
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Pranks, training, and horror

After Kietsu moved in with Sasuke, things have gotten very interesting. Sakura was pissed, Shikamaru actually trained, which scared everyone and Sanosuke was going to visit them in a few weeks. Kietsu was very nervous around everyone in the village, everyone in the village was still bitter at them after The Third Great Shinobi War. Sakura proved that a few days ago.


Sasuke was showing Kietsu around the village, showing her the sights, and telling her about his clan. Sasuke went to the restroom for a few minutes leaving Kietsu alone, then Sakura showed up throwing a hissy fit.

"Hey rock whore!"

"Umm yes Haruno-san?"

"Stay away from Sasuke-kun!"


"Because you are getting too clingy with him! And he's my man!" screamed the pink haired banshee.

"I'm living with him because I have nowhere to go, after all I'm not allowed to go back home." Kietsu said sadly.

"I don't care! You should have died, now stay away from my Sasuke-kun!"

Sakura then gave a chakra enhanced punch to Kietsu sending her into a tree, making her cough up blood badly! ( thought of by RasenganFin )

Sasuke stepped out of the bathroom, only to see Sakura punch Kietsu into a tree.

"Sakura! Why the hell did you punch Kietsu!" he yelled.

"She was bad for you, so I knocked her senseless to keep her away from you." she said with pride in her voice.


He picked Kietsu up bridle-style, and rushed off to the hospital to treat Kietsu for internal bleeding. While Sakura didn't pay attention and thought of marrying Sasuke with stars in her eyes.

After checking Kietsu into the hospital and leaving her under the direct care of Shizune Sasuke told Naruto about the incident, and he decided to pull a series of pranks on her. Which everyone agreed too. Over the past three weeks, Sakura was wondering what she done to deserve the treatment she was getting.

During the past three weeks her water was froze solid making her not bathe in two weeks, resulting the toilet to freeze up and making her and the family use garbage cans and dumpsters as toilets.

The washing machine blew up destroying most of her clothes, sprayed by a skunk, and when she finally used the shower somebody flushed the toilet making the shower unbearably hot.

Someone stole her wigs, when she opened her closet yellow powder sprayed her all over, which took awhile to wash out was chased by the Inuzuka's dogs because some-one soaked her unmentionables in meat.

But the worst was when all her clothes fell off in public, which people laughed at her for being boobless. And Naruto used his Mangekyou Kurashagan on Sakura by going on her ass Tsukiyomi and drives her insane but alters her mind so instead of Sakura muttering about horrible things that happened to her in her head she mutters, 'I'm gonna marry Sasuke-kun.' over and over again. Naruto claimed to have found Sakura in the streets after snapping and brings her to Tsunade, she was disgusted by Sakura's one-track mind and tells Naruto to leave her in an alley somewhere.

Her family admidded her in a mental hospital three days later after finding her.

Uchiha Compound

Everyone were teaching each other some jutsu's, and other training techniques. until Zabuza perked up remembering a good type of training he forgot about.

"Everybody listen up, I have a new type of training for you."

After they heard training everyone stopped what they were doing, and listened to their sensei.

"You may be a little young, but I'll give you elemental training." he said while handing out some blank peaces of paper.

"Umm Zabuza-sensei what are we supposed to do with these?" Sasuke asked.

"Here let me demonstrate, all you have to do is put you chakra into the papers themselves and you'll see the results."

Zabuza then pours his chakra in to the piece of paper and they saw it get wet. This gets question marks on their heads while also thinking that it was a little cool.

"If you're lightning natured, the paper crumples up. Wind cuts in half, fire burns it, water gets it wet, and earth makes it turns to dust." Zabuza said as he gives his students what results of what elements they will be.

"There are also secondary elements, like Haku for example she controls ice. Her elements are wind and water, and they combine together to create ice. Show them Haku."

Haku forced some of her chakra into the card, and it turned into a flimsy piece of ice.

"The same things go with your Shodaime Hokage, who combined earth and water to make the wood element. But these are bloodline limits so you have to be from a certain clan to obtain these elements." Zabuza paused a bit to let the information sink it.

"These were made from trees that were fed and nurtured by chakra for a long time. Now go on guys and channel some of your chakra into the papers and then we'll know what element you all have. After we find out I'll do what I can to help." he said trying making sure they understood the nature of the papers they held themselves.

Sasuke's paper burst into flames and the outside crumpled up.

"Lightning outside of the paper? Looks like you'll learn lightning jutsu's faster than normal, and you're going to be excellent in fire attacks."

Hinata's got wet.

"Water heh? I'll help you with those jutsu's."

Kin's also got wet.

"I'll help you along with Hinata."

Kimimaro's also got wet.

"Hmm...looks like you have a water element, I'll teach you however taijutsu you look to be the taijutsu type."

Kietsu's turned into magma, which surprised her.

"Well that's weird I thought you would be an earth type. What clan are you from?"

"I don't know I was an orphan." she answered.

"Well I'll try to help you with the best of my ability."

And Naruto's split in half, burned, and burned in black flames.

"Black flames? Must be that new bloodline ability, and since you are related to Sasuke so the fire is normal. But I'm surprised because there aren't many wind users in fire country."

Three weeks Later

After Zabuza began the tortu...I mean training with Naruto, and his friends they started turning into real shinobi's.

Hinata and Kin's chakra control was at Jounin level, and their stamina increased thanks to chakra weights. They mastered the Water Clone Jutsu, Water Prison Jutsu, and Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu.

Haku and Hinata learned the Poison extraction Jutsu, Ninja Art: Poison Mist Jutsu, and Chakra scalpels from Shizune. And Tsunade taught them a little bit about her strength.

Kiminaro increased his chakra pool to ANBU level, and invented a new bone dance called Dance of the Rose where he used his spinal cord as a whip, while spinning in midair.

Kietsu's chakra control increased to Chuunin level, and she learned Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu, and Fire Style: Fire Dragon Jutsu. She also created one magma style jutsu called Magma Style: Magma pool Jutsu, which created a lava pool ( duh ) and swallowed her enemies burning them to death.

Sasuke worked on his speed not using his Sharingan.

Naruto finished the first scroll Amanda gave him, which held Water Style: Water Wall Jutsu. And he started on the second scroll which contained ice jusu's. So far he hasn't had any luck with any of them.

They heard the alarms blar through the Uchiha compound, and went to check it out.

Uchiha Gate

When they got there, they were horrified at what they found. They found Sanosuke.

The sight that greeted their eyes was less than beautiful. His hair, dirty from not being washed, and covered in blood had a rusty color to it. His cloak was missing, and his boots were worn down to the point where everyone could see his feet! Which were also bleeding.

He had no shirt which showed one large scar going from his left hip to his right shoulder, as well as several more minor scars, including ones that ran up and down his arms all covered in old blood.

His kunai and shuriken holsters were empty, and he was malnourished like he hadn't eaten in weeks. And his kodashi Salvation was in his left hand also covered in dry blood.

He muttered Dotou before falling unconscious.