
Transferring the Defender legacy

"Who told you?" Norah's voice cut through the room, a mix of shock and anger etched across her face. Her gut feeling had proven true; something dangerous was happening here, and she needed to shield her daughter from these supernaturals. 

Ziana's heart clenched at her mother's question. Frustration, not sympathy, seeped into her veins. If only there had been trust, a belief that they could face this together, perhaps the encounters with grim reapers and death could have been avoided.

"But why didn't you tell me, Mom?" Ziana's tears fell, her voice breaking under the weight of truth and its impending consequences. There was no one else she could confide in but her mother, though she understood the reasons behind her silence.

"Dad wanted me to continue his legacy. It was his only wish, and you..." Ziana paused, sensing Norah's tremble. Harsh words escaped her lips as her mother sat on the bed for support.