
First Stage Passing

My request woke the short girl from her sleep. She slipped her hand into her suit, which was two sizes too big, and pulled out a skull. It was something like an orangutan head but also resembling a human, Rimel asked excitedly.

"Is this your weapon? What's the name of your weapon?"

Right after we said I just want to learn the skill, we asked the name of her weapon. She will be grumpy.

"Standing Left on Escalator!"

Surprised by the four words in one breath, I involuntarily asked again.

"Is that the name of the weapon?"

"Yes, what happened? Don't you like it, beggar disguise?"

When asked by Rimel how beautifully she answered. When it was my turn, the girl burst into flames. I'm out of the way, leaving it to the party's girl team.

"How many talents do you have?"

Elenora intervened and saved me. I swear I will never open my mouth again.

"Two. This is one!"

"Monday syndrome!"