
Her Fiancé's Flower Shop

One day, I was isekaied into my favorite romance novel?? And, as the HEROINE?? Oh no! As long as I follow the plot, I should be okay, right? But, the male lead is such a red flag, what should I do?? And, why am I engaged to the second male lead now?? (I'll fix this when I have a concrete story idea~) btw I'm sorry you can't read the words in the cover idk how to fix it...

Rosewater15 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Unfortunately Dating the Second Lead

"What?" I asked, in confusion. "Ahaha..." I start laughing awkwardly, since the conceited male lead must have thought his joke was very funny. "You're sense of humor is quite amusing, Duke..." I have still yet to know his name.

Unfortunately, this only makes then Duchess and second lead laugh. The male lead frowns a little, and I gulp. I... was he being serious? I didn't... want to marry an unhinged duke...

"That was not a joke, Lady Catherine," the male lead said, his voice having a cold edge to it. The duchess and second lead's smiles dropped. I felt my death looming closer.

"Ah... my apologies... Duke..." The duke sighed.

"It's alright. Will you accept my gift?" I looked hesitantly at the second lead. He smiled at me again, this time in a scary way, that sent shivers down my spine. His eyes had a special effect which made them glow, making him seem scarier than the male lead.

"Y-yes... t-t-thank you."

After we got engaged, I was kicked out of the male lead's manor. I sat in the carriage beside the second lead, and it seemed to rain, as if mirroring my mood. Perhaps, this is what it felt like to be the female lead, having the world revolve around you.

Now, as the carriage drift slowly through the streets, the second lead's expression turned from cheerfulness to a blank expression, his eyes looking sadly out into the rain, his hands clenched together, shaking a little.

I remember, because the novel was cliche, it gave everybody a horrible backstory that was just there for show, with no real great portrayal of how their backstories affected their lives, unless convenient for the plot. The female lead was an orphan who was kicked out of the orphanage, the male lead had a father and mother that ignored him, while the second lead was abused. There was a theory that was the real reason why the leads were so possessive over the female lead, because she was nice to them, not because of whatever light magic was inside of her.

These people... now that they were 3D real people... would they have more realistic reactions? Or would they still not make sense?

To be fair, although I'm going along with the stereotypical trope, I'm still not sure if this is... real. I feel so disconnected with the world, like I'm not belonging, just looking through somebody else's eyes.

"Lady Whitewarth..." the second lead started, turning towards me. His eyes were golden now, in the rain-cast lamplight. "You... are no lady, right? Just a commoner."

I nodded, looking down. "...Yes." He sighed, rubbing his head. "My Lord... why did you agree to become my fiancé?" Duke Caspian sighed, but stayed silent. Did he... not know the answer?

After we arrived at his manor, more maids came to assist us. The last thing he said was,

"The rain. I don't like it... it makes me feel like I'm drowning."