
Hellish Desires

Silverstein Ashton Ivan Caestria. Crown Prince of Kingdom Caestria. Said to be the most powerful human, could destroy an entire kingdom with just a sword, kill thousands with just a flick of his long fingers. Most sought after man by all women. Alexandra Carmarthen. Daughter of the Duke of the East. Pretty fair lady. Has utmost grace and skills in sword dancing. Chosen to be the bride of the Crown Prince of Caestria. But what happens when the two finally gets married and her husband is not the human everyone thought he was? And she was just not a normal human girl aswell?

Diaval_ · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Chapter 12

The day ended well, with Silverstein's parents being around him. The dukes left the castle, to prepare for the next day. The guardsmen and knights who returned from war with the prince also had enough to eat and drink for the day. The four ladies all retired to their room and the Duchesses were with the Queen in the tea room.

"I truly can't wait for tomorrow, I can't wait to see my baby boy finally choose a wife!" Queen Selina squealed. She was such a happy woman as though she had no problems in life.

"Ah. No offense but I wish he'd pick my Kiara." Kiara's mother, the Duchess of the South, Theresa McCartney said and chuckled.

The other women followed her to laugh. "Of course there should be no offense. We all want our daughters to get married to the prince." The Western Duchess, Meridian, chuckled. "If only he could take all of them," she said again and they laughed while they sipped their tea.

"Duchess Brione? You've been quiet, do you not want your daughter to get chosen by the crown prince? Theresa said as she unnoticeably sized Brione. She disliked the lady because she was too beautiful and according to her husband's old school stories, he was once in love with Brione.

Brione only smiled, she knew what Theresa was doing. The two ladies disliked themselves just like the daughters did, but then they had to obviously conceal it and put on a fake mask. "Of course I want my daughter to get married to the prince. I mean, she was the only lady he spoke to outside, that's a first." She chuckled and covered her lips with the back of her palm. She tilted her head and looked at Theresa who looked like she wanted to bury her alive and smiled inwardly.

Queen Selina laughed and the women joined her. She knew what was going on but of course she was rooting for Brione, she didn't even know Brione had this side to her. "Woah! We all want our daughters to get chosen, huh?" She giggled. "I wish I had a daughter aswell."

"Aw. You don't have to, you'd soon get one." Theresa chuckled. "You'd soon get a daughter in-law." Theresa wanted to get on the queen's good side even though she didn't like her aswell.

The women kept discussing until it was late and time for them to retire. The castle's ground was as quiet, as though no one was there. Well everyone was fast asleep, except two certain people.

Alexandra turned and turned in her bed until she sat up. She didn't feel sleepy at all, even though she didn't have an afternoon sleep, the sleep wasn't just anywhere near. She stood up and walked towards her room's window and opened it a little. The night's chilly air flooded in and she closed it immediately; "Why is it so cold outside? Is winter close by?" She stuck her face close to the window looking outside incase she saw any snow, but she didn't. She sighed and sat back on her bed. She wanted to leave her room and walk around the castle but she was indecisive.

After concluding that everyone was fast asleep and she'd take a quick walk around and come back, she left her room, but not before wearing her flimsy purple night robe, to cover the mini nightgown.

Her cute little feet padded the cold floor, she held the railings on the veranda and walked straight, admiring the beauty of this castle. She saw all the doors were closed, until she came upon one that was slightly ajar. She walked towards it and held the doorknob and pushed it a little without making any sound, there she saw him. Sitting on a backrest bench overlooking the outside world through the glass wall with a cigarette in between his lips.

"I consider, sneaking up on someone, rude." Silverstein said, when he pulled out the cigar from his lips and blew out the smoke.

Alexandra's breath hitched for a moment. How could he tell?! She didn't even make any sound.

"Come inside if you want to. I don't bite." He said and took a puff off his smoke.

Alexandra set her lips in a thin line. She noticed the walls of this room were made of wood, except the very one he was sitting before and staring at. And she also noticed it was only one bench but then there was space, so she sat down – with a little distance between them.

"Do you smoke?" She heard him ask and she squeaked a 'no'. She noticed he was wearing a black robe that went down below his knee. The chest area was open, but then, with her sitting position, she couldn't see his open chest.

"Smoking isn't good habit. It kills humans." She said, wanting to make a conversation. Her nerves were going to split up if she kept the silence.

"But then I'm not human." He said and looked at her before he suddenly chuckled. "Well I'm not a weak human for smoking to end his life." He shrugged.

Alexandra could swear that he wasn't joking when he said he wasn't human, but then what else except humans exists? Nothing, she thought to herself. "Oh..." She said.

"Do you have siblings?" Silverstein asked. Though he didn't mind the silence between them, he just wanted to keep up the conversation between them.

"I have only a brother, in the North." She answered and saw him nod his head. "What about you? Do you have siblings?" She questioned back.

"Unfortunately, yes." Silverstein answered.

Unlike the rumours Alexandra had heard, Silverstein was way different than that in his person He was a nice and a calm person, she thought inwardly. "Unfortunately?" She asked.

"Yes. I have four brothers, but they're not in this particular kingdom." Silverstein answered and threw his cigarette on the ground and smashed it with his bare feet. "They are in another Kingdom far away from Caestria." He said with no particular emotion in his eyes.

"Four brothers...? From the Queen?" She asked carefully, not wanting to push any button as she saw his expression whilst talking about his brothers.

"No. I'm the only child of my mother." He answered and turned to face her while he rested his left hand on top of the bench, behind her.