
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

The second exam

"Alright everyone follow me to the second part of the exam." Anko shouted.

Fifteen minutes later everyone was in front of Training Ground Fourty-four. Anko decided to tell them that the real name of this forest was The Forest of Death.

Naruto scoffed, "Who cares" he muttered to no one in particular.

Anko hearing this threw a kunai at him, Naruto could have dodged it but decided to let it graze his cheek. Anko popped up behind him and licked the blood off his face. She thought that he'd be scared but actually he was smiling.

"You like this don't you Naruto?" When he didn't say anything she licked his cheek again this time real slow.

"What's wrong Naruto?"

Naruto decided to answer her question. "Actually I was just going to warn you that you might have AIDS."

When she looked confused he sighed before continuing.

"Oh come on you've licked like a hundred people's blood and it's in your system, how do you know that one of those people didn't have AIDS?"

Anko didn't say anything she was shocked she hadn't even thought about it. Anko decided that after the Genins went in the forest she'd go get a blood test. ( Ha Ha you have AIDS ( guess who says that )

After that little incident, Anko gave them some sheets telling them to sign them, so Konoha won't be responsible for their death's.

Exam Room

After Anko left, Ibiki Morino glanced at the broken glass his comrade's entrance scattered across the floor and grimaced. 'That woman's going to be the death of me.' he mused.

The number of examinees who passed the written exams was greater than the previous year, almost double. Hopefully the numbers will have dwindled by the time the one on one matches begin. The examiner took a cursory glance at the answer sheets he held in his hands and out of boredom decided to read some of them.

Most of the questions in almost all of the papers were left unanswered, with a few exceptions. The Haruno girl he was hearing so much about had full marks, which wasn't really a surprise because her academics had always been good. The Uchiha's paper had handwriting identical to one of the Chuunin proctors who sat among the class. Ibiki glanced among the remaining batches of tests until his eyes came upon one name.

"Naruto Uzumaki." he read.

From what the examiner remembered, that was the name if the boy who held the Kyuubi inside of him. He decided to read his answers.

The scarred Jounins eyes widened as he read the answers. And re-read them again. And again. The jinchuuriki had answered every single question correctly but there was something about the way that he worded them that made the answers seem suspect. It took him a few minutes to realize that the boy's answers on some of the more technical questions were actually better and more plausible than what was written on the official correction sheet.

Ibiki was very impressed.

"Kami-sama." he said. He made a mental note to see Naruto's match, if only to see how the boy would fair. Grinning like a cat that caught a mouse, he hefted the answer sheets in one palm and walked out the room, whistling as he went.

The Forest of Death

It has been a half hour, since team seven arrived in The Forest of Death. And they were lost ( except Naruto ) until he stopped them.

"What is it dobe?" Sasuke asked.

"Listen teme ( bastard for a guy, bitch for a girl ), I'm going to give you the scroll, and we'll split up."

"Why would we do that?"

"Because Sakura, if we split into two groups we will find a Earth Scroll quicker." replied Naruto. 'Idiot's like I would give you the real scroll.'

"Like I would do-

"That is a good idea for a dobe." interrupted Sasuke, as he took the scroll from Naruto.

"Yea what Sasuke-kun said." Sakura quickly agreed.

"Okay here's the plan you and the teme will go to the left, when you see a cross, stop and go right to avoid the man eating plants. Stay away from the cave's that's where the wolfs are, and there is a tiger pit so stay off the ground after you pass the caves. We'll meet up here in-case you find anything." Naruto said to them.

"Naruto how do you know this?" asked Sakura.

"I live here." he replied before running off, not noticing their shocked faces.

After Naruto left, he encountered five tigers, but quickly killed them and sealed them into a scroll. Shinigami told him the tattoo appeared after he kills a human, animals and clone's don't count.

After his battle with the tiger's he ran into the Grass-nins, hearing their conversation.

"And then I will give Sasuke-kun my Curse Seal, and he will come to me for power." said the he-she Grass-nin.

"This is a great plan Orochimaru-sama." replied one of the Grass-nins.

'Orochimaru! I'm going to kill him!'

"No Naruto don't attack him!" Shinigami yelled.

'Why? Your orders are for me to kill him!' he yelled.

"You're not strong enough."


"Kid you're at-least high Chuunin level, and he's a Sannin, they are as strong as the Hokage himself. Think before you act dumbass."

Before Naruto reflected his thoughts, he heard Orochimaru speak again.

"I see we have an intruder, you two kill him." Orochimaru said to his minions.

"Oh shit."