
Her destined Husband

Laura Fuller's world was crushed when her boyfriend becomes her brother-in-law and her parents doesn't trust her. At that moment, a man reached for her hand to get her revenge. Will she grab his hand and gets her revenge?

BlackFol · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
14 Chs

Group of men.

After remaining at home throughout the weekend, Laura picked herself up and headed to join the DONB company.

The moment Laura entered the lobby of her workplace, everyone around her began whispering among themselves. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but seeing as they would peek at her from time to time, she could guess that their topic of discussion was probably related to her.

"That's her. She is quite pretty. But Why did she throw herself to that perverted man?"

Laura's heart felt extremely bitter as she looked at those women walking away. She knew from the start that she'd face something like this when she came to work, but knowing it and experiencing it for real were two different matters.

"Ms Fuller" Manager, Tony, called out to Laura. He glanced at Laura rather awkwardly and said, "Laura Fuller, You still remember me, right?."

"Tony Adams. I do remember you." Laura replied.

"It's awkward to see you in the workplace," Tony sighed. "I'd been worried sick for you in the past three years. What do you even date that sc*mbag anyway?"

Laura nodded, "I know, right? Why was I so dumb?." Tony was her childhood friend, a typical man born with a silver spoon.

"I will show you the way first to your office, come with me." He spoke and led Laura to the elevator inside the elevator, the man pushed the thirty-two-floor button.

Laura hailed a ride home after exiting DONB company. After she got out of the car, Laura stood near her neighbourhood, falling into a trance. The tears from the corners of her eyes flowed endlessly.

"Laura!" The moment Laura stepped out of the elevator, she saw Clarissa standing outside her home, looking tense.

"Why are you here?" Laura snapped.

"Let's talk, Laura" Clarissa grabbed her sister's hands, persuading her like when they were kids.

"Okay, Fine. Let me ask you one question. Why did you steal my boyfriend?" Laura roared.

"I know what we did was wrong, but Damon and I love each other. You don't know how he went through hell the year you were gone. I was the one who had been taking care of him, so Laura—"

"You knew he was my boyfriend, and yet you fall in love with him." Laura scoffed.

"Please, Laura, I beg you," Clarissa said, her tears falling.

"Why? Your plan to get me to sleep with that man didn't work?" Laura sneered.

"Laura, Why did you say that? I am your sister. I would choose to hurt anyone else before I hurt you." Clarissa looked at Laura in disappointment.

"Clarissa. Drop it! I know your true face." Laura pried Clarissa's hand off her and quickly pulled out her keys to open the door.

Clarissa didn't look good after being chased out by Laura. Pitifully, she looked at Damon, "What should we do now, Damon? Grandma won't agree to our marriage if Laura tells her that she had a relationship with you before." Clarissa was a mess of tears when she was done speaking.

"Laura has always been a headstrong person since we were kids. I want to be with you, Damon. I don't want to get separated." Clarissa leaned into his embrace and cried like a little girl.

Damon frowned and patted her back to console her. "Don't worry. I won't let Laura reiterate us. Our families have agreed on our marriage, so I don't care even if your grandmother disagrees. My family will accept you."

As Clarissa leaned on Damon's chest, she smiled cruelly. Look, Laura. The man you love most has become mine.


Laura had only just driven her black BMW into the DONB's basement carpark when two white Bentleys drove past her toward the exit.

As the car crossed her line of sight, she caught a glimpse of the man who sat in the backseat of the car. However, she could not see much in the dim lighting, save for a dark silhouette that appeared cool and elegant.

Tony gathered the documents that he had just reviewed. He then placed them in Laura's arms as he said, "Review the documents first."

"Don't you just review it.?" Laura replied.

"Don't ask me back. I am your senior here." Tony said as he leads her into the elevator. The doors were about to close until an arm reached in to hold them open.

Presently, there was a group of men who were standing outside the elevator whom she had not noticed earlier. They were all dressed in suits and leather shoes and they had a solemn look.

"I'm sorry, but would you mind sharing the lift?" The man smiled at her, then stepped aside and retreated to the back.

Laura blinked and nodded at them. The person behind those eyes was the most handsome of his entourage and he happened to be the latest.