
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

The end of the second exam

After Naruto knocked Kimimaro out he decided to take him home. He was almost home, but then he heard a familiar scream.

"Shit Hinata's in trouble. Oh man I don't have time for this Summoning Jutsu!" he shouted.

In a big poof of smoke, a brown fox the size of a horse appeared.

"How may I serve you Naruto-sama?"

"Kenji, I need you to take Kimimaro to my house. And I need you to tell him to make himself at home."

"Yes Naruto-sama."

Naruto put Kimimaro on Kenji's back, then he went to save Hinata.

A few minutes away Gaara looked manically at Team Eight, his sand poured out of his gourd, and wrapped it around Hinata.

"Sand Coffin!" he yelled.

He was about to do Sand Burial, but his sand was cut in half by Naruto's katana.

"Gaara leave Hinata alone." Naruto said calmly, while producing a huge amount of killing intent.

This of course scared Temari, Kankuro, and Team Eight. While Gaara produced his own killing intent.

After fifteen minutes both Naruto and Gaara quit, and the Sand Team left.

Naruto turned around to face Team Eight, only to see Kiba out cold, Shino just standing there, and Hinata on her knees in tears.

He quickly knelled down to to her level, gave her a hug saying, "It's okay Hinata-chan I'll always protect you, no matter what."

"N-Naruto-kun thank you for saving me." she said

Naruto's only response was taking off his mask, making Hinata blush twenty shades of red, kissing her on the forehead, and making her faint. This made Naruto sigh no matter what he did she still fainted, he really needed to get her out of the Hyuuga Compound.

"Shino please take Hinata-chan, and the mutt to the tower." Naruto said.

"I will." Shino replied,taking his teammates and went somewhere safe.

Naruto's Home

After the incident with Gaara Naruto went to his house, only to see Kimimaro eating his ramen and petting Ami.

"Ami seems to take a liking to you, she's not too friendly with stranger's."

At this Ami perked up and jumped onto Naruto's shoulder.

"Your summon told me to make myself at home." Kimimaro said.

"Yea, now onto business, I can help you, but I need information on Orochimaru." after a few hours Kimimaro told Naruto about the Curse Seals, the Sound Four after saying he quit it was the Sound Five, the plan to destroy Konoha, use Sasuke Uchiha as his new vessel. He also told him where he came from, how he met Orochimaru, saying he was the last of his clan, and saying his bloodline limit was the Dead Bone Pulse.

After he finished Naruto told him about his deal with Shinigami, his new bloodline limit, the Kyuubi being inside him, when he transferred him into his sword, and his childhood.

They then knew they were no so different, and got along like brothers. Then they both went to bed after a long day.

The next day Naruto decided to talk with Ami.

"So Ami how have you been?" Naruto asked.

'Lonely.' she replied.

"I'm sorry sweetheart I've been very busy, training to protect you, and getting you a new mommy."


"Yea I have a clan to revive after all."

They pretty much did this the entire day, and Kimimaro slept because of his illness.

The next day Kyuubi talked to him.

"Hey kit aren't you forgetting something?" Kyuubi asked.

"Yea I forgot to eat breakfast."

"No it rhymes with eam even."

"Nope doesn't ring a bell."



'Daddy what's wrong?' Ami asked

"Ami daddy has something important to do, I'll see you later bye." Naruto said before running towards his teammates chakra signature.

With Sakura

( I got some parts from the manga, anime, and guide lines the rest is me )

"Ha! You can barely move, what makes you think you can keep me from killing Sasuke?" Zaku taunted. "Say your prayers bitch!" As he was ready to finish her off, when three others appeared in front of Sakura.

Under other circumstances, Sakura would hate who had come to her rescue, but at this point she couldn't have been happier. "Ino..."

"I just couldn't let you have all the fun" replied Ino, "Besides, I can't just let you win over Sasuke-kun by letting you play the heroine."

"They are like cockroaches..." Dosu commented.

"Just what the hell were you two thinking, just interfering in a fight like this!?" Chouji yelled at Shikamaru and Ino.

"Troublesome as it is...It's even more troublesome if we don't help them out..." Shikamaru said lazily. "Since Ino...decided to step in, we, as men, just can't run away."

'Besides, we are a three man team. There isn't anything we can't do together!" Ino replied.

"B-But! I'm not ready to die just yet!" Chouji pleaded as he tried to get away, only to be held in place by Shikamaru.

"Shut up! We can't help that now!" shouted Shikamaru.

Zaku laughed at the 'big-boned' guys actions, "Go ahead and run if you'd like, Fatty." ( never call an Akimichi fat, you'll regret it )

Both Ino and Shikamaru gasped and took a step back, the latter instantly letting go of Chouji's scarf as if he had been burned. Chouji, on the other hand, stopped trying to run.

"What did he say?" Chouji asked in a menacing low whisper. "I'm not sure I heard him correctly."

"I said you can go and run, fat ass!" Zaku shouted.

"I'M NOT FAT! I'M BIG BONED!" Chouji shouted turning around abruptly.

"Now it's a fight for honor of Konoha and 'big boned' people everywhere! Hhhhhuuurrrrrraaaayyyy For 'Big Boned' People!"

Ino smirked, "Now you made him mad."

"Troublesome..." Shikamaru said shaking his head.

"Sakura," Ino said suddenly,

"Take care of those Sasuke-kun alright. The Ino-Shika-Chou team is going to fight with everything we have!"

"Ninja Art: Expansion Jutsu!" Chouji shouted as he ballooned out to an incredible size.

"Human Boulder!" Chouji's limbs and head receded into the 'big boned' guys body as jets of steam streamed out from where each appendage disappeared to. He then began to spin at a very rapid velocity.

"What the hell?" Zaku said placing his hands out in front of him,

"Splicing Air Waves!" he shouted.

Streams of air slamming straight into Chouji's huge body. They were at a standstill until Zaku got frustrated and put more power into his jutsu.

Chouji then shot up into the air only to start rapidly descending on the spiky haired Sound-nin.

"Shit...because of his spinning my jutsu is ineffective..."

Dosu saw Zaku's predicament and ran to save his partner. Shikamaru decided to step in at this point.

"I don't think so! "Shadow Possession Jutsu!" The Nara's shadow lanced out to capture the Sound-nin's shadow, holding him in place. "Shadow Possession Jutsu success!"

Meanwhile, Zaku was just barely able to dodge Chouji's attack.

"Dosu! What the hell are you doing?" Kin shouted when she saw him not doing anything.

"Ino, take care of the woman!" Shikamaru ordered.

"No problem, Shikamaru" replied Ino, "Just take care of my body! Mind Transfer Jutsu!" Shikamaru caught Ino as she slumped to the ground. Chouji had Zaku boxed in with no escape in sight.

"Kin! What are you doing?" Zaku shouted.

"What's wrong?" Dosu asked.

Kin/Ino then held a kunai to her throat.

"This is it! If you move, she's dead! Unless you want us to do lasting harm to you guys, you'd better drop your scroll and go!" she ordered them. "Once we feel that you are a good distance away, we'll then release her."

Zaku's response was to attack his teammate.

"Chouji!" shouted Kin/Ino.

Choji intercepted the attack taking the brunt of the damage, but Kin was sent flying back into the tree behind her. Ino's body started bleeding.

"Ino!" Shikamaru shouted. Chouji had returned to his normal size, his attack expired and he was in no condition to continue the fight.

"What the hell? They attacked their own teammate..." Kin/Ino said as she got up.

"You took us far to lightly" Zaku said smirking.

"Our purpose is not some dumb scroll or to even make it through the exam." Dosu added.

"It's Sasuke-kun..." Shikamaru's shadow then receded back to him releasing Dosu.

"Ah I see your jutsu has a set time limit," observed the newly freed Dosu. "and the girl's jutsu...judging from the blood, if we kill Kin, she dies as well..."

"You would kill your own teammate?" asked Shikamaru surprised.

"If we have to." said Zaku raising his had towards Kin.

"I have to admit though...you almost had us..."

"However...you let your guard down." Dosu informed them.

"Disgusting." said another voice, Sakura looked up to see a cut and bruised Naruto, along with Neji Hyuuga and Tenten

"And what are you going to do? Kill us? Hahahaha." Zaku mocked.

Neji smirked, "It looks like we no longer have to." That's when everyone else felt it. A sickly, powerful aura saturated the air around them as Sasuke was doused in purple chakra. He abruptly stood up.

"Sasuke-kun! You're awake!" Sakura said excitedly before becoming afraid. As Sasuke slowly stood the purple chakra swirled around him.

"Th-That's...Sasuke...kun..." said Kin/Ino, afraid of what had become of her longtime crush.

Flame-like markings now ran down the Uchiha's left arm and the left side of his face.

"Sakura...who did that to you?"

"The Cursed Seal..." Dosu and Naruto gasped.

"Sasuke-kun...those markings..." Sakura began before being interrupted by Sasuke.

"Don't worry, I can feel the power surging inside of me!" Sasuke said confidently.

"I'm stronger than I was before, and its all because of him. I'm an avenger, I will gain power by any means necessary, even at the cost of my own soul."

'I see...' Dosu observed, 'The markings she mentioned earlier was Orochimaru-sama's own Cursed Seal. I can't believe he was able to survive...'

"Who, Sakura? Who did this to you?" Sasuke demanded angrily.

"I did!" Zaku said proudly. Sasuke turned his gaze towards the Sound-nin, his now two tomoe Sharingan spinning wildly.

"Ino get out of there!" Shikamaru shouted. The blond kunoichi immediately complied as Kin's body slumped to the ground.

"Chouji hide, now!"

"Shikamaru, what's going on?" Chouji asked.

"I don't know..." he answered.

Sasuke's markings spread to cover his entire body.

"This is too much for us, we must leave now." said Dosu to Zaku.

"Whatever! He was half dead just a few minutes ago!" said Zaku aiming his arm's at Sasuke.

"Zaku stop! You don't understand!"

"I will kill them all!" shouted Zaku, "Ultrasonic Air Waves!" Everyone had to cover their faces as Zaku's jutsu struck Sasuke.

"Blown to pieces!"

"Who was?" asked someone from behind Zaku. His eyes widened in realization as he was knocked off his feet across the clearing.

"Zaku!" shouted Dosu, but Sasuke was already attacking again.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" several fireballs were streaming at Zaku.

"Too Easy! Splicing Air Wave!" he shouted, overpowering the fireballs.

Unfortunately for him, there were shuriken with in the fireballs and Zaku found himself getting sliced up pretty good, though he wasn't struck in any vital area. Before anyone could say or do anything Zaku found himself doubled over, Sasuke's foot in the center of his back, his arms behind held fast behind him, by the Uchiha.

"This can't be Sasuke-kun..." Ino said in denial.

"W...Wha's happened to him?" asked Chouji.

Sasuke smirked, "You seem awfully proud of these arms..." he began to apply pressure, the bones in Zaku's arms began to crack and break.

"S-Stop...stop it please!" Zaku yelled out in pain. Sasuke began to pull harder, until there were two loud snaps of Sasuke crippling Zaku's arms.

Sasuke then kicked Zaku down to the ground like common trash before turning towards Dosu.

"I guess it's only you left...you had better be much more entertainment than the other guy." Sasuke said still smirking sinisterly at the shaking Dosu.

"Sasuke-kun! STOP!" Sakura finally yelled out embracing the Uchiha in a full hug, tears streaming down her face. "Stop please..."

But her effort's were in vain, because Sasuke back handed her in the face.

"Alright teme that's enough." Naruto shouted.

"So the dobe wants a piece of me, well then bring it on!"

Naruto ran at Sasuke only to get punched in the stomach, Naruto then swiped at Sasuke's legs knocking him down.

He then got to his feet and shouted "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" creating ten clones. One of his clones went to punch Sasuke, only to get punched in the chest, poofing out of existence.

Sasuke then took out five kunai and shuriken, he threw them taking out five clones and hitting the real Naruto.

Crying out in pain, Naruto took three shuriken out of his left leg, and took a kunai out of his left hand.

Ignoring the pain he ran at Sasuke.

After finishing off the last clone, Sasuke kicked Naruto in his right knee, then he elbowed him in between the shoulders, With that Sasuke knocked Naruto into the air with a solid kick to the chin and then jumped after him, then appeared behind and delivered a stunning backhand strike to the face. He wasn't finished with that thought as he punched Naruto in the stomach, followed by a devastating spin-around kick to the chest. Sasuke called out "Lion's Barrage!" as he finished the attack. Knocking Naruto's mask off, and breaking a lot of his bones.

Everyone who was not unconscious, couldn't believe what they were seeing. Sasuke Uchiha was killing his teammate, and not showing any kind of mercy.

"So dobe, what do you think of my newfound power?"

Naruto didn't answer.

"Can't speak, uh well I guess I'm the better shinobi."

Naruto still didn't answer.

"With this power, I can kill that ice bitch..." he didn't get a chance to finish when Naruto punched him in the jaw, and sending him into a tree.

His chakra was intense, everybody minus Sasuke fell unconscious, his chakra was so intense it even scared Shinigami.

"Naruto stop! If you don't stop the Jagan Eye will...Oh shit it's too late!" Shinigami yelled.

Naruto stood up his medical tape around his lower torso and left arm burned off, his wound's were already healing, leaving some scars, Naruto's spiky blond hair began to stand straight up in the front, no longer covering his forehead. His eye's turned into the Kurashagan but a fifth tomoe appeared, his nails grew longer into claws, and his whiskers became thicker.

Then what appeared to be a slit across it appeared and began to slightly glow. The teal glow became more intense as it got wider. When the slit fully opened the glow subsided revealing a third eye much like Naruto's normal two. It was crimson in color, although it was slightly slitted.

"I will not allow you to hurt Haku, I'm going kill you!" Naruto shouted in a demonic voice.

Naruto rushed Sasuke punching him in the stomach, he then ricochet off a tree then kicked in the back of the leg. After that he did the Shadow Clone Jutsu without any hand seals! He created five clones, one punched Sasuke in the face "Uzu" the other four kicked him in the chin and other body parts "ma". Then Naruto jumped on the first clone's back getting higher than Sasuke, "ki" he then gave him an ax-kick in the back of the head, finishing the move "Uzumaki Barrage!" Knocking Sasuke out.

After three hour's Naruto fixed himself up, by putting new medical tape around his lower torso, and around the lower part his left arm and hand, he put his forehead protector over his Jagan Eye, he put his mask on, and he carved the leaf symbol on the forehead on his mask. While everyone was out he wondered what the hell happened. The first minute Sasuke called Haku an ice bitch, and the next second his Kurashagan feels weird, knows a new technique, he had a eye on his forehead, and everybody was unconscious. He tried to contact Shinigami and Kyuubi, but they weren't answering. So after another hour of pondering everyone minus Sasuke and Zaku woke up.

"You're strong, we can not defeat you..." Dosu said, their teams scroll now in his hand as he had taken in back from Zaku.

"How about you just let us go...for now..." he said putting down the scroll slowly.

"I must check on some things first, but I promise you, should we face each other once more, I promise we will neither run nor hide."

"Wait! What has Orochimaru done to Sasuke-kun!?" Sakura demanded. "And why Sasuke-kun!?"

"I do not know, we were ordered to kill him." said Dosu, he then left with his teammates.

After that Team Ten and Team Nine ( Gai's team ) left, leaving Naruto alone because Sakura collapsed from exaustion.

"Great now I have to carry their sorry ass, oh well Shadow clone Jutsu!" he shouted.

He picked up Sasuke and his clone picked up Sakura, and went towards the tower.

When Sasuke woke, up, it was to find Naruto carrying him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Another Naruto, running next to them, had Sakura in a similar position.

"You awake, sleeping beauty?" he heard the blond ask, causing him to moan in reply as his head spun.

"I feel like shit." he muttered honestly, feeling bile rise in his mouth from those few words.

"You puke on me, and I'll castrate you with your teeth." Naruto threntened.

When the clone felt Sakura move and moan he 'accidentally' hit her head off a branch, rendering the kunoichi unconscious once more. As a result, the trip was relatively quiet until they got to the tower, where the irrate kunoichi fiunally regained conciousness and would have made a scene if Sasuke did not tell her to shut it.

The Tower

As it was, they were trying to figure out the connection between the scrolls and the tapestry, when Sasuke noted the smoke rising off the center, slapping them to the floor, causing a figure to appear in a cloud of smoke.

"Iruka-sensei nice to see you again." Naruto said.

"Good to see you made it this far," the scarred man noted.

"You have one more day in the exams, why don't you rest?"

Naruto nodded, then he glanced at Sasuke,

"Could you get a Medic-nin?" he asked.

"Some snake freak attacked Sasuke in the woods, he's got this freaky hicky on his neck. Plus he's really beat up."

Sasuke snorted and showed the mark to the worried Chuunin, who agreed to have a medic sent in immediately. In the meantime, Naruto decided to catch up on his time with Hinata.

Sakura glared at the blonde whom she blamed for 'stealing' her precious time with Sasuke.