

She’s next in line, He’s out for a crime.

anoahmous · Urban
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15 Chs


As far as I know, the Lacbayan buildings have been enlarged and elevated throughout the years, and I also cannot believe that we are considered its enemy ever since they established their business here in Hinulawan.

But ironically, then the Mantahon were the most powerful here from the very beginning before this place was even occupied by colonizers and foreigners. We are at the highest peak out of all the companies in here, and it feels like it is still yesterday.

We are the leading supporters of sugar, corn, and rice products. We even helped build new companies that came here, after they became independent.

And now? On the contrary, we are the ones who are desperate to get help from the companies that needed us back then.

But we were never given a single drop of help.

If our former accountants and lawyers had not done bad things, we would not have been barren because of the debt.

They scammed my father, they lured us into something what we called — trust.

They just faked the recording of the money, and it was even more entertaining because our lawyer gave us that he was the one to check the money, but he was also an accomplice to them.

And now? They are even hiding, for after they have done to us. I hate how the justice system here, or even the lazy polices… like something stinks when the canal is full of money from the riches and gold.

We have many debts left from them, millions and millions of debts.

To this day we are still submerged and faintly lifted up again.

Even though I have no interest in such things, it has value in my family, in our blood, and in our livelihood.

Now I am here, as a follow-up to the steps of Dad and a man I never even loved but will be my husband for a nick of time.

After moments of having silence again at the elevator, we have move into an office — his office. He picks up his phone after he placed the case on his desk. The smell of this place is like him too. Cold. And regal, but I don't like him even if I consider his style expensive.

His office is bigger than mine. Well, he's the Head here, so what can I expect more from the current powerful legacies here in the country.

I sit on a sofa and, deeply I am flooded with my mind. How come our rivals want to help us now? But in an inappropriate way! Who wants to be with someone you have never loved?

He drops the call on his phone and I am in shock when he confronts me.

"Your parents are coming for the next minutes." He says.

I look at my wristwatch, it's past eleven. So, about that, I just rest deeply and held my head. Even if I never dreamed it would happen to me, I feel like under a spell, a spell I just got without conditions, a spell forced to be in me. But somehow, it feels like I am the witch. An unprivileged witch.

I can still feel the chest pain I felt last night. I just closed my eyes because I did not think this would happen to me, what else would happen next?

"Hey, you hungry?" He asks me. I do not answer him and instead I adjust my seat, ignoring him. And the office falls silent again.

Suddenly without expectations, my stomach growls so loud after he asked me, I widen my eyes of what I hear, a sound is just near to a fart. He glances and prizes me with that set of teeth.

"I am already f— "

"Don't be, I can serve you some food at our place together also with your parents when they arrive here." He folds his sleeves; and I can see the cracked veins visible on his hands.

"Besides, that is not the only one you can taste on me, I can serve something… more tasty and worth it, and it's free." He just smiles at me and opens the door.

"Alright." I talk weakly, stands up on the sofa and bring his folder and the case.

"Ladies first?" He gives me a way at the door.

I just sigh deeply and stop looking at him.

"Lady's choice, you go first." I reply.

"Alright then, my lady." He winks at me before he comes out, I just let a snob in my mind about the audacity in what is his motive again, but then I ended up following him.