
In his Office.

He placed her down in his seat. Mila stood up but he pushed her back.

"Move and you fired, "he said.

Mila sat back down.

He sighed sitting back on his desktop.

"What happened, was it him?" he asked.

Mila was quiet.

"So it was him, "he said.

"It's nothing, he pushed me accidentally" she lied.

He scoffed.

"And the other time, he didn't mean it too," he said.

Mila was silent again.

"Why do you let others treat you like that?" he asked.

A knock came at the door. Mila wanted to move but Damien glared at her.

"Move an inch and I will fire you," he said.

Staying seated he told the one at the door to come in.

It was Rian and his assistant. Mila looked away.

Damien noticed and smirked.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Doctor Ian is on his way," she said.

"Alright, thank you," he said.

She turned and left.

Damien glanced at Rian who was glaring at Mila.

"And you?" he said coldly.

"I bought the reports for last year as requested," he said.

Damien took them from him dropping them down on his desk.

"You can leave," he said.

Rian took his time moving so slowly as he glanced at Mila.

Damien sighed moving, his hand gripping the arm of his seat and pulling it to him. Mila gasped as she moved closer to him.

"How could you do this to yourself, "he said.

"I didn't and it's nothing serious " she replied.

"How are your old wounds..did they heal perfectly " he asked.

She nodded.

"Your friend took care of me..am grateful " she muttered.

Damien turned to the door.

"Do you need anything else?" he asked.

Rian flinched opening the door.

"No, am sorry director. I will be on my way " he said.

The door closed and Mila giggled. Damien turned to her in surprise.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

She smiled, "Just that I have never seen him all flustered like that "

Damien sighed, "I can do it again if you want to "

"No, it won't be funny the second time," she said.

"Okay ".

"I guess his confused like everyone else, you agree but broke your promise "she said.

"It was only you who wanted to pretend not to know each other, ... I never said I would pretend to," he said.

"But now they will all keep asking why you said that...and I know you "She frowned.

"Then tell them, you didn't do anything wrong "he muttered.

"But..." she fell silent.

"What are you so afraid of?" he asked.

Mila looked up at him.

"The way...." she stopped when they knocked on the door.

"Come in, "he said.

Ian walked in, his eyes landed on Mila and he smiled instantly.

"We meet again, Miss Crystals, "he said.

"Hello again, doctor" she smiled.

"What happened this time?" he asked.

"Someone pushed her, and this happened " he raised her open palms.

"Those are big bruises, "he said.

Damien turned to her, "See ".

Ian scoffed opening his bag to get the first aid kit.

Damien moved away and let him treat Mila.

"Let the medicine sink in,dont use your hands for a few minutes ". Said Ian.

"Ahh, but I need to work " she argued.

"Then wait for at least an hour and you can go ahead and work," he said.

After Ian left Damien turned to Mila.

"Wait here and after an hour you can leave "he said.

"But I can't be here and not do my work.." she said.

"Yes you can," he said.

Damien left for a meeting, locking his office so Mila wouldn't come out.

She sat down sighing.

"How could he say all that in front of them "she squealed thinking about what he had said before dragging her away.

After his meeting he rushed back.

When he opened the door he walked in on Mila who had fallen asleep in his seat.

Her hands rested on his desktop, well she leaned back in his seat.

Closed eyes with her hair covering most of her face.

He smiled, gently pushing it away from her face.

She must have been worried and hurt by his action of leaving after what happened to them. His eyes moved to her lips.

They had kissed, and when he finally pulled away his whole body was on fire. Mila had stared into his eyes and sniffed.

"You should not be so kind to me" she let out.

"why "he held her.

"Cause everyone who has, finally ends up hating me instead "she cried.

"I won't hate you, Mila...never," he said.

She fell back into his chest closing her eyes.

Damien had held her until she had fully fallen asleep and took her to bed.

He thought after they separated they would never see each other again, even if he so much wanted to.

What had made him run away....made him so scared to face her after their kiss.