

HER GOLDEN VOICE (Melting his cold heart) Elena Christian is a seventeen year old girl who came from a very poor family , actually a small family. She lives with her mom and aunty. Elena's biggest dream is to become a great singer. But it became a struggle and impossible to achieve due to her poor background. . .. Eden Yang is a twenty years old boy from a wealthy family. He is handsome, rich, a superstar and every girls dream. Eden was once a good hearted guy, caring and loving. But not until he lost his only lover which makes him to change completely out of human. He became cold and arrogant. Not only that, he give up on his own career. He is now a shadow of himself as he became less popular and his brother who is also a singer becomes more popular than him. Eden has lost all hope but not until Elena came into his life. Read the exciting drama as the two people meet each other. Will Elena be able to achieve her dream? Will Eden ever love again?

Star_Kyle · Teenager
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31 Chs

Own good

Episode 30 

Elizabeth's heart raced as she paced back and forth in the living room. 

Mira and Oliver has gone to their business, leaving worried Elizabeth.

Thomas stared at her.

"Maybe you should relax, Eden might be sa...."

"Don't tell me that, what if something bad has happened to him!" she cut him off.

Panic and fear gripped her, and she couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer.

With trembling hands, Elizabeth reached for her phone, her fingers hovering over the emergency dial pad. 

She was about to call the police when the front door swung open, and in walked Eden.

 Relief washed over her, but it quickly morphed into a mix of confusion and surprise.

"Eden?" Elizabeth's voice wavered as she called out to him, her eyes wide with astonishment.

Elizabeth hurried towards him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace.

 "Oh, Eden, I was so worried! You didn't come home, and I thought something had happened to you," she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and concern.

"Don't act like you cared about me when you only care about your own business" Eden discharged from the huge.

"I really care about you Eden"

"Really? , if you really care about me and my happiness, then why did you not allow me to be with her in the first place? huh!

You are one of the reasons she is gone!" Eden yelled.

Elizabeth's heart sank as she listened to Eden's cold words. 

The pain in his voice cut through her like a knife, and she struggled to find a response.

 She had hoped that this conversation would lead to a resolution, a chance for her family to heal and unite once again. 

But Eden's accusation shattered that hope.

"Eden, I never intended for any harm to come to your former lover," Elizabeth finally managed to say, her voice trembling with regret. 

"I was misguided by my own fears and prejudices. 

I see now that it was a terrible mistake, and I deeply regret my actions."

Eden's eyes narrowed, his anger evident.

 "Regret won't change what happened, Mom," he replied, his voice laced with bitterness. 

"You took away the chance for us to be together because of your bias against her family's financial status. You tore us apart."

Tears welled up in Elizabeth's eyes as she reached out to touch her son's arm. 

"Eden, please understand that I want nothing more than your happiness," she pleaded, her voice filled with sincerity.

 "I promise you, from this moment forward, I will support you in your decision. You can marry whomever you choose, regardless of their background."

Just as Elizabeth hoped that her words would help bridge the gap between them, her husband, Thomas, who has been there all this time cut into the conversation.

His stern expression made it clear that he had been listening to their conversation.

"What is this nonsense?" Thomas interjected, his voice filled with anger. 

"I will not allow my son to marry someone from a poor family. We have standards, traditions, and expectations to uphold."

Elizabeth's heart sank further as she realized that even though she was willing to change, her husband remained stubborn in his ways.

 The divide within their family seemed to grow wider with each passing moment.

Eden's face contorted with frustration, his voice filled with the pain of betrayal.

 "You never cared about my happiness, did you, Father?" he spat out, his voice trembling with anger. 

"All you care about is maintaining appearances and societal expectations. You're willing to sacrifice my happiness for your pride."

Thomas's face hardened, his voice cold. 

"This is not about my pride, Eden. It's about the legacy of our family. We have worked hard to build a respectable name, and we will not let it be tarnished by an alliance with a family of lesser means."

Elizabeth felt her heart breaking as the argument escalated. She loved her husband, but in that moment, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment and resentment towards him.

 She had hoped that he would understand the importance of love and acceptance, but his unwavering stance shattered that hope.

Amidst the tension, Elizabeth made a decision. She stood up, her voice filled with determination. 

"If you cannot accept Eden's happiness and the choices he makes, then perhaps it is time for me to make my own decision," she declared, her voice unwavering.

Thomas's eyes widened in surprise, and Eden looked at his mother with a mix of confusion and surprise. 

"What do you mean, Mom?" Eden asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Elizabeth took a deep breath, her voice steady.

 "I cannot stand by and watch the division in our family grow deeper. I love you both, but I refuse to let our differences tear us apart. If Thomas cannot accept your choice, then I will stand by you, Eden. You deserve to be with someone you love, regardless of their background."

Thomas's expression softened, and for a moment, it seemed as though he might reconsider. But then a stubbornness took hold of him again.

 "You cannot defy our traditions, Elizabeth. We have a responsibility to our family and its reputation," he argued, his voice filled with desperation.

Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears as she looked at her husband. 

"Thomas, love and happiness should always come before reputation. Our family's legacy should be one of compassion, understanding, and acceptance. If we cannot find a way to support our son, then perhaps we have lost sight of what truly matters."

In that moment, the room fell silent, the weight of their choices hanging heavily in the air. 

The path ahead was uncertain, but Elizabeth knew that she had made a decision driven by love and the desire to mend their fractured family.

As the minutes stretched on, Thomas stared at Eden.

"I will never allow you to be with any girl from any poor background , either you be with your betrothed, Cassie or ..."

"I will never be with Cassie, not even in my next life!" Eden cut off a

nd walked out.

Elizabeth stared at Thomas with disappoinment and also walked out.

Thomas sighed

"Am doing this for own good son!"