
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Shinigami's deal

"What am I going to tell the Hokage?" Kakashi sighed sadly. It's been three days since Naruto sacrificed himself to save Zabuza and Haku. He knew he couldn't procrastinate on a issue like this, after all it's not every day you kill your sensei's son.

"Just tell him the truth, that he died protecting his precious person." Sasuke in a rare moment of kindness. But underneath his calm facade he was trying his best to to cry in front of everyone. While he would never say it out loud Naruto was his friend, the blond always stuck by him during their academy days after his clan was slaughtered. Being an orphan he knew his pain and lonliness of not having a family.

Sakura on the other hand clearly didn't give a flying fuck. Her mom always told her that Naruto was the Kyuubi incarnate, and she believed every word like a good girl. And the result was her undertaking a private mission under the Civilian Council to destroy the blond-haired demon any way necessary. Smirking inwardly she took pride in what she did to make him suffer, distracting him from his studies as a shinobi with her beauty, causing him brain damage by hitting him repeatedly for doing the simplest things. While she was glad she had him wrapped around her finger, his death took a lot off her mind so she can finally report back to her mom, and finally get her beloved Sasuke to finally notice her.

Zabuza meanwhile stood up causing Kakashi to glance at him, sighing the Demon of the Mist said to the Copycat Ninja, "Listen I'm just heading to the bathroom. I swore on my sword that I would honor the kids request, and I'm not going to break it." as he headed to the bathroom the former Mist Anbu member reflected on the last three days. And he missed the kid, while he was an idiot he had potential to surpass him, that's right he was the on he mentioned to Kakashi on the bridge. The kid had spirit and brought Haku and him closer together, he felt like smacking himself for being so oblivious to his weap...I mean his surrogate daughters feelings towards him. As he opened the door he swore that if he broke his promise that he would take his own life.

Haku however was sitting by Tsunami, both still shedding tears. Tsunami's was for the man who saved her and her sons lives, while hers were from what could have been. When she first saw him unconscious in the forest it pained her to try and kill him, and for that she was glad that she didn't. His eyes looked much like hers before she found Zabuza. While she had no doubt that he was happy with his current precious people, his eyes showed her it just wasn't enough. Drying her tears once again she made a silent vow to honor his sacrifice by living her life to the fullest.

Tazuna drank himself into unconsciousness, unable to bear that a young soul sacrificed his life for a country that was not his own. A part of him died on that bridge three days ago, showing what a waste of life these shinobi go through. Naruto was only twelve, almost thirteen, barely old enough to see life to its fullest, that was why he was gong to name it The Great Naruto Bridge to honor the life of Wave Countries savior before he passed out.

Inari however was taking it the hardest, Naruto was the closest thing he had to a brother. But he dared not shed a tear out of sadness, no that would be an insult to the man who saved his country. The only time he would ever cry was out of happiness, never sadness, that he swore on the grave of Kaiza, the first hero of Wave Country, and his father.

None of them knew what would occur in the next hour.

Unknown Location

"Is this hell or is this heaven?" Naruto whispered quietly to himself. The sound echoed through the darkness, and he heard his own question repeated many times, distorted in some way. He could feel the vibrations of his own voice rippling though his body. Then there was another voice, and as it spoke the veil of shadow that had shrouded his senses was banished.

"No, this isn't hell. It is the place in between earth, heaven, and hell. It is the connection linking all three. It is the place of judgment or known as limbo." the words came from every direction and the voice was unlike any he had ever heard.

As his sight returned he could see a figure in front of him. It was monstrous, larger than even the Kyuubi though it shared many of the same characteristics as a human. Only he had purple skin with horns on his head, and his long white hair flowed down to the giants knees and a dagger was held between its teeth. The man was wore a big baggy black yukata he was also slightly transparent, and glowed with a strange dark power. A presence hung, not like a killing intent but rather like death itself was radiating from the ghost-like man. It was so powerful that that it made Kyuubi's killing intent seem like nothing.

Naruto gulped, he had never felt this much power before. This man had to be a God or demon, nothing else could house so much power. "I am Shinigami, God of Death." Naruto's eyes widened at this revelation. He was dead.

"He killed me, my sensei killed me." Naruto's eyes dulled with sadness. He knew that something was off, but didn't know what. But what the God of Death said practically was a chakra reinforced punch by Sakura. He looked back at the Shinigami. The God's orb-like eyes were boring a hole in his forehead.


The God of Death seemed a bit taken aback that a mortal would speak so bluntly with him. "Well looks you got a set of kahunas to speak to the devine-"

"I know your the lord of the afterlife, big fucking deal. Just send me to heaven, hell, or keep me her, either way I don't give a shit." Naruto said crossing his arms in front of his chest, awaiting his judgment.

He expected an angry scream, and get banished to hell for all eternity. But instead The God of Death started chuckling, right before going into full blown laughter. He waited for him to stop, but it continued on for three straight hours bringing a bunch of ticked marks to his head. "What's so damn funny!?" he finally screamed out, getting tired of his laughter.

Wiping a tear from his eye, the Shinigami chuckled one more time. "You are a very amusing human." he managed to say, before letting loose a stream of chuckles.

"What do you mean by that?" the blond asked, while it was easy to confuse him, this was far by the most confusing thing that he ever experienced in his life.

"Kid you are to first human to tell me off. No one, and I mean no one other than my brother has told me off. And I find that hilarious." Shinigami said his respect going up a notch, "But now onto important matters. I believe you know that you have passed on."

"Yes I kind of figured that out since I met you." Naruto said scratching his head.

"Cut the lip smartass I'm trying to say something important here." Shinigami snapped at him, "Now as I was saying I'm here to make a deal with you."

"Wow, wow, wow, hold up I ain't making any deal. Not without knowing what I'm in for."

"Wow your not as dumb as you look."

"I take offense to that." Naruto protested.

"Whatever blondie, let me guess, you aren't going to agree unless I tell you what I'm planning?" Shinigami asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"In the words of the Yondame Hokage, take it or leave it." Naruto said, bringing out a ghostly image that made the God of Death blink to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

'You don't know the half of the words you just said.' Shinigami thought, remembering those words from so long ago.

"All right but listen closely I'm only going to say this once." he said making Naruto nod, "I have been watching you closely, and I must say you have earned my full respect and more. And that is nearly imposable. So I'm going to offer you a second chance at life. I will send you back to your world. I will repair and enhance you old body to the point that you will be unrecognizable to everyone." he finished, making Naruto's eyes widen in excitement.

"What about the fox?" our blond hero asked, wondering if he would be rid of him once and for all.

"Unfortunately Kyuubi's soul will remain in you body. Now before you complain I just can't take him out, it is the will of my mother Destiny that you two stay bound together." seeing the blond frown, and bring his head don in disappointment. Shinigami shrank down to the size of a six foot tall human, and ruffled his hair in a fatherly fashion. "Hey don't look so down. There's a gift that I'm going to bestow you as my vassal a power that even makes the mightiest demon quiver in fear."

Naruto looked at the God in only slight comprehension. "What's this power you speak of?" he asked, and wondering what a vassal was.

"It is the power of the Darkness Flame."Shinigami replied.

"The Darkness Flame?"

"Yes the most powerful fire next to Ameratsu's flames. Powerful Hellfire flames that will burn through anything, and I mean anything."

The blond couldn't help but smirk, but one thing came to his mind. "What's a vassal?"

"It means you serve me. You will be my subordinate, the first actually. You will follow my orders like your Hokage, and sensei, but what I say goes." Shinigami said, causing the blond o frown, "Don't worry it's not like your my slave for eternity, you will still have all your freedoms, but when an order comes up I expect you to do it."

Breathing out a sigh of relief the blond relaxed. After thinking it over for a few minutes he answered one of the highest powers in existence. "I accept your deal Lord Shinigami"

"I'm glad to hear it, but please no honorifics. Your supposed to be yourself, not some religious nut like those blasted Jashinist freaks." Shinigami sighed, really hating those guys.

"Jashinist's? Wait never mind I'll ask later, but I got a question for you, if you'll allow it."

"Go ahead and ask, I just may answer it."

"Since you are the God of Death you probably know who my parent's were. So can you please tell me who they are?" Naruto asked the question that has been bugging him for te past twelve years.

"I'm afraid you will have to ask your Hokage. But I can say that mother was an Uchiha-"

"What! My mom was a Uchiha? So I'm related to Sasuke-teme! Why does God hate me!?" Naruto cried out in disbelief, doing a bunch of exaggerated movements, causing the God of Death to sweat-drop, wondering if this was a good idea.

"Kid my brother doesn't hate you, I know this for a fact trust me." he replied, making him stop in an awkward angle.

"All right fine, can I go back now? After all I can't ask the old man if I'm dead." Naruto asked standing straight up.

"Hold up before you leave, I have a couple assignments for you."

"Fine, lay it on me." Naruto sighed, wanting to get this over with.

"First I'm going to awaken your Sharingan and I want you to name it because its going to be a new Bloodline, two get rid of that God forsaken jumpsuit I'll supply you some clothes later, three you're going to sign the Fox contract Kyuubi and I know he will give you it, four I want you to kill a man named Orochimaru and Madara Uchiha they have been a pain in my ass for far too long, and five don't fawn over that pink-haired bitch, instead pursue that Hyuuga girl, and that ice babe."

"Shinigami I...wait why do you care about my love life?" Naruo asked suspiciously.

Shinigami actually chuckled nervously, and scratched the back of his head, "Well for one I know that you've been secretly seeing that Hyuuga girl, and I know that you know that her love runs deep within her for a knucklehead like you. Plus that girl with that ice bloodline well...she's well hot and is developing feeling for you. And before you ask how I know, it's simple Cupid is a good friend of mine, and he knows that it gets bored in Limbo. So he shoots people for everyones amusement...though he seriously fucked up when he shot you for the pink-haired bitch."

"Take that back Saura is not-"

"Quiet!" the God of Death roared at him, "She is a total bitch, the worst girl have ever witnessed to date!"

"You may be a God but I know her, and she-" he was interrupted again when the powerful Deity punched him in the face. The blond flew back a few feet before hitting an invisable wall, knocking him unconscious. He stirred a couple minutes later, but he was frowning, and his eyes held a dark look. "Is this true?" he asked sadly.

"Yes, she isn't what you thought she was. Her and that damn Civilian Council of yours have been fucking you over your entire life. That was the sole reason I punched you, to transfer a small part of my memory to show you I wasn't lying."

After a long while our blond hero stayed quiet, "Is there anything else you wish of me?" he finally asked, his voice still sad, but happy at the same time in a wierd way.

"Yes I want you to drop your mask because I'm sick and tired of you making yourself looking like an ass all the time."Shinigami retorted on a mocking tone.

Nodding Naruto accepted Shinigami's terms. "I'll do as you say, but I got a few questions." he asked.

"Ask away."

"For me killing those two men, isn't Orochimaru the Snake Sannin who betrayed Konoha? And who the hell is Madara Uchiha isn't he part of my family?"

"Listen Orochimaru is trying to obtain immortality which is a pain in my ass, just think if other people were to discover how he gained immortality the entire balance of life will get fucked up. Plus the manhas been doing sick and unusual experiments, thus forcing me to send good spirits to hell because they turned evil because of him. As for Madara yes he's part of your family, however he has gained immortality, but that's not the worst part he somehow took control of Kyuubi not once but twice! He was the one who fucked up your life, and pretty much cursed you to damnation!"

"You have to bee fucking kidding me?"

"Kid I'm a God and Gods don't lie."

Then there was silence, a very uncomfortable silence so Shinigami decided to break it. "Why does this bother you? I know you took your first life life before."

"Well they seem strong, I mean I'm only at high Genin level at best. Do I have to-"

"Oh God no, they are your primary targets. While I want them dead as soon as possible, they don't have be killed right away. After all what use would you be if you died on me?" Shinigami said cooly, while it was kind of cold of him, Naruto knew that he was right. "But they won't be the only ones, you will have secondary targets when I come up with them."

"All right, now for naming my bloodline can you give me some time to name it? I can't really come up with something this important on the fly." Naruto said hoping that he could go back now.

"Alright I'll give you some time. Now it's time for me to send you back, remember death is your ally. Go forth and be my agent of death to those unworthy of their lives!." Shinigami told Naruto as he faded away and the blackness receded.