
Hentai Quest Supramecy

Someone who reincarnates in the manga Quest Supramecy and maybe others. See how he uses his strength and cheat and not only conquers the area but also the girls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expect a lot of smut. And also genderbending. Male to Female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just as the synopsis said is that this novel will be in the Quest Supramecy world with an MC who will interfere a lot with the plot and create his harem with the girls. And also gender-bender guys who are now girls.

Big_Fan_Of_Daoism · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

"How interesting". I, a boy, said while looking into the space. Or at least that is how it seemed to other people. Because for me, there was a blue transparent screen saying.



Which then turned into.




I wasn't particularly shocked by this transparent interface because I had hoped for something like this from the moment I reincarnated.

Yes, I reincarnate. And it seems that my golden finger had just arrived.

I tried to just think yes, but that didn't work so than I tried to click on the yes button which worked.



Seeing this, I was shocked but since everything was now okay, I didn't really care.

Now the error screen changed again and turned into something I found quite similar, especially a certain word.






And now I was quite very sure, this was the system from the fiction "Quest Supremacy". A manga I quite enjoyed and fully read. (I have not fully read it since I just started. About chapter 60)

But this brought the question to me, was this also the world of Quest Supremacy? I would hopefully get an answer in 2 days, when I would go into a entirely new area where I would transfer into a new school.

And while I already knew I wasn't going to the protagonist school, maybe I was going to his area?

And while just because I couldn't find the protagonist didn't mean this world wasn't Quest Supremacy. If it was, it was god basically saying I needed to interfere with the plot.

But I didn't have high hope for being in the world of Quest Supramecy because there was a big difference with this world and Quest Supremacy.

The difference is that in this world, not only the physical strength but also the position in society for men and women in this world were the same. While I couldn't say that for Quest Supremacy.

I wouldn't mind interfering with the plot because while I enjoyed the manga, I did have his criticism. And the girls inside it were very hot, incredibly so.

But that would need to wait for tomorrow. For now, I wanted to complete the quest.

So I jumped out his bed, being only in my underwear which showed my beautiful body. Which was a perfect combination of lean and muscled.

A bonus of reincarnation was a face which shouldn't exist.

I dressed before leaving my house. And since it was sunday, my family wouldn't care if I left.

To get a subordiante, I just needed to beat up a delinquent and make him submit, which wasn't very hard.

I walked around, hoping to find some people I could smack. And not long after walking around, I found a group of 3 who were clearly delinquetes.

They were smoking in a alley while squating around each other.

I walked behind one and smacked him on his head. And while I wans't using my full force, it was enough to make the guy's head hit the ground.

This was maybe the only reason I believed this world could be Quest Supremacy besides my system. The big strentgh difference.

I was born with a very strong constitution, enough to smack a guy unconscious. My strength and the strength of certain other people wasn't something normal people should have.

But back to the fight.

"AARHH". The guy who got smacked moaned in pain, while the 2 other guys were clearly alarmed.

"Who are you"

"Me? Your new master". I said while walking on the guy who laid unconscious on the ground. It seemed he was very weak.

"D-don't c-come closer, W-we-we are from Dong high". One of them said trying to intimitade me with their school. But I didn't care about what school he went or who he new.

Besides that, Dong High was probably once a school under me.

I slapped both of them. "Say I am your boss".

They weren't opening their mouth, so I slapped them again to hit some logic in them. I needed to control my strength to not make them unconscious.

"S-s-sorry boss". They both said while holding a red and swollen cheeck.

I turned to my system, which showed that the quest wasn't complete so I hit them again. "Say, from now on I will be boss' subordinate for the rest of my life".

"from now on I will be boss' subordinate for the rest of my life". They both said lying on the ground while looking incredible pathetic.

And immediately after they said it, I got another interface.



Once I saw this, I stood up, kicked one of them and left. I didn't have any need for them anymore.

Once I left the alley, I looked at my hand which didn't look like it just slapped multiple times.

I had forgotten the feeling of slapping someone. The thrill of the impact. I couldn't help but let a smile raise on my face. If this world was truly Quest Supremacy, I would make sure to dominate it. Just like I dominated the region here.


After completing the quest, I returned to my house and immediately went to my room while reveling the golden card.

"Reveal the card". I said while suddenly a lot of colorful lights shined before a clear golden card was revealed.





Seeing the card, I was happy but also disappointed. While it was a good card, I didn't have anyone to use it on.

I just threw away the card, which went next to my interface. BTW, My interface is always in the corner of my eyes which I can call out in my head to appear before me.

I dropped myself in my bed, regretting I forgot the name of that idol who appeared in the manga.

But I didn't dwell long on it and just played some games on my phone.

[Scene Break]

It was currently Monday morning and I was waiting outside the class, waiting for the teacher to give me the signal to enter.

I had arrived yesterday in my apartment trying to gather information of the are, which I couldn't do a lot because it was already a evening.

"Please welcome our new student, Yoo Haneul". The teacher said which was the signal for me to enter.

And once I entered, the entire classroom went in a uproar. The boys and girls because of my beauty. I have a face is easily mistaken as a girl.

"Hello everyone, name is Yoo Hanuel. I hope everyone will accept me and I hope to become friends with everyone". I said playing the model student persona which I created. It was easy to manipulate people in this way.

"Also, sorry to disappoint people but I am a guy". I said while scratching my head like I was sorry. Which I wasn't.

The teacher pointed to a seat in the back which was empty, and once I sat down. I received a new quest.



Seeing the rewards, I knew I needed to complete the quest. But since there wasn't much I could do while class.

So I waited for the pause.

"Hanuel, why did you transfer".

"Hanuel, are you single".

I was getting bombarded by a lot of question by my new classmates. I immediately fit in.

But suddenly someone punched a table, getting all the attention from the class.

The culprit was a tall girl with a intimidating aura. "You, Come here". She said while pointing at me. While on the outside I followed her orders, I couldn't help but smile in the inside.

From other peoples reaction, it was clear that she was a bully. Maybe even top dog.

Once I was close to her. "I am Lee Yeo-reum, in class everyone listens to me. Understand"? She said while putting her hand on my shoulder which I didn't apreciate.

I took her wrist tightly and suddenly pulled it down causing her to fall. But I then gave her a punch in the face. Controling my strength.

"I don't appreciate bullies". I said acting like a hero, hoping to keep my reputation good.

"From now, any bully needs to beat me first". I said looking righteously which made it look like a golden halo appeared behind me.

I opened my interface, which showed that the quest was completed.

I returned to my seat while the entire class was surprised, but quickly turned into a uproar and now almost all my classmates where around my bank.

[Scene Break]

After school, instead of going hanging out with my new "friends" or go home. I started quickly exploring the are.

I had gotten a lot of information about the area, and even pinpointed what the school the protagonist would go to if he existed.

So I ran to that school, which fortunately wasn't very far and in 10 minutes I arrived.

Before the school, I pulled my hoodie over my head. Trying to hide my face and not attract a lot of attention.

The reason why I came to this school despite not having a big chance to find one student was because of the skill I received from the silver card.





The skill was pretty amazing, and I couldn't even imagine how it would be if it ranked up. (Please give me tips.)

But the best part was that it showed the way to the school which I guessed would be the school of the protagonist.

So I went inside the shool, following the blue arrows which lead to behind the P.E. room. Which was a typical place for a manga like this.

And even before I saw anyone, I could already hear someone groan in pain.

I saw a scene I didn't expect. There were 3 guys bullying a girl, but what surprised me is that the girl was the person the arrows lead to.

"Hey, Who are you". Said one of the 3 guys while looking at me. But I was still stuck in thoughts. Was this the protagonist? But how is he a girl?

So seeing I didn't respond, the guy started walking towards me and tried to punch me. But I quickly evaded and trowed a punch to him. But I didn't entirely control my punch, he flew away while falling unconcious.

This clearly alarmed the 2 other guys, whose brain was to dumb to run and both tried to hit me. "You think you're so~~AAHHHH".

But I did the same with them and destroyed them, making them both faint.

I then turned to the girl who was on the ground clearly beaten.

"What's your name"? I asked wanting to know if her surname was Kim.

"M-my name is Kim Seong-ah". She said while looking up and being shocked by her saviors face which was incredibly beautiful. She couldn't help but blush, but quickly shook such thoughts. Someone like him would never like someone like her.

I remained silent for a while, not knowing how to react. But suddenly I had a tough, this wasn't something bad. Not, it was something incredible.

Wouldn't this mean he could conquer the protagonist. Which turned into a Main Quest





Seeing the quest and reward, I couldn't help but almost grinned but quickly focused on her.

"THank you for saving me". She said while looking up to me. And now that I got a better look at her, I could say she looked quite good. Even with a bruised face and glasses.

All in all, she didn't look appealing. But she couldn't pass my eye. She had potential to be very beautiful.

"Don't worry about it?" I said while looking at the bullies. "Here is my number, if they ever bully you again, just call me".

"Thank you". She said while quickly putting my phone number in her phone.

Once I took my phone back, I decided to leave. "Ah, It seems I need to go. Hope to meet you soon". I said before walking away. But once I was out of sight, I climbed the roof of the small building while inspecting her.

While I wanted to make her mine, which meant no one could touch her. I also wanted her to have her system, which would make her stronger and also benefit me.

And like god was smiling down on me, from the roof, I could see her click somewhere on the sky while saying. "Yes".

This made it clear to me that she had gotten the question if she wanted a quest not long ago. And if she hesitated as long as the manga, there was a big chance we got it at the same time.

And since I got what I wanted, I quickly left and went home.

Although I could use my gold card on her, I decided to wait till her loyalty was higher and it would be harder to raise.