
Her destined Husband

Laura Fuller's world was crushed when her boyfriend becomes her brother-in-law and her parents doesn't trust her. At that moment, a man reached for her hand to get her revenge. Will she grab his hand and gets her revenge?

BlackFol · Urban
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14 Chs


Laura was shocked when she heard the news that she will work on the Deal project. That means She has to meet Richard Fuller often. Laura's spirits seemed to die down a little. 

Laura joins the discussion of the project. After greeting Patrick, who was the project manager, Laura went out to have lunch with Patrick and two of her colleagues.

However, Laura had just driven into the basement parking lot at DONB when she saw a familiar black Lamborghini passing by her.

She abruptly stepped on the brakes. The loud screech that ensued startled Cindy, causing her to ask, "Laura, are you okay?"

"I am fine." Laura forced a smile. "Sorry! Are you alright?." She asked back while Cindy nodded her head.

At such a close distance, she could see that a woman was planting a firm kiss on the driver's cheek while he manoeuvred the car.


"Come in!"

Hearing the voice coming from inside, Austin straightened his back and pushed the door open. The man inside there was reading a document with his head lowered, not looking up even when Austin entered.

"President Williams, this is the initial Deal project report." Austin handed the documents over to Richard.

Richard's brow furrowed slightly as his fingers tapped his desk. "Schedule a private meeting with Ms Fuller tomorrow," Richard said as glanced through the information before tossing the papers back to Austin.

"And here is the information on Miss Laura," Austin said, remembering that Richard had asked for every detail about Laura.

Austin wondered if his boss had fallen for Laura Fuller but he couldn't dare to ask.

After Austin left, Richard picked up the information on Laura that Austin had given him. The information was extremely detailed. Almost everything that happened from Laura's birth till the present had been recorded in the document.

Richard's gaze landed on a photograph of Laura and Damon from three years ago. He lifted his head and took out the photograph.

Richard continued to go through Laura's information. According to the document, Laura didn't have a very good relationship with her family. She had moved out to live on her own a few years ago, mainly due to Clarissa and Ketty.

Despite Laura having a poor relationship with Clarissa and Ketty, her grandmother treated Laura very well, to the point of pampering her. Aside from being the head of the family, no one else was kind to her.


Once dusk had fallen, Shine club, the biggest, the club had been surrounded by lights and sounds of singing. Quoting her friend, Aria this was the best place to have fun during a cold, harsh night.

Laura didn't normally like to frequent places like these; but today, she was leaning on the bar counter and downing glasses of wine.

"Slow down! Girl."

Aria eyed her with a raised brow as she drummed her fingers together. "Just let it all out, Aria. You'll feel better afterwards." Aria said.

"Why should I cry because of a shameless scumbag? Aria, don't ever mention him again in front of me." Laura put on a disgusted expression.

"So, How was your work?." Laura asked with drowsy eyes.

"Girl! I better spend my whole life as a young master carer. They paid well." Aria thumbs up.

"Did your master pay well?" Laura asked.

"Yes. He paid handsomely. But I had never met a man like him. He has a terrible personality. He went on a field trip during which a mountain road collapsed, and his car fell into a frozen river. He was injured severely and hadn't recovered till this day. Because of his bad temper, four carers had quitted, and I was the fifth one." Aria explained.

"Really!" Laura burst out in laughter like she heard a funny story.

"What is so funny?" Aria chuckled.


The particular private VIP room of Shine club was different from the normal rooms as it was Robert Jonas's private room bearing more luxury while remaining low profile. Cigarette smoke filled the entire room as people played cards, sang songs, and even wailed loudly.

Robert extinguished his cigarette in a nearby bowl before he turned to look at Richard. "Rich, How was your mission of finding your grandparents' granddaughter-in-law?." He scooted closer toward Richard. "Your Grandmother called me this morning and asked me to introduce suitable women to you."

Seeing that Richard remained silent, Robert summoned his courage and glanced at Austin, who was standing next to them. "Tell me—which girl has caught Richard's interest these days?"

Austin cleared his throat and secretly touched his nose. "President Williams, Private scheduled with Miss Laura was confirmed," Austin said.

Upon hearing that, Robert quickly took the initiative to light the cigarette for him with a sparkle in his eyes. "Who is this Miss Laura?."

Meanwhile, Richard remained stoic as he merely loosened his tie.