
Hell hound reincarnation

I was just your average teen Well... Average as in I don't talk to anybody Some will call me a loner But that doesn't matter To put it short I died. How I died is just average. Some fat kid jumped on top of me while swimming. I was knocked out by him landing on my head. Some parents should teach their kids better. I died cause some fat ass jumped on me Now here I am. Not quite human. Not am I a beast. My best word to describe what I am is a human-like monster. Let's hope nobody kills me... Right?

ShoninRonin · Andere
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24 Chs

Goblin village

Waking up, I look around, expecting the inside of a cave. That's when I remembered, that I found my way out and fought a cyclops.

Looking down at my hands I thought.

'Just how much strength is inside this little body?'

Cooking up some meat and gathering random berries, that I think are safe, I cooked them over the campfire.

Feeling thirsty I get a drink of water. That's when I can finally see my face. I have a cute face. Messy black hair with fire in some spots. And the wolf-like ears on top of my head.

But that's not what stood out to me because I already knew this. What stood out was my eyes. The sclera was black. The iris was glowing red. Looked intimidating in the dark. Otherwise, they made me look cuter. The pupil was black.

All I had to say was that I looked cute, and intimidating if people didn't see that I was a kid.

Dismissing these thoughts I make my way deeper into the forest.

Killing the occasional goblin, or rabbit, I see a wall. I climb up a tree to get a better look.

Inside the wooden spike wall was a goblin village. It was a small village. Probably 30 goblins live here.

Waiting for the sun to fall, I study the goblins. 25 of them are your average goblin. There are two bigger muscular ones, and one wearing a cloak with a staff in its hand. If I had to guess there's probably magic in this world.

The last two goblins were archers.

Waiting until most of the goblins are asleep, I make my move.

Jumping halfway up the wall I used my claws to boost myself the rest of the way up.

Vaulting the wall I rush towards the nearest goblin. Punching in the face, there is a crack. The goblin's neck broke from the impact on the ground.

Hearing the noise some goblins, crawled out of the tents. Seeing their brother dead, they screech in rage.

10 goblins run towards me, while the two archers readied their bows. Grabbing the closest goblin I swung him around. Knocking half the goblins away from me. The archers shot their arrows. I used the goblin I'm holding as a shield. If it wasn't dead, it is now.

Jumping, I land on its head, killing it. The rest of the goblins got up.

Seeing two of them die they look at me warily. I run towards the archers. Seeing me run at them the others try to stop me. They couldn't. I was too fast and small for them to catch. The archers panicked and shot more arrows at me.

I just kept running forward. The arrows missed and killed two more goblins trying to catch up to me.

I throw a punch at one of the archers. It tried to block with its bow, but it snapped in half. Landing the punch, I snapped its neck.

Before the other archer could react, I grab an arrow and throw it at the goblin. The arrow sailed true. Going through its eye, killing it.

With both archers dead I threw 4 more arrows, killing 4 more goblins. The last two goblins tried to hit me. But I blocked both attacks. Smashing their heads together, knocking them out.

I step on their necks and snap them. Killing them.

Hearing the commotion, the rest of them crawl out of the tents.

I threw the rest of the arrows, killing all the normal goblins. Leaving the two muscular ones, and the likely mage.

Running up to one of the muscular goblins, I threw a punch. It tried to grab my hand but failed. I shattered its hand and hit it in the face.

The goblin stumbled backward from the blow. The other one swung its arm at me. Going to grab it, I was hit in the side by something.

Being launched away from the strike, I look over at what hit me.

It was the shaman. The tip of its staff was smoking. And the place I was standing previously had a small patch of ashes.

I run towards the last muscular goblin. Ducking down low underneath its punch.

I used the goblin's body as a meat shield, blocking the fireball coming my way. With just the two of us left I run towards the shaman.

No matter what spell he fired, it was useless. The fire didn't do anything, except slow me down. Cocking my arm back, I smash the goblin's face, killing it.

With all the goblins dead, I search around for any supplies. There was a water sack and some dried rations.

Drinking some of the water, and eating some well-deserved food, I crawl into the cleanest tent and fell asleep.

Not noticing the battle-hungry smile I had on my face. I didn't notice it while fighting either.


You know

I have shit luck with making friends

Most of my friends are assholes that insult me all the time

And one that I cared about was an emotion-manipulating bitch

Anyways not here to complain about life

Hope y'all enjoyed today's chapter and ill see y'all next time

Have a good day or good night