
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Training begins

After Shinigami sealed the deal with Kyuubi he turned to Naruto.

"Naruto just for you to know I have to combine the Jagan Eye with your Sharingan to provide you with the power of the Darkness Flame, but know this you have a fifty percent chance of dying plus with Kyuubi's chakra this increases your chances to ninety percent, plus it will hurt like a bitch now are you sure you want to go through with this?" Shinigami asked.

"I'm ready for it nothing will stop me." Naruto replied with determination.

"Fine don't say I didn't warn you. But know this if you will have to practice with your Sharingan a lot and all the techniques I will teach you."

After those words the Darkness Flame started to swirl around Naruto then entered his body and started screaming out in pain. His orange jacket burst into flames and burned his upper torso, the pain was so intense that his skin ripped off and regenerated and he started banging his head on Kyuubi's cage. His bones broke and re-healed, his hair fell out and grew back, and he started bleeding out of every hole in his body. After all of that mind racking pain the last thing Naruto felt was his eyes bursting into a red haze, and fell unconscious.

After what seemed like hours the pain finally stopped, Naruto woke up and ran to the nearest river to see his eyes, but when he got there he was in for a surprise. What he saw shocked him he lost all the baby fat on his face and body leaving nothing but muscles, he developed some six-pack abs but the scar he received from Kakashi's attack was still there along with a well defined chest. And from what he could tell his shoulders were alot wider and his biceps were well defined. Then he noticed on his right arm he had a black dragon tattoo on his entire right arm.

His face was well defined and his whisker like scars were darker like a tattoo, and his canines were a little longer and alot sharper than normal, his blond hair went down to his shoulders and had black streaks, he was also at the height of 5'7.

But the most shocking thing were his eyes he had the familier red Sharingan only with four black tomos, but when he concentrated he closed his eyes for a second, and opened them up to see his tomoes combine together to create a black diamond, however his sclera stayed red.

"Shinigami what happened to my eyes they do not look like Sasuke-teme's Sharingan." Naruto said.

"Naruto I think I made a mistake." Shinigami answered.

"A mistake how?"

"I accidentally gave you the Mangekyo Sharingan."

"Mangekyo Sharingan what's that?" asked a confused Naruto.

"Naruto the Mangekyo Sharingan is the next and final level of the Sharingan you see it has three special abilities. One is Tsukuyomi, this jutsu is one of the most powerful genjutsu in existence. It's named after the Goddess of the Moon, this jutsu is generated by the left Mangekyou eye. This highly advanced technique can not be used extensively because of the toll it places on the user. To utilize the illusion, the clan member will look into the eyes of his opponent and cast a Genjutsu spell on them. The illusion takes place in the mind of the one affected, while under the jutsu the victim is at the total mercy of the user. The user has full control over space and time in the jutsu and can place the one affected through any hell they desire for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of torture.

It is said only a natural born member of the Uchiha Clan can overcome the illusion. To counter the technique, however, Mangekyou is not required. A highly trained normal Sharingan user can break the illusion, causing the Mangekyou user to experience additional weakness from using it.

While the illusion is never the same twice, some elements always remain. The first and foremost similarity is the red moon, which hangs in the sky of each illusion. The moon, in turn, casts a red light throughout the illusion, giving the background a blood-red appearance while the figures within the illusion are solid black with white outlines.

The next one is the Amaterasu this has the same qualities as the Darkness Flame you see this legendary jutsu is unique to the Uchiha clan. Named after the Goddess of the Sun, this is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to create a powerful black fire. This jutsu is generated by the right Mangekyou eye. It has been said that anything within the Mangekyou's vision will burn to ash if consumed by the fire. The fire itself is said to burn for seven days and seven nights. Because of the amount of chakra needed to use the technique, it can only be used on a very limited basis daily. Though it is regarded as the strongest of Mangekyou's physical attacks, usage of the ability will degrade the eye further and lead the user to blindness.

And the last one is Susanoo named after the God of the Sea and Storms, is a technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to create a sword wielding spectral form which will surround the user. This jutsu is generated by both Mangekyou eyes. Susanoo will first form around the user as a skeleton. This skeletal form will then generate muscle and armor for battle and wield both a sword and shield.

The sword is formed out of the sake in the gourd it holds, meaning the sword has no true physical form. This legendary weapon, known as Totsuka's Sword and the Sakegari ( Sake Cutting ) Long Sword, utilizes the main ability of the jutsu. Anyone or anything cut by the blade will be sealed away into a Genjutsu of blissful oblivion until the end of time. It is said the sword is thus the ultimate counter to Orochimaru's Kusanagi ( Grass Cutter ) sword. The shield is known as Yata's Mirror. It is said this shield can defend against any attack. Together the sword and shield will make the Susanoo user nearly invincible. Like other Mangekyou techniques, usage of Susanoo will damages the eyes and health of the user.

But these jutsu's require alot of chakra you should only use them if your precious people are in danger.'' Shinigami explained.

Naruto deactivated his eyes until they were the true blue color everyone knows and loves ( mostly ).

"Hot damn those techniques are powerful. But It makes me not want to use them, Isn't there away for me to use them and not kill me?" Naruto asked.

"Yes there is one way but you won't like it, and you'll never be able to get it anyways."

"Mind telling me anyways?"

"Well...I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you. Alright listen up because I'm only going to tell you this once, the history of how he became so powerful. Madara, the founder of the Uchiha clan gained great power and immortality but at a nasty price. You see...in order to gain the Mangekyou Sharingan you must murder your best friend in cold blood," Shinigami stopped at Narutos horrified expression, but then continued after a minute. "no matter how cold hearted you are there will always be a twinge of guilt over the death you caused...this awakens the ultimate form of the Sharingan. The other price of this is a disease that comes with the power; it slowly eats away at the eyes and chakra centers within the eyes causing the holder of the Mangekyou to eventually go completely blind." he stopped again so Naruto could process the information.

"However if you have a sibling who also has a Mangekyou level Sharingan and you steal that siblings eyes to replace your own it not only stops the disease completely but it grants a horrible level of tainted power and immortality to the one who did this. Madara was the first to discover it and I can only hope he will be the last." Shinigami finished his lecture.

Naruto on the other hand was speechless, words can't even describe how he felt. Instead he ran into the forest until he found himself a clearing with plenty of trees, a huge pond, and a few boulders.

Naruto then concentrated his chakra and immediately felt heavy, but supported himself and walked toward the river. He concentrated chakra to his feet and walked onto the water only to fall in it.

Naruto dragged himself to the shore spat out a mouthful of water and said, "It's going to be a long week."