
Her destined Husband

Laura Fuller's world was crushed when her boyfriend becomes her brother-in-law and her parents doesn't trust her. At that moment, a man reached for her hand to get her revenge. Will she grab his hand and gets her revenge?

BlackFol · Urban
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14 Chs

What do you think of him?.

Laura was doing the calculations on the figures, and a stack of documents was dropped on her workspace with a thud.

She raised her head, only to see that an infuriated Hailey was glaring at her. Hailey was Damon's younger sister who always hated her.

"What's the matter?." Laura calmly asked. She admitted that she was not generous enough to smile at Hailey while facing her—even though they never had any conflict with each other.

"Why didn't you wait for me yesterday morning when you went to the BABEL to talk about the project? Are you aware that both of us are handling the project?" A scowl appeared on Hailey's face that was with heavy make-up and her eyes seemed like they were about to shoot fire.

"Please talk to the project manager, Patrick about that matter. I only followed his words," Laura replied flatly.

"I know exactly who you are, Laura. Maybe you have inked a secret deal with the BABEL and you are afraid that I will find out, so you ditched me!"

When Hailey saw the traces of disdain in their colleagues' gazes toward Laura, a smug look appeared on her face.

"Don't you have anything good to say, Hailey?." Laura snapped. As Laura was suffering a headache from Hailey's irritating screams, she was looking with cold eyes.

"Laura, Mr Patrick is as old as your father. He is a senior and ugly, yet you are willing to sacrifice for the company. I remembered that you like General Manager, Damon right? Even if you have failed to attract his attention, there is no need for you to downgrade your choice of men—aaaah!"

A sharp hand landed on her face. "Aaaah! Laura, y-you… B*tch!"

"Don't run your mouth anything that comes to your mind" Laura shouted. Her free hand was tightly squeezed into a fist that was by her side.

"Why is everyone standing around here? Don't you guys have any work to do?" The sudden low, harsh voice broke the atmosphere—it was Damon.

His appearance had caused the crowd to disperse and return to their respective workspace, leaving only Laura and Hailey.

Upon seeing this, tears of aggrievement instantly swam through Hailey's eyes. She then ran to him and pulled his hand.

"Damon, I only asked Laura about the Deal project and why she didn't inform me about it. But see..." Hailey showed him the angry slap mark on her left cheek. 

"Apologise to her, Laura" Damon said.

"What...?" Laura found herself at a loss for words as she blinked at Damon. She could feel her own body stiffen while she bit her lip. Nonetheless, she met his steely gaze stubbornly. "Why should I apologize?."

"General Manager!." A soft voice approached them.

"Damon, There must be some sort of misunderstanding. Why don't we get back to work?." Clarissa was consoling Damon with a gentle voice.

"Hailey, Get back to work." Clarissa lightly tapped her shoulders.

Hailey was initially unwilling to let it slide, but when Clarissa consoled her with her soft voice, she finally left.

Clarissa opened her mouth but she swallowed her words when Laura walked past her.


As soon as Laura opened the door of the door, Mr Haskett's voice rang out.

"Young little Miss, When Grandma called you last night, your phone was switched off. She is worried about you."

"Umm...my phone ran out of battery, so I didn't get her calls. She is in the study room, right?" Laura asked.

Laura went to Rose's room and knocked. "Can I come in, grandma?"

Rose entered the room after getting her grandmother's permission. She saw her standing by the bookshelf, reaching out to select a book. When Rose saw that it was her, the old lady waved at Laura, "Did you get drunk last night?"

Laura went up to her. "Grandma, Are you psychic?."

Rose put back the journal, "I've got the perfect man for you."

"Grandma! I am so tired." She said in a fed-up tone.

"What do you think of Richard Williams as a person, you little kid?." Rose asked curiously.

"Grandma!" She stomped her foot in frustration. "Don't look at me like I'm some unwanted bachelorette, grandma."

Rose flicked her forehead and looked at her lovingly. "No matter how I looked, I thought Richard was a great match for you."

"Grandma!" Laura frowned. "I won't visit anymore if you keep this up." 

"You always threatened with those words." Grandma tore a weak smile.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? Clarissa and her husband will come to greet me. Let's have dinner together." Grandma suggested.

Laura's expression changed slightly. "Later, Grandma. Not today."

Grandma's eyebrows were knitted tightly. "Did you guys fight again?."

Laura clenched her fists so tightly that her fingernails hurt her palms. "No, Grandma. I have a dinner appointment with Aria. It's been a long time since I didn't meet her. If I cancelled it, she would be upset with me."