized about what to do. Should she discuss it with Paul? Develop a joint plan? Go see a psychiatrist? Search the Internet for solutions? She swung her legs off the couch and walked into the kitchen. A glass of wine might help.

After another hour sitting on the couch, deep in thought, she still didn't have an answer.

She stood up and stretched. She walked to the kitchen and refilled her wine glass. As she stood there sipping it, the solution came to her in a sudden flash – a solution so neat, so perfect that she could hardly believe it.

Her first instinct was immediately to tell Paul. She turned, excitedly to walk toward his room. But then she stopped. No, he was too young. He wouldn't understand, might object, might interfere. No, she would do it alone. There was some deception involved, but he would understand...

Two weeks later, Lillian and Paul lay by the pool, sipping Margaritas and eating chips and salsa. Art was on a business trip and it had been Lillian's idea to spend the afternoon by the pool, having a little Tequila and then a siesta, and then some more Tequila. The sun's golden warmth was gradually yielding and orange-tinged clouds were gathering in the sky.

Lillian glanced at her watch.

"I'll be back in a second, honey," she said, getting up.

She went into the cabana, opened the drawer of the table next to the loveseat and took out the bottle of lubricant. She walked into the bathroom, closed the door and slid off her bikini bottoms. She reached behind her, hooked her finger into the ring and very slowly slid the plug from her rear end, gasping as the flared center dilated her anus.

The plug was the culmination of detailed research on anal intercourse, including extensive reading and selection of an appropriate retail outlet. The one she had chosen — "Girl Toys" —was specifically geared toward women. Lillian had been amazed by the sheer number and variety of sex accessories — dildos and vibrators in every shape and size, strap-ons, lubricants, creams, pillows, S&M tools, even mechanical devices. But the best thing about Girl Toys had turned out to be the woman behind the counter, who introduced herself as Cheryl and, Lillian learned, was also the owner

Cheryl was in her early 50s, slightly plump with big, hazel eyes and a mop of auburn curls. She had a light, easy manner, a penchant for amusing anecdotes, and a thorough knowledge of her subject matter. Lillian had felt immediately at ease with her, and willing to share her trepidation about anal intercourse and her complete lack of experience.

Cheryl had launched into an extensive discourse on anal sex — the hows, the whys, the dos and the don'ts — before eventually guiding Lillian to the plug as the item best-suited for the job. She had first asked Lillian to choose a dildo in a size that best matched the thickness of the man's penis. After some indecision, Lillian settled on one. "Ooh!" Cheryl had said. "Aren't you the lucky one!" Based on Lillian's selection, Cheryl had produced the plug closest to his size. "After you take it out, put more lubricant on it and slide it in and out a few more times," she had advised. "It's gonna feel weird the first time, and this'll help you get used to it in advance." She also suggested Lillian try wearing it a couple of times beforehand. "You'd be surprised how quickly you get used to it. It actually starts to feel pretty good. Some women walk around wearing them all day. They like going into work and thinking about it while they're talking to their tight-ass boss women!"

Toward the end of their interaction, Lillian had asked a question she already knew the answer to but was curious about Cheryl's perspective.

"Can a woman have an orgasm doing it that way?" she had asked.

"Can they? Oh, sweetie, they can and they do, and those ones knock all other orgasms out of the park!"

Lillian had laughed and then remembered the orgasm she had had with Paul's finger in her anus. For the first time, she had started to get excited by her plan...

Lillian had followed Cheryl's instructions to the letter and had to agree that the plug actually did start to feel pretty good once you were used to it. Now, she liberally coated the plug with the lubricant and slid it slowly in and out of herself five or six times. Each time she did, it was easier, beginning to generate warm embers of pleasure. Then washed the plug thoroughly and put it in the side table drawer with the lubricant.

As she walked toward the cabana door, she could feel the slickness both between her legs and her buttocks. She reached the door and smiled — she was ready for this!

Lillian walked out and let her eyes sweep down her nephew's hard, young body.

"Honey, I think I'm going to take a shower," she said.

Paul nodded. Then, to his surprise, Lillian undid her top, letting her breasts tumble out. Paul felt his penis jerk as her rosy nipples came into view. Then Lillian slowly slid off her bikini bottoms, revealing her pink, newly-shaven pussy. She leaned over Paul, giving him a close-up view of her creamy breasts. She kissed him softly, letting her hardening nipples brush against his chest.

"Want to join me?" she asked in a sultry voice.

"Sure!" he responded, getting up from the chair.

Lillian led the way into the cabana, her hips and creamy buttocks swaying enticingly as she walked. Paul felt his penis swelling to full hardness.

As they entered the cabana. Lillian paused, looking over at the loveseat.

"That's where they did it."

They both stared at the loveseat, recalling the lascivious sight of Art sodomizing Jennifer.

Lillian slowly moved back until her warm rear end rested against Paul's fully erect penis.

"Mmm! Seems like you're thinking about the same thing I am," Lillian murmured.

She reached down her sides pulling Paul's hands up to cup her breasts. Paul's fingers automatically curled around her lush orbs, feeling the hardened nipples against his palms.

"Oooh, I'm so horny!" she said. "I could do it right here." She reached back and pulled down Paul's trunks, freeing his rigid cock.

She led him by the hand over to the loveseat.

She put one knee, and then the other on the loveseat, her legs open wide. She leaned slowly forward and arched her back.

No words were necessary.

Paul moved behind her, gazing down at her voluptuous ass and her gleaming entrance. Even her anus seemed to be glistening. His grasped his rigid cock, moving his hips forward, hearing the quick intake of breath from Lillian as the dense head nestled between her labia.Lillian lay on the couch staring at the ceiling. The memory of the previous day still filled her with warm joy -- Paul, her wonderful Paul. It was incredible! She and Paul had turned the agonizing discovery of their partners' infidelity into a new, wonderful source of mutual pleasure.

Then her thoughts darkened. This couldn't go on. They were now doing exactly what Art and Jennifer had done – having sex with each other behind the backs of their erstwhile lovers. And while Art and Jennifer richly deserved this turnabout, there was something underhanded and immoral about conducting themselves in this way.

She forced her mind to look at the situation rationally. She had to do something -- she couldn't just allow Art's and Jennifer's carnal coupling to be forgotten; couldn't pretend it had never happened. Nor could she and Paul continue with what they were doing. There had to be a reckoning, in which Art and Jennifer were faced with their deceitful and lustful betrayal. And one during which Art and Jennifer were also made aware of the new relationship between herself and her nephew, one that had begun in tears and grief, but had blossomed into sexual love and mutual desire.

For more than an hour, she agonized about what to do. Should she discuss it with Paul? Develop a joint plan? Go see a psychiatrist? Search the Internet for solutions? She swung her legs off the couch and walked into the kitchen. A glass of wine might help.

After another hour sitting on the couch, deep in thought, she still didn't have an answer.

She stood up and stretched. She walked to the kitchen and refilled her wine glass. As she stood there sipping it, the solution came to her in a sudden flash – a solution so neat, so perfect that she could hardly believe it.

Her first instinct was immediately to tell Paul. She turned, excitedly to walk toward his room. But then she stopped. No, he was too young. He wouldn't understand, might object, might interfere. No, she would do it alone. There was some deception involved, but he would understand...

Two weeks later, Lillian and Paul lay by the pool, sipping Margaritas and eating chips and salsa. Art was on a business trip and it had been Lillian's idea to spend the afternoon by the pool, having a little Tequila and then a siesta, and then some more Tequila. The sun's golden warmth was gradually yielding and orange-tinged clouds were gathering in the sky.

Lillian glanced at her watch.

"I'll be back in a second, honey," she said, getting up.

She went into the cabana, opened the drawer of the table next to the loveseat and took out the bottle of lubricant. She walked into the bathroom, closed the door and slid off her bikini bottoms. She reached behind her, hooked her finger into the ring and very slowly slid the plug from her rear end, gasping as the flared center dilated her anus.

The plug was the culmination of detailed research on anal intercourse, including extensive reading and selection of an appropriate retail outlet. The one she had chosen — "Girl Toys" —was specifically geared toward women. Lillian had been amazed by the sheer number and variety of sex accessories — dildos and vibrators in every shape and size, strap-ons, lubricants, creams, pillows, S&M tools, even mechanical devices. But the best thing about Girl Toys had turned out to be the woman behind the counter, who introduced herself as Cheryl and, Lillian learned, was also the owner

Cheryl was in her early 50s, slightly plump with big, hazel eyes and a mop of auburn curls. She had a light, easy manner, a penchant for amusing anecdotes, and a thorough knowledge of her subject matter. Lillian had felt immediately at ease with her, and willing to share her trepidation about anal intercourse and her complete lack of experience.

Cheryl had launched into an extensive discourse on anal sex — the hows, the whys, the dos and the don'ts — before eventually guiding Lillian to the plug as the item best-suited for the job. She had first asked Lillian to choose a dildo in a size that best matched the thickness of the man's penis. After some indecision, Lillian settled on one. "Ooh!" Cheryl had said. "Aren't you the lucky one!" Based on Lillian's selection, Cheryl had produced the plug closest to his size. "After you take it out, put more lubricant on it and slide it in and out a few more times," she had advised. "It's gonna feel weird the first time, and this'll help you get used to it in advance." She also suggested Lillian try wearing it a couple of times beforehand. "You'd be surprised how quickly you get used to it. It actually starts to feel pretty good. Some women walk around wearing them all day. They like going into work and thinking about it while they're talking to their tight-ass boss women!"

Toward the end of their interaction, Lillian had asked a question she already knew the answer to but was curious about Cheryl's perspective.

"Can a woman have an orgasm doing it that way?" she had asked.

"Can they? Oh, sweetie, they can and they do, and those ones knock all other orgasms out of the park!"

Lillian had laughed and then remembered the orgasm she had had with Paul's finger in her anus. For the first time, she had started to get excited by her plan...

Lillian had followed Cheryl's instructions to the letter and had to agree that the plug actually did start to feel pretty good once you were used to it. Now, she liberally coated the plug with the lubricant and slid it slowly in and out of herself five or six times. Each time she did, it was easier, beginning to generate warm embers of pleasure. Then washed the plug thoroughly and put it in the side table drawer with the lubricant.

As she walked toward the cabana door, she could feel the slickness both between her legs and her buttocks. She reached the door and smiled — she was ready for this!

Lillian walked out and let her eyes sweep down her nephew's hard, young body.

"Honey, I think I'm going to take a shower," she said.

Paul nodded. Then, to his surprise, Lillian undid her top, letting her breasts tumble out. Paul felt his penis jerk as her rosy nipples came into view. Then Lillian slowly slid off her bikini bottoms, revealing her pink, newly-shaven pussy. She leaned over Paul, giving him a close-up view of her creamy breasts. She kissed him softly, letting her hardening nipples brush against his chest.

"Want to join me?" she asked in a sultry voice.

"Sure!" he responded, getting up from the chair.

Lillian led the way into the cabana, her hips and creamy buttocks swaying enticingly as she walked. Paul felt his penis swelling to full hardness.

As they entered the cabana. Lillian paused, looking over at the loveseat.

"That's where they did it."

They both stared at the loveseat, recalling the lascivious sight of Art sodomizing Jennifer.

Lillian slowly moved back until her warm rear end rested against Paul's fully erect penis.

"Mmm! Seems like you're thinking about the same thing I am," Lillian murmured.

She reached down her sides pulling Paul's hands up to cup her breasts. Paul's fingers automatically curled around her lush orbs, feeling the hardened nipples against his palms.

"Oooh, I'm so horny!" she said. "I could do it right here." She reached back and pulled down Paul's trunks, freeing his rigid cock.

She led him by the hand over to the loveseat.

She put one knee, and then the other on the loveseat, her legs open wide. She leaned slowly forward and arched her back.

No words were necessary.

Paul moved behind her, gazing down at her voluptuous ass and her gleaming entrance. Even her anus seemed to be glistening. His grasped his rigid cock, moving his hips forward, hearing the quick intake of breath from Lillian as the dense head nestled between her labia.

Paul propelled his hips forward, watching with lustful delight as his big shaft slid into his aunt's welcoming portal. Lillian moaned with delight as she felt him slipping along the vulval walls. She felt Paul's groin press up against her rear end as he fully seated himself inside her.

Paul began to thrust into her. She could feel his heavy balls slap against her on each in-stroke. She knew he wouldn't last long. She needed to act now.

"Paul," she said.

"Yes," he answered breathlessly, stopping his thrusts for a moment.

"Let's do it ... The way they did it." Lillian felt a momentary flash of impatience. She had planned her words with such care, and now she was too embarrassed to say them.

"What?" Paul asked, incredulously.

"I want you put it in my..."

Lillian cursed inwardly, still unable to bring herself to say the word. Instead, she moved forward, reaching back to circle his cock as it slid out of her. She swiveled around, still holding him and reached into the drawer for the lubricant. As she brought it out, Paul's jaw slackened in disbelief.

She applied the lubricant liberally to his shaft, hearing him gasp as her hand slid over the swollen head. Then she turned and resumed her position, still holding him, and guided the head between her buttocks.

"Are you ... you're sure?" Paul stammered.

"Yes," she said.

Paul grasped his cock and slowly, incredulously, started to press forward against his aunt's constricted entrance. As she felt the pressure of the heavy knob against her anal opening, Lillian trembled slightly at the reality of what was happening – she was about to be sodomized. It was the ultimate carnal sin: lewd, debasing, animalistic, a descent into Sodom and Gomorrah. And she was about to partake in it willingly.

She remembered the obscene sight of Art's big organ disappearing and reappearing between Jennifer's lasciviously spread buttocks. But rather than intimidating her, the image strengthened her resolve. She had never dreamed of allowing a man to defile her in this way. But now things were different. This was about righting a profound wrong — and carrying out her plan.

In encouragement, she pushed back slightly against his big shaft.

Paul was simultaneously pushing forward and the pressure against her tight orifice was irresistible. She felt her lubricated anus opening.

"Uhhhhhh!" she groaned as the big head breached her tightly constricted entrance.

"Is it ok? Shall I stop?" Paul asked, concerned.

"No, no," she gasped. "Go on. Slowly."

Paul increased the pressure.

"Ohhhhhh!" she moaned as she felt more of his hard organ slide into her. There was very little pain, just an instinctive reaction, a momentary clutching of her buttocks against the invasion of her virginal passage. She pushed determinedly backwards, gasping as more of his shaft filled her.

Half of Paul's penis was now buried in his aunt's ass. He paused, letting her obscenely ovaled anus become accustomed to his invasion. But she pressed back against him and he divined what she wanted. He held her by the hips and pushed forward, slowly sliding the rest of his rigid cock into her rectum.

"Ohhhhhh, oh, God!" she gasped. She felt his thighs pressing against her buttocks and knew he now lay fully sunk into her forbidden passage.

"Is it okay?" Paul asked, worriedly.

"Yes ... yes."

But she didn't really know. Her mind was becoming unhinged. He was inside her anus, deep in recesses of her bowels. A slew of conflicting emotions swirled inside her. It felt at once invasive and startlingly intimate — more intimate than regular sex. She quivered at the vortex of sensations rushing through her simultaneously, an unfathomable mix of lavish abundance and shocking vulnerability. She was being fulfilled in a way she had never dreamed was possible. And she was being violated, debased. She was a virgin being ravished!

Then Paul flexed his cock, bringing a deep groan from her lips as unexpected new sensations radiated from her core. He flexed again ... another groan. The sensations suddenly seemed to be coming from everywhere — from her anus, from deep within her belly, from her clitoris, from her nipples...

Paul slowly pulled back, delighting in the sensation of the smooth rectal walls slipping past his cock and then groaned as he felt his glans encased in the constricting ring of her anus. He slowly moved forward again, sliding back into her oiled channel.

He began a measured back-and-forth motion with his loins, pulling back slightly and pushing into her, still feeling the tightness of her sphincter around the base of his shaft.

His movement triggered another cascade of utterly different and confusing sensations inside Lillian. She couldn't process them. Her insides were being pulled out and then blissfully restored to her. Neurons were firing wildly in her head. She was being sodomized, plundered ... by her nephew. Was it good? Was it bad? She didn't know — there were too many sensations at once, some familiar, some utterly alien.

But then, as Paul continued to stroke, she ceased to care. Because one sensation had begun to predominate over all the rest — her warm inner passage had started to throb with need. She wanted what was happening to her!

Paul transitioned into longer strokes, pulling half of his cock out of her now fully-dilated anus and then sending his heavy shaft back into her to its full depth. Her body shuddered each time he filled her, her breasts jiggling wildly beneath her. Mewling sounds now issued from Lillian's throat and she found herself pushing back in rhythm with his inward thrusts.

The sensations now surging within her body were beyond imagination. He had awakened untouched nerve endings deep within her core, igniting exhilarating shockwaves of pleasure that left her hungering for more, driving her almost wild with need.

Then a surge of lascivious delight ripped through her as she sensed the imminence of an orgasm. The thought made her quiver with shameless abandon. She began increasing the tempo of her backward thrusts, urging him on. Her movements became more and more insistent and erratic as her climax neared and she began to cry out as the blazing waves increased exponentially with each penetrating thrust.

Suddenly, she sucked in her breath and screamed.

"AAAAAIIIIEEEHHHHHH!!" Her body, shamelessly at the peak of arousal, began to vibrate out of control as she was struck by the most powerful orgasm of her life. Paul felt strong contractions around his cock as her buttocks alternately clenched and released in rhythm with the climactic waves surging through her.

His aunt's convulsions, coupled with the lascivious sounds issuing from her, brought Paul close to his own brink. He was beginning to tremble, every muscle straining, blood pounding in his head, desperate for release of the immense pressure in his balls.

And suddenly he was there, feeling the first thunderbolt lighting up the pleasure centers of his brain.

"UNNNNNNNGGHHHHHH!" he cried, plastering his groin against Lillian's buttocks as his orgasm reached its full crescendo.

Lillian groaned in lewd delight at the sudden rhythmic flexing inside her as Paul ejaculated in her rectum, the semen lubricating his driving thrusts. Her head swam with shameless bliss as his male essence flooded her. Oh, God, oh God, I just came and Paul is cumming in my ass!

Finally, his penis gave its last spasmodic jerk and began to soften. Lillian leaned back against Paul's front as he slowly pulled out of her and she felt his semen seep down between her labia and along her inner thighs. She felt a glow of joy mixed in with her passion. She had done it; she had done it! And she had loved every bit of it!

Paul propelled his hips forward, watching with lustful delight as his big shaft slid into his aunt's welcoming portal. Lillian moaned with delight as she felt him slipping along the vulval walls. She felt Paul's groin press up against her rear end as he fully seated himself inside her.

Paul began to thrust into her. She could feel his heavy balls slap against her on each in-stroke. She knew he wouldn't last long. She needed to act now.

"Paul," she said.

"Yes," he answered breathlessly, stopping his thrusts for a moment.

"Let's do it ... The way they did it." Lillian felt a momentary flash of impatience. She had planned her words with such care, and now she was too embarrassed to say them.

"What?" Paul asked, incredulously.

"I want you put it in my..."

Lillian cursed inwardly, still unable to bring herself to say the word. Instead, she moved forward, reaching back to circle his cock as it slid out of her. She swiveled around, still holding him and reached into the drawer for the lubricant. As she brought it out, Paul's jaw slackened in disbelief.

She applied the lubricant liberally to his shaft, hearing him gasp as her hand slid over the swollen head. Then she turned and resumed her position, still holding him, and guided the head between her buttocks.

"Are you ... you're sure?" Paul stammered.

"Yes," she said.

Paul grasped his cock and slowly, incredulously, started to press forward against his aunt's constricted entrance. As she felt the pressure of the heavy knob against her anal opening, Lillian trembled slightly at the reality of what was happening – she was about to be sodomized. It was the ultimate carnal sin: lewd, debasing, animalistic, a descent into Sodom and Gomorrah. And she was about to partake in it willingly.

She remembered the obscene sight of Art's big organ disappearing and reappearing between Jennifer's lasciviously spread buttocks. But rather than intimidating her, the image strengthened her resolve. She had never dreamed of allowing a man to defile her in this way. But now things were different. This was about righting a profound wrong — and carrying out her plan.

In encouragement, she pushed back slightly against his big shaft.

Paul was simultaneously pushing forward and the pressure against her tight orifice was irresistible. She felt her lubricated anus opening.

"Uhhhhhh!" she groaned as the big head breached her tightly constricted entrance.

"Is it ok? Shall I stop?" Paul asked, concerned.

"No, no," she gasped. "Go on. Slowly."

Paul increased the pressure.

"Ohhhhhh!" she moaned as she felt more of his hard organ slide into her. There was very little pain, just an instinctive reaction, a momentary clutching of her buttocks against the invasion of her virginal passage. She pushed determinedly backwards, gasping as more of his shaft filled her.

Half of Paul's penis was now buried in his aunt's ass. He paused, letting her obscenely ovaled anus become accustomed to his invasion. But she pressed back against him and he divined what she wanted. He held her by the hips and pushed forward, slowly sliding the rest of his rigid cock into her rectum.

"Ohhhhhh, oh, God!" she gasped. She felt his thighs pressing against her buttocks and knew he now lay fully sunk into her forbidden passage.

"Is it okay?" Paul asked, worriedly.

"Yes ... yes."

But she didn't really know. Her mind was becoming unhinged. He was inside her anus, deep in recesses of her bowels. A slew of conflicting emotions swirled inside her. It felt at once invasive and startlingly intimate — more intimate than regular sex. She quivered at the vortex of sensations rushing through her simultaneously, an unfathomable mix of lavish abundance and shocking vulnerability. She was being fulfilled in a way she had never dreamed was possible. And she was being violated, debased. She was a virgin being ravished!

Then Paul flexed his cock, bringing a deep groan from her lips as unexpected new sensations radiated from her core. He flexed again ... another groan. The sensations suddenly seemed to be coming from everywhere — from her anus, from deep within her belly, from her clitoris, from her nipples...

Paul slowly pulled back, delighting in the sensation of the smooth rectal walls slipping past his cock and then groaned as he felt his glans encased in the constricting ring of her anus. He slowly moved forward again, sliding back into her oiled channel.

He began a measured back-and-forth motion with his loins, pulling back slightly and pushing into her, still feeling the tightness of her sphincter around the base of his shaft.

His movement triggered another cascade of utterly different and confusing sensations inside Lillian. She couldn't process them. Her insides were being pulled out and then blissfully restored to her. Neurons were firing wildly in her head. She was being sodomized, plundered ... by her nephew. Was it good? Was it bad? She didn't know — there were too many sensations at once, some familiar, some utterly alien.

But then, as Paul continued to stroke, she ceased to care. Because one sensation had begun to predominate over all the rest — her warm inner passage had started to throb with need. She wanted what was happening to her!

Paul transitioned into longer strokes, pulling half of his cock out of her now fully-dilated anus and then sending his heavy shaft back into her to its full depth. Her body shuddered each time he filled her, her breasts jiggling wildly beneath her. Mewling sounds now issued from Lillian's throat and she found herself pushing back in rhythm with his inward thrusts.

The sensations now surging within her body were beyond imagination. He had awakened untouched nerve endings deep within her core, igniting exhilarating shockwaves of pleasure that left her hungering for more, driving her almost wild with need.

Then a surge of lascivious delight ripped through her as she sensed the imminence of an orgasm. The thought made her quiver with shameless abandon. She began increasing the tempo of her backward thrusts, urging him on. Her movements became more and more insistent and erratic as her climax neared and she began to cry out as the blazing waves increased exponentially with each penetrating thrust.

Suddenly, she sucked in her breath and screamed.

"AAAAAIIIIEEEHHHHHH!!" Her body, shamelessly at the peak of arousal, began to vibrate out of control as she was struck by the most powerful orgasm of her life. Paul felt strong contractions around his cock as her buttocks alternately clenched and released in rhythm with the climactic waves surging through her.

His aunt's convulsions, coupled with the lascivious sounds issuing from her, brought Paul close to his own brink. He was beginning to tremble, every muscle straining, blood pounding in his head, desperate for release of the immense pressure in his balls.

And suddenly he was there, feeling the first thunderbolt lighting up the pleasure centers of his brain.

"UNNNNNNNGGHHHHHH!" he cried, plastering his groin against Lillian's buttocks as his orgasm reached its full crescendo.

Lillian groaned in lewd delight at the sudden rhythmic flexing inside her as Paul ejaculated in her rectum, the semen lubricating his driving thrusts. Her head swam with shameless bliss as his male essence flooded her. Oh, God, oh God, I just came and Paul is cumming in my ass!

Finally, his penis gave its last spasmodic jerk and began to soften. Lillian leaned back against Paul's front as he slowly pulled out of her and she felt his semen seep down between her labia and along her inner thighs. She felt a glow of joy mixed in with her passion. She had done it; she had done it! And she had loved every bit of it!

will Lilian and Paul continue their secret affair? or will they open up?

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