
Hell is rising 2

This is a test that in case it works well, I will continue. This has links to the original but has a completely different basis and protagonist.

Ope_Openomi · Aktion
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3 Chs

How it is

As for this guy he's called Malo. In this day and age most people are part demon or human so everyone is even in terms of power, kinda. People haven't changed that much since before the war and the so called "Nobles" keep the advanced technology to themselves. They left us with the scraps like a couple new phones and those things while they keep the new software and so on. They also play a huge part in my dream. Vengeance. I remember the day mother and my brother died. They came to our house and forced themselves on her. Me and my brother watched horrified. Then they saw us and grabbed my brother and killed both of them. I ran away from the bloody scene. I can't forgive myself for that. I should've died with them. To do this I enlisted myself in the hero training school. But I don't attend it and only go when I'm called... by them. Once I become official I can get direct access to them. Malo suffered the same thing but he was an only child. He also wants the same thing as me. That's why we're frenemies. This was just one of our sparring matches. Normally things get outta hand and the authorities get called, Not that they do anything.

Malo just sat near the tree. So I asked him

"Do you want a rematch"

"No" He responded blankly. I sighed.

"Sure then I'm gone" I said walking aimlessly. I looked back and he was still there.

"Then I'll just go to the hero thing" I muttered to myself. When I got there everyone stared at me like always. They always thought I was a thug because of my blue dreads. It was so stupid. And when I decided to put accessories on the ends they got even more scared. Only a couple of people had the nerve to try to bully me because of my "Weak" power. The rest talk about me behind my back. Well anyways, there are two types of powers. There are the ones that require thinking and picturing. These ones require the user to just think the things the user does, then there's people like me who don't do anything and things just happen but in my case I have to think about controlling my metallic tape.