
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

chapter 5.5 : //

Well I was indecisive wether to do a time skip or write a useless , but here we are ,

Do u think mc can overpower MIWA or JOGOAT ?

BTW nd= and , u=you , af =as fuck if u don't know., I'm too lazy to write them correctly.

Enjoy !


*Pov : Aki*

For the past few days , I kept trying to reach my innate domain with different means like using controlling technique on myself, meditation, even tried soul manipulation but I sucked at it ,very badly.

With the endless attempts, I actually managed to finally see how my domain will look like , by using different flow of cursed energy nd focusing my ass off , I was there , the place was chilly and really familiar, it's like an identical version of csm'hell, One portion of it appears to be a grassy, flowery field with hills, with countless doors parallel in the sky. Other areas of Hell appear to be mostly featureless, like pure darkness extended into infinity.

That was a bit scary , but what domain effects will I have ? Can I summon countless devils from these doors? Is the darkness devil an option? Many question came to mind that couldn't answer.

I woke up to the feeling of my head bumping to the ground, I looked around me spotting maki nd toge coming, I had a session with her , didn't I?

From a distance, she launched for a spear finger poke , I dodged then did a front leg axe kick (try to strike her with the heel of my foot) , in a split-second , she tried to create a distance nd evade the kick , but I went for a back kick thus she jumped her way backwards,

"Feisty today , aren't we?" With a smirk I said

I swear I could see her smile for a second.

Toge was silent, the atmosphere was full of the sound of heavy breathing and the occasional scuff of bare feet against the grassy ground. Me and Maki faced each other, our eyes locked in intense focus.

Me, a seasoned martial artist ( well, was taught by maki nd some ex life experiences), knew better than to underestimate Monkey zenin. Maki, a rising star in the field, had proven time and again that she was more than capable of holding her own against the men.

Still woman (it's a joke plz don't hate me)

We circled each other, looking for an opening, our movements fluid and precise. I feinted a jab, testing Maki's reflexes. She parried the strike effortlessly, her counter-attack lightning-fast.

The two of us exchanged a flurry of blows, each strike met with a block or a dodge. My strength was matched by Maki's agility, and they seemed evenly matched in skill and technique.

Sensing an opportunity, Maki launched herself into the air, executing a graceful spinning kick. I barely had time to react, but I managed to catch her leg and use her momentum against her, sending her tumbling to the ground.

Undeterred, Maki sprang back to her feet, her eyes narrowed in determination. She pressed her advantage, unleashing a series of rapid-fire strikes that had me on the defensive.

The training ground echoed with the sound of our battle, the two of our fighting butts moving with a fluid, almost dance-like rhythm. Neither was willing to concede an inch, each determined to emerge victorious.

In the end, it was a single, perfectly timed strike that decided the outcome. As I was sensing an opening, I delivered a powerful palm strike to Maki's solar plexus, knocking the wind out of her. As she stumbled, he swept her legs out from under her, sending her crashing to the floor.

For a moment, it was pure silence, save for the sound of heavy breathing. Then, I extended my hand to Maki, as gesture of respect and camaraderie. She accepted it, a small smile playing on her lips, acknowledging the skill and determination of her opponent.

" I must say , not bad like usual" she said but with a poker face.

I just smiled at her , I wasn't better than her, but at least we were nearlyon equal terms, I was so proud of myself for taking down the future zenin clan slayer, even if it was for once , we kept training after that for a while.


AKI KAMO , one of my students, nd the strongest among them , he is a fast learner, lazyass nd got potential. But I am unsure about helping him out getting stronger, after that show nd how he possesses unknown technique like control that allow him to make contract, this is so insane.

I've had my eye on him for a while now. There's no denying he's incredibly intelligent and capable - he grasps concepts faster than anyone else in the class. But there's also something about him that makes me uneasy. The way he carries himself, the broken look in his eyes - it's like he's always trying to hide or plot something.

I've known people like him before, the ones who are gifted but also dangerously ambitious. They have so much potential, but they can also be tempted to use their abilities for selfish or even nefarious purposes, trying to create a perfect world according that reflected their broken heart. I worry that if he's not careful, this student could end up going down a dark path, I don't want to encounter such thing again

Yet, there's also a part of me that hopes I'm wrong about him. Maybe beneath that warm, yet savage exterior, there's a good heart that just needs to be nurtured. If I can reach him, if I can inspire him to use his gifts for good, then maybe he won't succumb to the lure of power and influence.

It's a delicate balance - being careless but also compassionate, driving him crazy , teaching him while also trying to connect with him on a personal level. I have to tread carefully, because I know this kid is seriously no joke. The choices he makes now could echo through the rest of his life, and possibly even impact the lives of those he cares about.

All I can do is continue to keep a close eye on him, to push him to reach his full potential while also instilling in him a strong moral compass. With the right guidance, I believe he could do amazing things - as long as he doesn't let his himself be swayed by wrong emotions.

As I walked up to the sleepy boy , my face all goofy

"Well look who is here trying to learn domain but suck at it ~"

Aki gave me a side eye followed by an up-and-down look , finished with an eye roll.

"Jokes on you , I finally did reach my innate domain, white head" said the boy while confidently flexing his chest .

I knew he was unique, but to reach innate domain within 4 months, nah I fucking won't waist such talent.

"omGahhh~ CONGRATULATIONS AKI , WOOHOO" as i made piece signs while dancing idioticly.

He laughed but this time, it was different, it had a hint of sincerity in it , nd that moved something inside, I felt relieved, assured nd hope that this boy will make it as a great sorcerer....


End of the chapter

Nicole Watterson , Miwa nd lady bug vs Sukuna isn't close , since Nicole bullies him.

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts