
Her Eternal Mr. Right

"You are just a gold digger to me. Do you understand? Just a gold digger! You have literally sold yourself to me for your Father's company. You are just here as my wife for my daughter. That's it!" Asher said with an anger as he pushed her to the wall. "What? Just... a gold digger?" Ivy asked with tears in her eyes. "Yes. Gold digger like you just need money right? I will give you. Just tell me how much you wanted to enjoy your life?" Asher asked with anger. Her heart has broken into pieces as she heard, what he just said about what he is thinking about her! She never thought that he think of her as a gold digger all these while... She had thought that... He is her Mr. Right as they are very happy with each other. They were in love. Aren't they really? But she believed that... He is the one. He is her prince Charming. He is a person who entered her life out of nowhere and suddenly means the world to her but now, he thinks, she is a gold digger. How can he has no idea that she had sacrificed her happiness because of her father? Till yesterday, he is the one that loved her the most... But now, the same man calls her a gold digger. This made her confusing. He's both good and bad. Her brightest moments and darkest Hours is him. He made her laugh but now, he is the one that made her cry. She is having a hard time understanding him, because on the one hand, she loves him for the happiness he gives her but on the other hand, she despise him right now because of the pain he gives her. And she has no idea where she is at fault?

Mairaisra · Urban
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143 Chs


As the next day, Saturday, came. Ivy is hyper than usual; she doesn't know probably the fact that her freedom will be gone soon so she wants to savor the most of it. She has a list of errands to attend to for today. Buying groceries, shopping, eating in a fancy restaurant later, and many more.

She begins to buy groceries for her apartment because she feels bad looking at her cupboard almost empty. As she entered the grocery store, she saw Lily in the pasta section. She rushed to see if she is with her dad. To her surprise, a beautiful old lady was there beside her, picking some sauce to maybe partner her pasta. The old lady looks so much like Asher so, she is sure that it is his mother. 

She walked towards them with her empty pushcart. 

"Hello, Lily and Ma'am. I am Ivy, Lily's teacher." Ivy said as she smiled sweetly.

Lily face was shocked and happy at the same time and she jumped up and down immediately as she saw Ivy there.

"Mommy!" She exclaimed.

She ran towards Ivy and hugged her tightly. Ivy hugged her back and pat her head a little. 

"Well, what a surprise to see you here Ms. Ivy. I am Becky. Asher's mom." Becky said while giving her hands signalling, she wants to shake hands with Ivy. They both shook hands together for about 10 seconds and looked at each other.

Ivy doesn't know how to feel right now but she kind of feeling shy but at the same time happy with the moment right now. Ivy helped them with their groceries and they had some chitchat. Ivy realised that Becky is very kind and nice. Asher did get her face but not her attitude, what a waste. Ivy thought.

After getting all the items they want to buy they went to the counter to pay. They were talking a bit in the cashier about all of the things that Lily has done in the school and at home. 

"She is very studious Mrs. Becky. She always participates in class and she never fails to amuse me with the things she learns every single day." Ivy said while looking at Lily busy playing with her new toys.

"Yes, Ms. Ivy. We are really lucky to have her." She smiled with a pinch of pain in her eyes and looked at her.

Worried with her she asked. "Why? What is it Mrs. Becky?"

She looked at her with teary eyes. "Well, her mother is fighting custody for her because Asher can't really take care of her. They were never on good terms ever since they broke up. We can't take to be far away from this little angel. That is the reason why Asher also agreed to your father's proposal. With the fact that if he'll ever have a wife then Lily will have a mom to look after her."

Ivy looked at her with a pain in her heart and smiled bitterly. She doesn't know what to say and what to react. She feels bad for Asher suddenly.

When they finished paying, she continued to help them to put all their groceries in their car. Even when their driver is putting all the bags in the compartment, still she still insisted to help.

As they left, She hops in her car without thinking about anything because this is not the time for her to think about anything when is in pain. So, she just went to the mall to shop for some clothes to make herself calm down and forget about the things that is going on with her right now. She went from one store to another store until she realises it is already evening. She looked at her clock to check what time is it. It is already 6:00 p.m. and she has a reservation at 7:00 at the restaurant.

Ivy rushed to the restaurant but she was stuck in the traffic. When she arrived in the place, the burden has lifted on her when she saw She is on time. The butler guided her to her table and gave her the menu. 

While indecisively choosing a menu, Ivy saw a shadow in front of her table. Her eyes immediately popped out when she saw Asher in front of her. He is wearing a suit so she was assumed that he came here from his work. He grinned at her trying to tease Ivy...

She raised her eyebrow signalling him to explain why is he here when this is her day to be pampered herself. Instead of answering Ivy, he copied what she did. He also raised his eyebrows and this man had the audacity to seat in front of her.

"What are you doing here and why are you sitting at my table?" Ivy asked him almost whispering.

He chuckled a bit and folded the sleeves of his suit. He doesn't know that he is effortlessly hot, even with just him folding the sleeves of his suit she can see women checking him out around.

"Well, I saw you being alone. So, I just thought you want some of my company. You're going to be my wife someday so let's practice it now." He said teasingly.

'This motherfucker!' Ivy said to herself in her mind as she rolled her eyes and raised her hands signalling the waiter that she is ready to order.

 "One Egg tart as an appetizer, a rib-eye steak for main, a tiramisu sud, and red wine." She looked at the menu once more before closing it.

The waiter looked at Ivy like he is waiting for something.

"What else?" Ivy asked.

"Ma'am, you won't order anything for Sir?" He asked.

She glared at Asher trying to tell him that he has to order for himself. He laugh and said.

"I'll order the same thing with what my wife wants." He chuckled and the waiter chuckled with him. 

She was caught off guard by what he said that she just half-open mouth looked at him.

"Hey, baby you're drooling." Asher said while grinning tried to wipe the side of her mouth. 

She slaps his hand. She then composts her posture, looks at him straight in the eye, and tilted her head a bit.

"Well then, Help me, babe." She teased back.

She saw how his eyes turned huge because of shock with what she said too. Before he could even speak their appetizer arrived. She was seated straight and started to eat her food in front of him

Instead of eating, Asher opened his wallet and put some money on the table. He then stood up, walked away, and left. She was confused with whatever he had done but at the same time she was shocked by what he did. Ivy feels so humiliated. She wants to cry so bad but she did not let her emotions control her. She continued to chew her food not bothering all the looks on her. 

Ivy finished eating and paid the bill without even touching the money that Asher left on their table. She went inside her car and started to cry. She feels so hurt and angry at the same time.

"That asshole! I promise, I will take revenge of him someday." She said as she steps on her gas with all her force.