
Lover's Nexus

'All Right,You Ready , Rookie?', asked the Hardened Instructor, Looking Right, at his wingman and his Student-Pilot, 1st Lieutenant Damian Whitehall. A promising Young fighter pilot , who had been assigned to him to train , but he soon realised his potential , after he did all the manouvres e was going to teach him on his own. This was another test of his abilities.He was Pitted against another fellow trainee who had shown talent in the training.Meanwhile , On the ground , 16 km away , a Young Doctor, by the name of 2nd Lieutenant Kylie Earl Saunders Checked into the ER for duty at the Army Hospital Nearby.Back in the air , Damian was manouvering behind one of the agressors , when Damians leader, Major Micheal O' Bryant, Passed from Damians 12 o' Clock, sending a wave of Jet wash into Damians Nose , and making the Jet suddenly go into a violent spin , knocking the young Lieutenant Back into his seat ,as the Jet Plummeted,he desperately fumbled with the controls , but it was no use , and finally damian pulled the Yellow Rope from between his Legs and the Bubble Canopy shot up , and away from the Falcon , followed by the Seat , but just as Damians seat was about to clear the canopy , his head accidentally slammed into the Forward Arch of the Canopy , Kocking Damian out , and slashing a huge gash across his left eye and forehead . 'Zulu -2 , COME IN?' Damian's leader desperately tried to contact Damian , but to no Avail , as the Unconscious , and Bleeding Airman Drifted Down on his Parachute towards the Green Earth Below.As the Limp Airman touched down , a Helicopter Landed beside him , quickly lifting him onto a stretcher the Medevac crew evacuated him to the nearest Army Hospital For treatment , after stabilizing the Blood-Loss.Kylie was paged from the Reception to the E.R , Where she saw a Young Airman , still in his G suit and Flight helmet being carried into the E.R . From his Looks , she deduced he was the same age as her, but the ranks on his shoulders told he was senior , in rank . Quickly throwing the Black Customized Helmet away , She got to work on the gash around his forehead , Quickly Stopping the blood flow , and stitching the wound up . Next , she moved ontot the shrapnel wounds on his Chest , quickly removing the broken pieces of glass , and patcing him back up . It took 3 Hours , But after it , He was finally out of Danger , and they would shift the Wounded Warrior to his Temporary Resting Place