

I woke up, and the first thing I saw was a plain white ceiling. As I stared up at it, the events of earlier slowly came back to me. I looked around, and saw white walls with some boring pictures decorating them. I looked down and saw I was dressed in a hospital gown and that I was laying in a bed. I had an IV-line in my arm. There was an empty chair, and some flowers sitting on the table next to me. I laid their for a while, unsure as to what to do, when suddenly the door opened. A man walked in, who looked like he was about the same age as me. He looked strangely familiar, but I didn't know who he was. I wasn't sure what to do, so I tried to talk to him.

"Who are you" I barely managed to say. I was still so weak.

He looked over at me in complete surprise, then he ran over to the bedside.

"My name is Aiden, we were in a car accident. I was the one who hit you." He awkwardly said.

"Oh" was all I could say. I was shocked. I had just been going to school, and I had already missed so much I didn't want to miss any more. I looked up at the ceiling again, trying to remember where I had seen this man before. I know I knew him from before.

"Do you go to my school?" I asked him. I was certain I knew him.

"I believe so, but I don't remember ever seeing you." He replied.

I looked over at him again. Then I realized. I knew who he was. I must have had a strange look on my face, because he asked me if I was okay.

"Yes! And I know who you are, you are Aiden. The one in my history class, I've had a crush on you since third grade." I bluntly said. It must have been the medication because I didn't realize what I had said for a couple seconds. Aidan was just staring at me in shock. My face turned bright red.

"Ahh! I didn't know what I was saying. I'm very sorry, please forgive me. I didn't mean to say that." I said quickly. I was so embarrassed. I could believe I had said that.

"It's okay, you are on a lot of medication. But do you happen to remember your name, the nurses want to call your family." Aiden said, while he was avoiding eye contact.

"My name is Emma." I said weakly. "But I don't have any parents, its just me and my older brother. Is my phone here?"

"Yes, it was in the pocket of your jeans, and happened to not get damaged in the accident." Aiden said, as he got up and walked over to the chair to grab the phone.

"321654 is the password, could you call him for me? I don't think I will be able to talk to him. His name is Alec Gray. Just go to my contacts." I said as I looked away with tears in my eyes. My brother must be at school right now, and he would be expecting a call from the hospital. I didn't know how he would react, because me being in the hospital means we will have more bills to pay, and hospital bills can be a lot of money. Too much for us to pay. I heard Aiden talking in the background, but I wasn't listening to what he was saying. I heard him say goodbye and walk back over to me, so I looked over at him again.

"I'm tired, and I would like to get some sleep before my brother gets here. He is coming, right?" I asked. I really hoped he was coming, I could use the support of my brother right now.

"He said he will come later tonight because he was work right after school and he doesn't want to leave middle of the school day." Aiden said sadly.

"Oh, that okay. I would want him to get behind in his studies. And he can't miss work, especially now. We are probably going to have a lot of bills to pay." I said as my voice cracked. I didn't want Aiden to see me crying, so I quickly looked over at the wall and wiped a tear away. I took a deep breath, and said "I am really tired, and you probably don't want to stay here with me. You can leave now if you wish, I am going to go to sleep." I really was tired, but I also didn't want Aiden to see me cry.

"Ok, you can sleep, but I am not going to leave until your brother gets here." Aiden replied strongly.

"Whatever" I said, as I turned onto my side, still facing away from him. I fell asleep right away.