

She’s next in line, He’s out for a crime.

anoahmous · Urban
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15 Chs



We all sit down, having my posture in a silent bleak of being disciplined to thought in how a lady should sit, while the five of them were ready to eat at the table.

This is the beginning of the meeting, in the context of our agreed relationship with their child.

It is not always easy to talk to different people with business agendas, especially if you are not on the same side, with the same hunger for 'competition'. Because it is difficult to talk to a person who has no intention of sharing with his available resources, what do you expect anyway a saint of business? I rarely see that here. Or maybe I haven't.

I am always ready for any obstacle little or not, but never was relieved from every pain I earned from it.

Because I am not a fan of gambling for just one thing. Especially in love that you do not admire or dream of. I wonder how people how are hypocrites to fantasize that thing. It's worse than an oblique nightmare.

But the trend in this world is different, I see people differently. They don't know how we are still trap even if you all the luxurious money being thrown in a bad tub. We still have curses, money doesn't rely or fix anything. Sometimes, it makes life worse than ever. Because with respect now, you must earn to achieve this. Because of the respect for it, you should be able to achieve a position, because money makes it possible for people to respect it.

The air of our environment becomes rigid, with two clans at each other sitting in the seat along the table, nothing beats more than having casuals or formals from the conversation.

It is not important to make fun of our work, since we are doing this for the leisure and stand of our family's heirloom, selfishness is what we have now. And I understand.

Mr. Lacbayan gives the folder to my Dad. While his opens the case.

Then his wife Mrs. Lacbayan turns on the speaker, from when you hear it, the melodies and impression of every tenor is classical and lively at the same time, she probably does it on purpose for the sound in order to avoid the negative impact on the situation in our meeting.

While Papa is currently reading the contents of the folder, Mr. Lacbayan's son showed the contents of the case. And I've never been so challenged of myself for, controlling your heartbeats this time is a quarry between the growing tension of your mind.

"Here will be the total cash." His son smiles as he points the piles of cash inside the case in front of us. A pile that is worth than me existing here in this world.

"450 million pesos, which 90% of your debts will be repaid." He pursues with little pompousness .

He brings the case to us, my jaw just drops at most of the money. I know we have the privilege to be expensive persons in the island, but this one is huge for my eyes. All the money shown before us are in a package of azure blue ones.

"What will be the total replacement for your financial expenses?" My Dad asked reading the folder bond paper.

The Lacbayan family just smiles, like we're bunch of prey, and I never find it 'amusing', their faces are a little scarier than our house.

"Your daughter, of course." Mrs. Lacbayan sharply replies.

Even without air-con inside, I can feel the temperature drops in my body.

"She will be my son's wife." She adds, proudly saying while holding his son's shoulder. She says it like I am just some sort of another barbie doll for his son to play.

Mrs. Lacbayan on the side of my Mother, have a big certain smile on her face.

"You know Mrs. Mantahon, it would be wise to accept our aid—rather than declining."

She even pats my mother's shoulder as if they are very close friends. And I know my Mother, she does not want to plasticize with her enemies. I know her intentions in breaking that woman's face mentally. For she doesn't want to commit the penalty of Animal Abuse.