
Chapter 182

'Both avoiding the temple, both hiding our identities at the academy.'

Holding hands might have been comforting, but certainty was still out of reach. Would there ever come a day when all could be openly discussed?

After living so long in secrecy, the weight of these secrets only grew heavier.

'Six months is too short.'

Too short to truly know someone, to trust them completely. There's still a long road to graduation ahead. Perhaps, in time, the moment to speak freely will come.

Alea felt that moment might not be as far off as it seemed.


"Hey, Helmut! Come have some shaved ice before you go."

"You get a special 20% discount. And your girlfriend too!"

Passing by Wesley's bustling shaved ice shop, everyone, despite their busyness, glanced towards Helmut to make an offer.

Truth be told, unless Asuka was around, everyone seemed eager to talk to Helmut, kept at bay only by Asuka's constant presence.

"Want some? It's discounted."

"No, how can I trust whatever those guys make?"

Alea decisively declined, her feelings mixed. Naturally, she was used to attracting attention just by walking by.

But it seemed Helmut also drew a lot of looks. Eyes followed them wherever they went, especially from the swordsmanship department students.

'Well, he is the top of the swordsmanship department.'

Being the strongest in the department meant being at its center.

Helmut checked the clock on the tower.

"It's almost time for the cross-dressing contest."

"Why would your friends even participate in that?"

The curiosity was tinged with a hint of absurdity. Neither Sian nor Asuka seemed out of place in drag.

And then there was one more.

"...Why didn't you participate?"

Alea scanned Helmut's face with a curious gaze.

Even though he often caught her attention, Helmut was undeniably handsome. His sharp features didn't scream femininity, but with the right makeup, he could probably compete for the crown.

'Not that I want to see him like that.'

Alea quickly denied the thought.

"Because if someone I dislike shows up, I might have to jump off the stage."


'Because of the High Priestess.'

Alea finally nodded in understanding.

He'd be scouring the magic department building, and it would indeed be absurd for someone of the High Priestess's stature to appear at a cross-dressing contest. Though unlikely she'd come this way, one couldn't be too sure.

"Let's go. It's going to be crowded."

And it was. The contest venue was bustling with people, even with some time left before the start. Over half the seats were already taken.

It was a well-established event at Greta Academy, extremely popular.

They entered the contest venue side by side. Unlike an indoor hall, the contest was held on an outdoor stage with chairs set up around it.

Passing through, various students attempted to engage them in conversation.

"Hey, Helmut. Is that your girlfriend?"

"Is she from our academy, or another one? Introduce us."

"If you have a girlfriend, you gotta introduce her. And her friends too..."

"That guy's got motives!"

'The swordsmanship department guys are noisy.'

Alea frowned, surrounded by the boisterous crowd.

Helmut responded simply.

"She said she doesn't want to be introduced to you guys."

Alea glanced at him, surprised. After all, Helmut didn't know her name either. As if reading her mind, he added,

"She wants to watch the contest quietly."

"So you're saying, let you be and go away?"

"Got it, she's shy."

None dared to push Helmut further. Curiosity gave way to respect, and they backed off, a clear display of the department's hierarchy.

Seated, Alea stole glances at Helmut's profile. His expression, usually stoic, seemed pleasantly anticipatory.

'Could he actually be looking forward to this cross-dressing contest?'

He seemed to enjoy the puppet show too. His tastes were enigmatic.

Indeed, Alea was correct. Helmut found the festival's new experiences quite enjoyable, from winning prizes at various stalls to seeing his first puppet show. Now, the cross-dressing contest was another novelty for him.

The two didn't talk much between themselves. Alea, hands folded, ventured,

"...Aren't you curious about my name?"

Helmut hadn't been able to introduce Alea earlier, not knowing the name of the girl with lavender hair beside him.

Essentially, they were strangers, yet oddly comfortable in each other's company.

Helmut, without diverting his gaze from the stage, replied,

"I am curious."

Alea watched him.


"But it's okay if you don't want to tell me."

That felt like a promise to respect her circumstances, making Alea twitch.

Something warmed inside her, melting the ice around her heart, bringing hidden words to her lips.

'Should I tell him now? That I'm Alea, actually a woman, pretending to be a man for reasons, just that much...'

Helmut wouldn't get angry or demand an apology.

He'd respect Alea's secret, not the type to blabber.

Yet as Alea hesitated, the contest began with loud cheers, soon turning to jeers as the first contestant appeared.

"Are you kidding me? That's a man, where do you see a woman?"

"Get off the stage!"

"Damn, who's trying to ruin our eyesight? Get down from there now!"

The boos were passionate, nearly frenzied, as a reluctant first-year from the swordsmanship department made a despondent appearance.

Already large for his age, his broad shoulders and developed arm muscles threatened to burst the sleeves of his yellow dress.

The dress barely contained his physique, highlighting abs even through the fabric. Finding a dress to fit was an achievement.

He had simply donned a wig and dress with minimal effort, in stark contrast to the other more elaborate participants.

As the last in his year, he was compelled to cross-dress as a penalty, a cruel twist of academic hierarchy. While upperclassmen had a choice, first-years had to participate.

The host dramatically covered his eyes.

"Oh no, even I'm going blind! Unfortunately, he is a valid contestant! Fear not, for soon we'll have new contestants to cleanse our rotting eyeballs! Please, bear with us a little longer!"

Boos demanding removal and threats of violence filled the air but soon quieted down as the next contestant surprisingly put on a decent show.

The contest proceeded with much anticipation.

Asuka's turn came sooner than expected.

"Have you been waiting? A renowned figure from the swordsmanship department's third year has transformed into a perfect lady for today! You'll be shocked! The anticipation is killing me! Ta-da!"

The host gestured towards the backstage.

"Number thrrreeee, from the swordsmanship department's second year, Miss Asuka!"

"Don't add 'Miss' to my name! Unless you want to die!"

A muffled protest from Asuka was briefly heard.

As the host flinched away, someone strode confidently onto the stage.

The moment that figure emerged under the spotlight, a collective gasp rose from the audience.

"Is that really Asuka?"

"Did they switch him out? How could Asuka look like that!"

"The face looks right… could this be some kind of transformation magic?"

Doubts filled the air as a girl with finely braided blue hair stepped forward, exuding a pure charm yet with a mole under one eye suggesting a hint of mischief.

The sky-blue and white lace dress she wore complemented her well, and the makeup, expertly applied, suited her perfectly.

A stunning beauty, starkly contrasting with previous contestants, stood on stage. Without knowing better, no one would suspect her of being anything but female.

Except, her fiery temper couldn't be masked by makeup alone. Her fierce gaze betrayed her nature.

Asuka, clearly annoyed, crossed her arms in defiance, somehow making the look work. Her expression completed the outfit, regardless of her posture or clothing.

Though only the third to perform, she was already a strong contender for victory.

Whispers spread among the second-year students from the swordsmanship department in the front row.

"See? I told you a provocative style would've been better. A red or black dress with some exposure!"

"If we had put Asuka in that, would we have survived? Besides, he wouldn't have worn it! At least he agreed to this much!"

"Fair point."

Asuka, standing proudly, glanced disdainfully at the audience as if to say, 'Look all you want, I'm obviously the best choice.'

Despite not smiling, her beauty was breathtaking.

"Her face is incredible. Absolutely stunning."

James, who had encouraged Asuka to participate, was smug.

"Told you Asuka was the right choice. With her, victory is assured!"

"My ideal type, right there! Ah, if only such a girl existed..."

"Make sure Asuka hears that."

Applause and renewed cheers filled the venue. Praises like 'Beautiful!' 'The best!' 'You're the winner!' marked Asuka's dominant presence in the contest.

It was probably the first time since gaining the nickname 'Mad Dog' that Asuka received such positive attention.

'I thought she was actually a girl.'

Even Alea was somewhat surprised. Complimenting Asuka's beauty upon their first meeting was meant as provocation, but it was true to her impression. Asuka was indeed attractive.

But seeing his transformation, it went beyond mere attractiveness.

'If he had cross-dressed into the dorms, no magic would have been necessary to fool everyone.'

Helmut, observing Asuka, felt differently from the others.

He noted, "Cross-dressing seems like a useful tactic. Unrecognizable that way."

"What are you talking about?"

"Magic reveals itself through its aura, but cross-dressing doesn't. It has a similar effect without being obvious. If you can pass as a woman, it's all good."

Helmut was seriously considering the implications. Disguising as Hyde would've been noted by Black Hawk. A different appearance was needed.

Alea, skeptically, asked, "You're not seriously considering cross-dressing if the opportunity arises, are you?"

"If necessary."

Alea bit her lip, torn between discouraging and egging him on. (T/N: LMAO)

As the host paused, mesmerized by Asuka before hastily moving on at the sight of Asuka's raised fist, the contest continued.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please hold your applause for now as we move on to the next contestant!"

Cheers erupted as the contest atmosphere heated up.