
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Sasuke Retreval

Konoha A Month and Three Weeks Later

Today was a beautiful day in Konoha however for a few people it was being completely ignored. Those people happened to be the ones who lived in the Uchiha compound house. The reason was simple for the first time in a while Naruto and most of his entire family were all actually home at once.

As such they had taken this time to catch up with each other. Or rather Haku and Hinata had taken the opportunity to pounce on him but he wasn't complaining. They had all been doing missions constantly always C-ranked or higher.

Naruto himself had just gotten back from another B-ranked mission. His team had been acting as bodyguards over in Tea Country and had run into a few Rain-nin. One of which was a former Leaf-nin by the name of Aoi Rukusho a former Jounin who had turned traitor and stolen the Raijin sword which belonged to the Nidaime Hokage.

Long story short they had managed to kill the traitor and retrieve the sword while at the same time accomplishing their mission. They really had no problems other than Sasuke being injured.

Naruto gave the sword back to Tsunade something she had thanked him greatly for, and gave his a scroll that contained some of her uncle's ( Nidaime ) jutsu's, and a few from the Forbidden Scroll. ( hey if you gave something special like that blade back to its 'owner' you're bound to get rewarded with something so don't give me any crap about Naruto getting too strong he just lost alot of power last chapter )


Sasuke Uchiha was pissed. He was an Uchiha and Uchiha's did not get put into hospitals. Especially not by someone who was clearly beneath him like Aoi Rukusho. How the hell was he supposed to avenge his clan if he couldn't even beat that weakling. If that wasn't bad enough Naruto had beaten the man easily while even his Chidori wasn't enough to beat him. He calmed himself though remembering just how Naruto got his power.

After regaining himself he decided he'd have to take his training up a notch or three. Leaning back he smirked to himself he'd prove to be a worthy rival to the blond soon enough. ( remember this is when he went insane )

His thoughts were interrupted when Naruto and Kietsu walked into the room."Hey Sasuke how are you doing?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto fight me." Sasuke said in an icy tone. Naruto looked into his eyes, which now blazed with the Sharingan, and he then understood. Sasuke needed to fight as confirmation.

"Very well Sasuke." Naruto said as he and Sasuke were at the top of the hospital roof in a matter of seconds.

Both of them took a stance, Naruto didn't have his sword with him but he was confident in his taijutsu. Naruto rushed forward and threw a punch one that was intercepted by Sasuke. Naruto quickly spun around him and threw a kick this time at the back of his head. Sasuke managed to block it but the force behind it sent him flying back.

Before he could blink two Shadow Clones were behind him with wire. They managed to successfully wrap it around his upper body stopping his arms but he spun in the air kicking them out of existence. Naruto was on him again, but Sasuke saw him coming with his Sharingan. He leaned on his back and grappled Naruto's punch with his legs; Sasuke then effectively flipped Naruto onto the ground. Sasuke rolled over to his side and dug into his kunai pouch with his teeth.

He successfully got one and stood up, he dropped it from his mouth and let it fall into his hand which were still bound by the wire and cut himself then charged at Naruto and sent a foot towards his head on the ground. Naruto rolled over and avoided it. He then spun up and kicked Sasuke in the gut, which stalled him for a few seconds. But he quickly recovered and formed a set of familiar seals.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Naruto instantly flipped back as a huge stream of fire erupted from Sasuke's mouth. It hit him dead on, and Sasuke smirked however the smirk disappeared as Naruto disappeared in a poof of smoke.

"A clone but when did he-" Sasuke was cut off by the sound of some one running up behind him. He took out a kunai and met it with one of Naruto' both stared each other down.

Sasuke flipped back away and into the air from Naruto and formed the seals for Chidori. The familiar sound of chirping birds filled the air as lightning covered the boy's held his right hand out and slowly formed the Rasengan.

Then without warning both of them charged at each other screaming out their techniques.

"Chidori 1000 Birds!"


The two of them charged each other ready to give it their all. But just before their attacks met Kakashi appeared between them and flung them away from each other towards some water towers. Sasukes plunged straight threw creates in fairly big hole as water poured out. Naruto's and dented the water tower severally and a trickle of water was coming out. When Sasuke saw this he smirked.

"What do you two think your doing!" Kakashi shouted at his students.

Naruto threw him an apologetic smile even though he wouldn't see it, while Sasuke scuffed and flipped away over the fence. He looked back at the water towers and to his immense surprise the entire back was blown of Naruto's. Sasuke's eyes narrowed in anger as he left.

Later That Night

Sasuke stood at the edge of a large tree branch in the middle of the village. Not long ago Kakashi had come by and told him not to use that technique on a comrade. He had given the boy a lot to think about as he said he already lost all his important not long after that Orochimaru's servants had shown up. They had given a first hand demonstration of the power he offers.

Sasuke knew that if he went he would become strong enough to defeat his brother, but for some reason something was holding him back. He thought about his friends, how important they actually were to him. Then he thought about Naruto who was probably his best friend. Anger out weighed the joy of his memories as he made his decision.

Sasuke was almost at the gates when Sakura ran into him."Sasuke-kun where are you going?" Sakura asked.

"Away." he simply said.

"But Sasuke-kun this is your home. You have to stay here and revive your clan with me."

"Like hell I will!"


"Well for one I don't like you, and second Orochimaru will give me my power...I'll do anything for it." Sasuke said looking back.

"Sasuke please stay I love you. Please just stay, forget about your revenge...I know you'll be happy if you stay." Sakura finally said.

"Enough of this crap!"

Sakura found her throat slit by Sakon's kunai.

"We are leaving now." Sakon said as he, Sasuke and the rest of the Sound Four left the village.

The Next Day

Naruto was in a very bad mood.

He had been awoken from a very, very nice sleep with both Hinata and Haku by some no name Chuunin who clearly didn't like him. After making his way downstairs the Chuunin said that he was supposed to come to the tower. After securing his forehead protector he quickly grabbed his holsters, and wrote a note for both Haku and Hinata that he had some mission to arrived at the tower at the same time as Shikamaru.

They entered finding both Tsunade and Jiraiya in the office. Tsunade then explained that Sasuke had taken by some Sound-nin last night and Sakura had been killed, they along with a few Genin were supposed to retrieve him.

Sighing in frustration Naruto made some clones and sent them to gather a few at the gate he was happy to see Neji, Chouji, Shikamaru, and Kimimaro already there. The group quickly checked there supplies after which he chose to brief them.

"Alright guys the reason we were called together, is because last night four Sound-nin came and kidnapped Sasuke." Naruto spoke only to be interrupted by Kimimaro.

"It's them I know it." he said earning some confused looks from a few others.

"What do you mean 'them'?" Shikamaru asked.

"It's the Sound Four."

"Sound Four?" they asked.

"We were actually called the Sound Five, it contained Jiroubou, Kidomaru, Tayuya, Sakon, Ukon, and myself."

"What can you tell us about them?" Neji asked."Jiroubou is the weakest member but that doesn't mean he's useless. He has incredible strength, eats chakra, and uses earth jutsu's. Tayuya is also pretty weak, she swears so much it would make a sailor blush, and she uses a flute to summon her foul creatures and uses it for a nasty genjutsu. Kidomaru is very strong; almost as strong as I am, he is literally a hunter and likes to play with his victims, and he uses webs like a spider. And finally Sakon and Ukon are conjoined twins, and they are the leaders of the four since I've been incapacitated."

"Thanks for the information, now as I was saying our mission is to bring Sasuke back alive. Godaime-sama doesn't care how we do it just that it gets done." spoke Shikamaru.

"So that means they have officially unleashed us so we don't have to hold back." Chouji said.

"All right men let's head out!" Naruto said as they started walking out the gates.

"Uh...Naruto." a said a voice from behind them.

Naruto turned around and saw the sad face of Kietsu. She looked down at the ground and Naruto walked up to her.

"Please...please bring him back...I...I." she started to sob.

Naruto lifted her face up so he could stare her in the eyes. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Kietsu-chan...I promise you I will bring him back no matter what. Promise of a life time." said Naruto he gave her a warm smile and she nodded.

A Few Hours Later

They had finally caught up to the Sound-nin. Looking Neji reported there was one fat one guy, one guy with six arms, one red-headed female, and the two headed male with grey hair. Then he reported on the barrel that looked to be sealed shut which was most likely holding Sasuke.

Hearing this the group split up with Shikamaru going with Chouji, Neji with Naruto and leaving Kimimaro by himself.

Once everyone was in place Naruto gave the signal and he Chouji and Shikamaru dropped from the trees aiming to kill the Sound-nin in front of them. Seeing this the four Sound shinobi jumped apart only to have to dodge the second wave with Naruto and Neji, Kimimaro stayed hidden in case they needed backup.

"Just what do you fucktards want?" spoke the female of the group.

"Hand over Sasuke or die." Naruto said coldly.

"Not gonna happen." said the grey haired Sound-nin.

It was then the fat one made his move. He had taken the time to make his seals while no one was paying attention before calling out,"Earth Style: Earth Prison Jutsu!"

With that the earth around the Leaf-nin started to rise up, and trapped the four. Jiroubou was about to suck their chakra out, when the earth prison fell apart and Kimimaro landed in front of the Sound Four.

"Hello Jiroubou, Kidomaru, Tayuya, Sakon, and Ukon." Kimimaro said without any emotion.

"Kimimaro you're alive!" Kidomaru starting freaking out.

"It can't be! Orochimaru-sama told us you died!" Sakon yelled.

"H-how! Thi-this isn't p-po-pos-si-ible!" Jiroubou stuttered.

"How..." Tayuya tried to say something but couldn't.

"What's wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost." Kimimaro mocked.

Tayuya was the first one to snap out of her funk and screamed, "Traitor!" after hearing her cry the three snapped out of their funks, and prepared for battle.

"Hold it I'll fight them, just take the Uchiha and go!" Jiroubou commanded.

Deciding to follow his orders for the first, and possibly last time. Kidomaru took the barrel and the group dashed off, leaving the Jiroubou to deal with the group. Chouji however wouldn't allow this and told the others to go ahead while he dealt with the guy.

Chouji's Fight

Launching forward Chouji aimed a heavy right at the Jiroubou only for him to dodge to the side. Jiroubou seeing the opening sent a kick at Chouji which the he dodged by jumping backwards.

Jiroubo taking the opportunity did a few more seals before slamming his hands to the ground calling out, "Earth Style: Mud Cannonball Jutsu!"

With that he picked up a large piece of earth before hurling it at the plump boy. Chouji seeing this dodged to the side only to run into Jiroubo fist as he had predicted it sending the boy flying backwards.

Chouji however recovered in mid air and using his Expansion jutsu enlarged himself before landing on his feet and using his Human Boulder turning into a large ball and charging Jiroubou. Jiroubo however was tired of playing and was determined to finish this fast.

Seeing the giant ball of flesh coming he dodged before turning and kicking it hard with his right foot. Chouji flew through the air before slamming against a tree returning to normal.

"Humph a weak little Genin such as you isn't even worthy of me going all out." Jiroubou said arrogantly.

Chouji had taken this time and pulled out a small box. Opening it he saw three pills blue, yellow, and red. He quickly reached in for the blue hoping to end this swallowed the first of the three pills the blue one. He immediately felt a rush of energy flood him before he rushed Jiroubou and began to pummel him.

However soon black triangle like markings stated to spread out from the man's neck reminding Chouji of the incident in the forest of death. On the next swing Jiroubo grabbed Chouji's arm before nailing the boy hard in the face sending him flying back.'

'Damn that thing wore off too fast. No choice but to take the yellow one hopefully I won't need the red one.' Chouji thought as he once again pulled out the box of pills this time taking and quickly swallowing the yellow one.

Both of Chouji's arms doubled in size and he ran towards Jiroubou who was slightly surprised at the boys chakra increase. Chouji punched him, which sent him flying into the air. He then grabbed onto him and slammed him into the ground. Jiroubou coughed up some blood at the force of it. Chouji lunged himself in the air and his whole body expanded in size and he body slammed Jiroubou.

Chouji lied there for a short while and let out a breath of relief. However he immediately tensed when he felt something lifting him.

"Wha-no way." Chouji cried out in surprise. Jiroubou's body had changed he was more bulk and twice as ugly, he looked like some sort of troll or ogre with his orange skin and warts. The whites of his eyes were now black,his orange mohawk now covered his head and went down to his shoulders, and his pupils were slighted slitted on a field of yellow.

"How embarrassing going to this level on some one as pathetic as you." Jiroubou said with his mocking voice. Chouji cringed as he was thrown across the field his body shrinking back in size. He slowly tried to stand up as Jiroubou started to walk towards him. He winced in pain, an effect of the second pill.

Jiroubou brought his hands into the ground and tore out a large section of earth. He threw it towards a battered Chouji. The young Genin was barley able to dodge to the side.

Jiroubou slammed his fist into Chouji sending him slamming into the ground. Jiroubou's new strength was unbelievable, Chouji had no clue how someone could be that strong.

"Haha you sorry little Genin, there is no way you can beat me in this form. Thanks to Orochimaru-sama and this Curse Seal my strength is increased by ten-fold! Well brat its been fun." Jiroubou said walking towards Chouji. Chouji began to crawl away.

"When I'm done with you I'll kill those pathetic excuses for friends you have, you should thank me since they abandoned you."

'Win with the blue pill, kill with the yellow pill, but never take the red pill.' his father had told him that the day he handed him the box of pills.

'I guess I have no choice.' Chouji thought as he brought out his pill stalked over to Chouji's figure, which was now lying on his stomach on the ground. Jiroubou picked him up by the neck and turned him to meet his eyes. He was about to send a crushing blow to end the match when he paused.

He stared at Chouji's hand, which gripped and empty case. He looked back at the boys face and saw him swallow. His eyes widened as Chouji was flooded with chakra three times higher then before. It was taking all he had to stay in place. Chakra like wings erupted from the Chouji's back as he gripped Jiroubou's arm. Jiroubou howled in pain at the force of the grip as he let go of the boy.

He charged him and threw a punch with all his strength at Chouji. Chouji brought his hand up and caught the punch with ease; he didn't even so much as flinch under the force. Jiroubou felt his knuckles break as the boy gripped his hand; he let out a small yell in pain. He tried to tackle the boy but he remained unmoving.

"Your Curse Seal may give you ten times the strength, but the Akimichi pills increase my abilities one-hundred times over. You never ever had a chance!" Chouji said coldly.

Chouji brought his fist into the Jiroubou's gut. The force behind it resulted in a huge shock wave. Jiroubou had the wind completely knocked out of him as he gasped for breath. Chouji flipped him on his back into the ground. Jiroubou was forced to watch as all the boy's chakra was gathered in this final punch.

"Now die! Butterfly Bombardment!" he slammed it down straight into Jiroubou's chest; he died before he even had a chance to scream in pain.

Chouji walked out of the huge crater that he had made from the last blow. His body was racked with pain as he trudged forward to find his friends. His body couldn't take it thought as he fell to his knees.

He stayed conscious as long as he could tears flowing from his eyes as he stared at the message carved by his friends on a tree.

'Hey Chouji we're heading west, kick this guy's ass and hurry over.'-Naruto.

'Good luck Chouji.'-Neji.

And there was an arrow pointing west.

"Thanks guy's, but I won't be able to meet you guys this time." Chouji said, collapsing into blissful unconsciousness as a butterfly flew overhead.

Neji's Fight

The young Hyuuga prodigy charged his enemy with his Byakugan activated. He shot his open palm forward with surprising speed. Kidoumaru began to dodge doing back flips.

Neji had accomplished his goal, as his opponent was to distracted with him to notice his comrades escaping. Neji brought both his arms forward in a double thrust. Kidoumaru smirked as he grabbed Neji's forearms with to of his hands. He then used his other four to beat into Neji's exposed chest.

The attacks were having a huge effect but it didn't take long before Neji countered. He channeled chakra out the points on his forearms causing Kidoumaru to retreat his hands in then began to spin like a top.

"Eight Trigrams: Rotation!" he shouted out as Kidoumaru was blasted back by the wave of chakra. Kidoumaru flipped in the air and landed on the side of a tree sticking to it with his chakra, like a spider. Strange vine like marks started to appear on his body as he bit his thumb.

"That's quite the technique you have there." said Kidoumaru.

"Let me show you one of mine. Summoning Jutsu: Spider Queen!." Kidoumaru slammed his palm into the tree. Instantly a huge spider appeared. The giant beast crawled up above Neji and a huge egg sack appeared behind it. Mini-spiders began falling on top of Neji, he tried to do the Rotation but found that the spider's web eventually froze himThe second he stopped spinning Kidoumaru shot several golden-colored kunai at Neji.

He jumped back to dodge only be greeted by more spiders from above."Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms!" Neji began striking each of them down with the speed of a Jounin. Each spider was struck down quickly as Kidoumaru watched from a distance.

'He's fast I'll need to plan this out.'

Kidoumaru waved his hand giving his summon the command to fall. When it did Neji began spinning with the Rotation to defend. The spider erupted into web, trapping Neji.

Kidoumaru released some more of his special kunai one was able to it him on the back. Kidoumaru raised a curious eyebrow. During his time pondering Neji attacked; Kidoumaru was caught off guard at being discovered. Neji slammed his palm into his chest

.Neji wasted no time and taking advantage of his opponent shock he called out "Eight Trigrams: Sixty-four Palms!" he quickly launched his attack closing the tenketsu points in his opponents body. Kidoumaru went flying back before landing sprawled out on his back. However he didn't stay that way long as he got up covered in what appeared to be golden armor.

"That was one hell of an attack. Luckily I was able to call out my Sticky Spider Thread to stop you from disabling my chakra." Kidoumaru said.

Neji however was annoyed with his opponent. He watched as Kidoumaru tried to send out more of the thread but being tired of the game he quickly neutralized it by stopping the chakra flowing through it. Kidoumaru ready to end it as well activated the second level of his Cursed Seal. The black marks covering his body turned into a red color before the color covered the rest of his skin. Next a third eye grew onto his forehead, he grew horns, and some spikes out of his arms.

"I never thought I would go level two to against a brat like you." Kidoumaru sneered.

Neji attacked the spider like man in front of him. Kidoumaru dodged his attack and attacked Neji with all six of his fists sending him into a barrage of combo hits. Neji flew back into a tree and began to cough up blood. His forehead protector fell off revealing his clans Cage Bird Seal on his head. Kidoumaru stared at it for only a second before he attacked again. Neji barley ducked out of the way in time. He looked back only to see Kidoumaru let go of some web in his hands.

With his Byakugan activated he was able to see the strange kunai coming towards him. He dodged them all, or at least thought he did. Before he knew it he felt a pain in his back.

'So that's his blind spot.' Kidomaru thought happy that he found his opponents weakness. He jumped back releasing more kunai from various traps at Neji.

Neji began to spin to deflect most of them and started jumping away. Before he knew it Kidoumaru was out of his immediate site. Kidoumaru began to form a bow out of his steel like webbing. He then made an arrow and attached it to some web in his mouth. He aimed for Neji's blind spot and fired. Neji stood panting when he heard something coming.

His Byakugan couldn't see it and that unnerved him as he began to run. He knew Kidoumaru knew the secret of the blind spot now after Neji had been struck there multiple times. He ducked behind a tree only to see an arrow burst threw the trunk barley missing his head. He was frozen in panic at coming so close to death. He felt Kidoumaru moving closer remaining in his blind spot. Neji let out a sigh and waited. He heard the whistling sound of the arrow in the air. He took a breath and summoned all his chakra to his blind spot.

He felt the arrow pierce the upper right side of his chest. Then a second arrow struck him in the right side, forcing him through some trees. Using all his will to keep standing. He touched the web it was attached to sending a large amount of chakra towards Kidoumaru who didn't have enough time to disengage the web from his mouth.

He was paralyzed by the chakra and was unable to move as Neji came rushing towards him. He began striking him multiple times at blinding speeds. He then kicked him in the jaw sending him flying to the ground.

"You knew my second arrow was coming, yet you didn't dodge it. Why?" Kidomaru asked coughing up some blood.

"It's because I couldn't dodge it, so I let it hit me." Neji replied.

"Hehe you're pretty kid, but despite your best efforts you'll die here with me."

"Heh you are the strongest opponent I've ever faced. But its not my fate to die here."'

Damn I haven't been pushed this far since Kimimaro, that damn traitor I'll see him in hell.' those were Kidomaru's last thoughts before he died.

Neji fell on the ground beside Kidomaru's body moments later panting for all his worth. His vision was fading and he began to close his eyes.

"Is it my fate to die here?" Neji asked himself. The blood seeped through his wounds draining him. "If it is my fate then I will just have to fight against it." he said with a smile before he passed out.

With the Group Again

They had once again caught up with the final pair of the Sound Four. Only when they arrived there was now another person this one tall with short black hair and was wearing the same outfit the Sound Four wore. Naruto looked at him and was stumped.

'I guess this is Orochimaru's new leader of the Sound Four.' he thought.

The mysterious man took the barrel from Tayuya, and jumped off. Kimimaro tackled Sakon who was distracted with enough force to send them both over a cliff. Leaving Shikamaru with Tayuya, and Naruto running after the mystery man.

Kimimaro's Fight

Kimimaro was doing well until Sakon punched him in the lung. He had begun beating them here at least until they activated level two of their Cursed Seals. They had both grown horns from their heads as well as small fangs and now looked like ogres.

Kimimaro shot forward slashing with pantra claws that grew out of his knuckles. His target Sakon had ended up with marks that went deep into his shoulder. He did the same with Ukon cutting deep into his shoulder.

Sakon and Ukon split apart. Suddenly a brown substance bubbled out from the wounds before taking a human began attacking Kimimaro with vengeance.

Kimimaro getting tired of their used Dance of the Larch and sprouted various bones from his body, which intern cut up the brothers pretty bad. Kimimaro threw off his top, and concentrated the bones in his right arm turned into a twisted like spear.

"Dance of the Clematis: Flower!" Kimimaro yelled as he sprinted at his opponents. The two brothers bit their thumbs, and yelled,

"Summoning Jutsu: Rashomon!" as a demon like gate rose in front of them, only for it to get pierced and pierced into Sakon's their obvious pain the brothers uppercut Kimimaro into the sky, they then jumped and started striking Kimimaro in any place they could.

Kimimaro in a last ditch effort to do some damaged shrunk his 'spear' into a bone sword, he swung his bone sword right into Sakon's left eye causing him to smirk.

It disappeared however when his shoulder was grabbed by Ukon who then melded his body with his own."Sakon go tend your wound I'll handle this." Ukon told his brother.

"Kukuku Kimimaro you really thought you could beat me? When I take over your body I'll be invincible, with your bloodline I'll sneak back into the Leaf village and kill Kin that whore of a girlfriend of yours." Ukon bragged.

When Ukon said that Kimimaro went into a rage. He brought up his bone sword and stabbed himself deeply causing damage to both himself and Ukon.

"What the hell are you doing? You're going to kill us both!" Ukon said in pain.

"I rather kill my self then allow you to hurt her. We're going to die together!" Kimimaro said calmly as he went to stab himself again, Ukon quickly disconnected himself from Kimimaro not willing to die with him.

Pulling the blade from his stomach again, Kimimaro threw a kunai at Ukon who jumped away seeing the explosive tag wrapped around it. Ukon looked up after the explosion finding that Kimimaro disappeared. This was the scene a one eyed Sakon saw upon his return.

After combining back into one body they went searching for the bone user. Sakon and Ukon still combined let the Cursed Seal once more cover their body.

They found Kimimaro behind a rock, and charged at him. They pierced his head only for him to disappear in a puff of smoke.

"What the?"

"Dance of the Seedling Ferns!"

The two brothers were impaled by a forest of bones, and died instantly.

Kimimaro came out of the ground by using one of his bones. And came face to face with Kankuro.

"You killed them, and didn't leave any for me jerk." Kankuro said.

"Should have come sooner." Kimimaro said before taking a puff of his inhaler.

Shikamaru's Fight

Shikamaru was annoyed to put it simply. He had tried everything he knew to beat this bitch but she was smarter than she appeared. To top this off he was on his last legs and he knew it. He had used a lot of chakra just getting rid of the creatures she had summoned. She had already activated her Cursed Seal activated when he had done that.

He had used a few kunai and eventually caught her in the Shadow Possession jutsu only for her to activate level two. Her skin turned a reddish brown color followed by her hair darkening. She then grew horns out of her head that shaped into a crown. Lastly she produced an aura of power that had completely shattered his jutsu.

Seeing this he charged towards her along with the creatures he was controlling at the time. Tayuya seeing this made a single hand signal causing them to disperse. Shikamaru had paid it no mind however and used the Shadow Neck Bind Jutsu.

Tayuya however was able to move her body and quickly brought her flute up creating a genjutsu. Shikamaru quickly hurled a kunai at the kunoichi only for it to miss its target. Tayuya believing she had won had advanced onto Shikamaru aiming to kill him with his own kunai. Once she was close enough Shikamaru had managed to stop her with his shadow.

Grabbing her head he focused on her eyes before once again moving the shadow up her body. Finally he was able to get one of the shadow hands around her throat and began to tighten it only for Tayuya to release a huge amount of chakra. Tayuya went to plunge the kunai into the Nara when she was smashed upside the head with a large steel fan.

Temari who was in a very bad mood let loose wave after wave of attacks with her fan at the area Tayuya flew into. Deciding to use more power she swung again calling out,

"Summoning Jutsu: Beheading Dance!" a sickle wielding one eyed weasel shot out from the fan leveling trees as it flew.

Temari smirked at the destruction she caused while Shikamaru looked on fearfully. It took no time for him to find the Tayuya's dead body reaching down he grabbed the flute before snapping it in two and walking off.

Naruto took this time to check out the barrel. Everything froze however when a strong chakra signature came from the barrel. Then the sealing tags burnt away before the top blasted off. Sasuke arose from the barrel surrounded by purple chakra.

Glancing around he took one look at Naruto before darting towards Sound.

"I have to get him." Naruto muttered. "I don't think you're going anywhere." the man said as he charged speed was unnatural and was about to his Naruto, when he was caught in Gaara's Sand Coffin.

"Gaara its nice to see you again."Naruto said.

"Naruto I'll deal with this guy, you go after the Uchiha." Gaara simply said.

Naruto seeing this chased after Sasuke still trying to figure out what the hell Sasuke is thinking.

"Gaara of the Desert, Orochimaru-sama has told me about you. You won't beat me so easily."

"You're one to talk, now die Sand Burial!" Gaara yelled out his technique, crushing the man. Or that's what he thought, he was very surprised when the man walked out of the coffin his skin pitch black.

"Kid your going to have to do a whole lot better then that." the man said flashing his teeth.

"What the hell are you?" Gaara asked.

"This is my blood line, Dragon Skin the ultimate shield. It makes my body as tougher then steel. It also gives me the strength of one-hundred men." the man said grinning.

"The ultimate shield huh? Well let's see it survive this!" Gaara then started to do various hand seals and shouted, "Sand Tsunami!" Gaara shouted as a tsunami of sand plowed into the man.

"Giant Sand Burial!" Gaara continued as he pressed his hand on the ground.

"Victory is mine." little did Gaara know he only knocked the man out.

Naruto's Fight

Naruto had caught up with Sasuke in the last place he expected the The Valley of the End. They stood staring at each other for a while neither speaking.

They both knew what this was Sasuke however was conflicted. On one hand he could go to Orochimaru for more power to kill his brother, and on the other he could go back and prove he wasn't a traitor like his brother.

Naruto saw this and honestly felt bad for his friend but said nothing about it. Finally after a few minutes Naruto spoke up.

"It's time to go home Sasuke." he spoke quietly so quietly Sasuke barely heard it.

"Ah." came the Sasuke's response.

However just as he was about to move the Cursed Seal pulsed. Naruto watched as Sasuke grabbed his head in pain. After a few seconds the Sasuke dropped his hand and charged Naruto Sharingan flaring.

Naruto blocked the punch sent by Sasuke trying once again to figure out what the hell was going on. Sasuke continued to attack the Naruto who either dodged or blocked all of the attacks.

Dodging a right hook Naruto caught the arm before swinging around, behind him and grabbing Sasuke in a headlock.

"What the hell are you doing Sasuke!" Naruto said with confusion in his voice.

Sasuke said nothing instead sending an elbow at Naruto causing him to let go. Naruto jumped back before looking Sasuke in the eyes and scowled. Sasuke had taken this time and made a few seals before launching a fireball at Naruto. Naruto simply waved his arm sending the ball off course. He looked up just in time to catch a fist in the jaw knocking him down to the water below.

Sasuke took this time and made the seals for Chidori before running down the side of the statue towards Naruto. Naruto hearing the sound of birds chirping quickly summoned a Rasengan to his hand. The two attacks collided and fought for a second before they exploded blowing the boys apart both landing on the water. After getting to his feet Naruto looked up just in time to see a huge fireball coming at him.

"Water Style: Water Wall Jutsu!" Naruto raised up a wall of water blocking the attack.

Dropping the wall he was surprised seeing the Cursed Seal spread over Sasuke and moved just in time to dodge the Chidori aimed at his himself was smirking. He would kill Naruto and prove he was better. Then he would find and kill his brother. Naruto had had enough if Sasuke wanted to get his ass kicked so badly he'd grant his wish.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough Jutsu!" Naruto thrusts his right fist out sending a blast of wind at Sasuke which connected. He then appeared in front of the Sharingan wielder burying his fist in his gut and doubling him over. He continued to press the attack with four more punches before kicking Sasuke in the face launching him backwards.

Sasuke after regaining himself looked up just in time, to get hit with the axe handle slam by Naruto knocking him down and into the other side Sasuke ran on the water only to be surprised to find that Naruto already in front of him. Jumping off the wall of the canyon the blond delivered yet another combo of punches ending with a kick before back flipping and bounding off the wall back towards Sasuke.

Sasuke took this time while still on his back to make a few seals and called out, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" launching yet another ball of fire at the Naruto. Seeing this the Naruto launched the same jutsu at Sasuke. Both the attacks his square on and canceled each other out, Naruto landed back on the water before charging Sasuke once more.

Sasuke even with the Sharingan active found himself to slow to stop any of Naruto's attacks. It was then that the third tomoe developed in his eyes. Getting back to his feet he sent several small fireballs at the blonde all of which were dodged by a hair. However Sasuke was happy to see that this time his eyes could keep up with the blonde, allowing him to block or dodge all the attacks thrown at him.

Naruto seeing this decided to step it up a notch. Dodging the next punch sent at him Naruto punched Sasuke in the gut. Naruto pressed his advantage focusing chakra to his fist making it glow blue before slamming it into Sasuke sending him flying and crashing into the side of the canyon before he fell to the ground with rocks falling on top of him.

Sasuke didn't stay there long however even as beat up as he was. Deciding to test out his new power the Cursed Seal then spread even further before changing colors darkening his skin a bit. His hair grew longer and turned a light blue color a diamond like pattern appeared over his nose. The whites in his eyes turned to black. He bent forward a bit as two large appendages shot from his back shaped like large hands. To top that off the aura of power he was putting off increased drastically. Naruto however hadn't been standing idle.

He had immediately drew on Kyuubi's chakra surrounding himself with his red chakra. A chakra like tail erupted from his tail bone, and chakra like ears appeared over his head. He roared and a red chakra blast headed towards Sasuke.

Sasuke looked up just in time to see the blast coming at him and quickly brought the two large appendages in front of him blocking the blast. Naruto wasn't surprised as the blast wasn't fully powered anyway. Seeing this he easily slid into his second transformed state his hair growing a bit and turning completely silver along with his muscles expanding a bit. Sasuke however knew he had to finish this quickly with that thought in mind he once more did the required seals before the Chidori came to life.

However it was different this time as it was black in color and instead of sounding like chirping birds sounded like birds taking flight.

Naruto seeing this formed the Rasengan, only this one was red and very unstable.

The roar of the Rasengan could be heard even with the Chidori's screeching. This was the sight Kakashi arrived to see. Neither Sasuke nor Naruto noticed him. Then at the same time as if by some signal they shot at each other.

The two attacks clashed and there was a bright flash of light that died down to show both teens still fighting for dominance. Finally Sasuke plunged his Chidori into Naruto's heart, the same went for Naruto's Rasengan, and then they were completely still.

Seeing them both in that state before Kakashi quickly gathered the boys and took off towards the village.