
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 13 : Dungeon Arc, pt4

Megumi is a weakass though he has dog raga


And Yuji, goddammit we owe him an apology , Here sign ur apology form :....

Bro was fighting his uncle this whole time, Sukuna is literally Kenjussy's brother in lawww

Tick means that the spirit is adapting, you'll understand once you read

Anyway Enjoy !



The snowy forest is a serene and enchanting sight to behold. Tall, majestic trees stand draped in a pristine blanket of white, their bare branches reaching up towards the pale, overcast sky. A hush has fallen over the landscape, muffling all sounds save for the gentle crunch of footsteps in the deep, powdery snow.

The ground is blanketed in a thick layer of snow, sparkling like diamonds in the muted daylight. Icicles hang from the branches, glittering like crystal chandeliers. The air is crisp and cold, biting at exposed skin, but carrying a sense of tranquility and stillness.

As you wander through the snowy forest, you may catch glimpses of cursed wildlife - a red rabbit hopping across the snow, a bird flitting between the trees, or the tracks of a holy looking deer or fox in the untouched powder. The world seems muted, peaceful, and hushed, as if time has slowed to a crawl within this winter wonderland.

The snowy forest evokes a sense of serene isolation, where the stresses of the outside world fade away, replaced by a profound sense of calm and connection with the natural world. It is a landscape of breathtaking beauty, where the harsh realities of winter are transformed into a scene of enchanting, pristine wonder.

The fresh snow crunched underfoot with each step, the sound muffled and soft. Footprints emerged in the pristine white blanket, Aki's foot sinking slightly into the powdery surface. A light dusting of snowflakes drifted down, catching the light and sparkling like tiny diamonds. The walker's breath puffed out in small clouds, visible in the crisp, cold air. His pace was steady and sure, leaving a trail of footprints behind him as he made his way through the winter wonderland. The snow seemed to muffle all other sounds, creating a peaceful, serene atmosphere around the solitary figure trudging through the snowy landscape.

He liked every bit of it, he loved the snow, the cold, the colour, the nature.

He stopped upon sensing something behind him, he tried to share vision with any creature or lowlife around the area, he couldn't ! It was as if his connection with them was weak, that was wierd, why couldn't he easily control them ? They were the low kinds of life after all, is he tired ? Or something is off in this level ?

He finally managed after trying hard to share sight with a nearby raven, the thing flew around giving Aki a good view, trying to spot anything suspicious while pretending to walk.

There he was, a towering figure with deep brown skin, four muscular arms, and striking white hair frames violet eyes. This cursed individual exudes an aura of power and intensity, a look says it all.

The white thing took a look at the raven, before killing it with mere flick of his fingers, probably some cursed blast.

"I guess I have been spotted " Aki smirked, facing the guy after teleporting in radius of 100 m near him.

"I shall say that, Anyway *sighed* welcome, any wishes before your death ? No one get pass level 4..." said the cursed man

"You're saying what a typical strong villain would sat before his last match" scoffed

"Oh really..let's find out then who is going to loose...my name is Yu, I'm honoured to take your life, sir..? "

Wide grin " I'm Aki, the next fraud "

The snow-covered trees stood as silent witnesses as Aki faced off against Yu, a towering four-armed spirit entity. The air was crisp and cold, but the tension between the two combatants was palpable.

Aki's breath misted in the frigid air as he assumed a defensive stance, his eyes narrowed and focused, not missing to use blood reinforcement. Yu, his massive frame dwarfing the trees around them, let out a bone-chilling roar and raised his four arms, conjuring swirling flames that danced between his palms.

With a flick of his wrists, Yu unleashed a torrent of fire arrows towards Aki, the scorching flames licking at the sorcerer's clothes. Aki's eyes widened as he barely managed to dodge the attack, the heat singeing the fabric and exposing his skin to the biting cold.

He lifted up his finger like a gun, pointed at the man's side


*tick 10%*

The attack successfully severely damaged the spirit ,but to the boy's dismay, that thing had RCT as probably fast as Hakari's.

Undeterred, Aki pressed forward, his movements a blur as he weaved between the relentless barrage of fiery strikes. He countered with a series of lightning-fast jabs and kicks, his body twisting and turning with the grace of a dance he was familiar with.

Yu, his four arms a blur, continued to unleash wave after wave of searing flames, determined to overwhelm Aki's defenses. But the redhead was too quick, ducking under the spirit's grasp and sweeping his legs out from under him. Yu crashed to the ground, the impact sending a shower of snow cascading through the air.

Seizing the opportunity, Aki leapt into the air, his leg arcing in a devastating roundhouse kick aimed at Yu's head. But the spirit was not to be underestimated. With a roar, he caught Aki's leg in one of his massive hands, halting the attack.

Yu yanked Aki from the air, slamming him to the ground with bone-shattering force. Aki gasped , the wind knocked from his lungs, and his clothes now in tatters, exposing his scarred and burned flesh to the biting cold, his legs broken but instantly healed.

Summoning every ounce of his strength, Aki surged upwards, his fist connecting with Yu's chin in a powerful uppercut. The spirit's head snapped back, and he released his grip on Aki, staggering backwards.

Seizing the moment, Aki launched himself at Yu, his body twisting and turning as he unleashed a flurry of strikes. Blow after blow landed, each one fueled by his determination and skill, despite the cold of his exposed, burned skin.

Yu, his four arms flailing, struggled to keep up with Aki's relentless assault. Desperate, he grabbed the martial artist by the waist and hurled him into the air, sending him hurtling towards the towering trees.

Aki's eyes narrowed as he spun and twisted, his body a blur as he maneuvered through the air. With a powerful kick, he launched himself back towards Yu, his foot connecting with the spirit's chest in a devastating blow.

The impact sent Yu crashing to the ground, his massive frame shaking the very earth beneath them.

The sorcerer's body now, automatically, reinforce the attacks with cursed energy,


*tick 50%*


I frowned really bad, the bang I used to give to my opponents was so strong, yet this one was as weak as a normal grenade or a grade 2 tool. It made me really think about the spirit before me 'Does he have an insane regenerative ability or what ?!!' I thought to myself, as I watched him lying on ground healing insanely fast without sensing the flow of a reversed cursed technique, I felt a sharp edge pierce through my head, literally cutting my thoughts.

That thing really lunged at me in a light speed, without giving me a milli second to react, I was pissed at the fact that he was faster and had a damn split soul katana I didn't even know about.

I dropped on my knees, blood dripping like water off my head, washing my bare chest, this was wierd, I was regenerating a bit slowly. In a defensive move, I pointed my index finger, without making the gun thing (au,note: just like makima vs darkness devil), at the creature who again attempted to attack me, but with a force much stronger than bang, it shriek him, making a hole in him, in addition to sending him flying, crashing into a huge rock.

*tick 65%*

[Use : 50 years]

The snow crunched beneath my feet as I gripped my longsword tightly, the familiar weight comforting in my calloused hands. Across the snowy field clearing, Yu stood, his four arms wielding the split-soul katana with a grace that sent shivers down my spine.

I could feel the blood trickling down my forehead, the gash from the earlier exchange stinging in the cold wind. But I pushed the pain aside, my eyes narrowing as I focused on my formidable opponent.

Without warning, Yu lunged forward, his four arms a blur as he unleashed a flurry of strikes. I parried and dodged, my longsword a shield against the onslaught. The clang of steel echoed through the trees, and I felt my muscles straining to keep up with the spirit's relentless assault.

I searched for an opening, my mind racing to anticipate Yu's next move. With a sudden twist, I managed to deflect one of his blades, creating a gap in his defense. Seizing the opportunity, I struck, my longsword slicing through the air.

With lightning-fast reflexes, he brought his remaining three blades up to block my attack, the impact sending shockwaves through the snow-laden forest. I gritted my teeth, pushing against the spirit's enhanced strength.

We traded blows, our skills evenly matched. Sweat beaded on my brow as I struggled to keep up with Yu's onslaught. Just when I thought I had the upper hand, his fourth arm lashed out, the split-soul katana slicing through my defenses. My arm was cut off, and again I was healing slowly than ever, I felt anger at myself for my impulsive behaviour. My slash getting weaker or maybe he is the one getting stronger.

I felt a searing pain as the blade bit into my side, and I stumbled back, my grip on my longsword faltering. The gash on my forehead had opened wider, and blood now streamed down my face, obscuring my vision.

Yu pressed his advantage, his four arms a whirlwind of steel. I fought desperately, but I knew I was outmatched. As his blades closed in, I braced myself for the final blow. But just as the spirit's katana was about to deliver the killing strike, the world faded to black, instinctively I used my control ability, a chain connecting between my waist and his head, the control was weak but still strong enough to make him back off, I can't gamble, my healing is getting worse for some reason, like the damage isn't transferring to a random 1997 Japanese citizen.

"Back off, that's an order! " he did, a plain expression wore his face, but quickly snapped out of it, trying to fight back the control.

*tick 20%*

I coughed blood as I tried to keep him under control, he managed to jump at me, then with all my force I pointed at him, using the maximum output of my technique, blowing into pieces, sending them flying 3km up.

I sighed heavily, thinking this is the end, but fate had other plans for me. As I lookedat the domain forming before me, both fear and will of living filling me.

That man landed, almost completely fine, just an arm was off, he looked amused as if he was playing this whole time.

[Domain expansion: Evolutionary Singularity]

"Didn't expect you to be quite the fun...."said the creature

"What exactly you do ! *shouted* Are you fucking Morahaga or something!?" Frustrated

"Hmm...who is that ?" Humed

The domain was a like a dead landscape, with rocks glowing with cursed energy, seeing up close they were filled with cursed spirits.

"Since you'll die here, I will tell you about my domain " he added " My domain allows my adaptive ability to be amplified exponentially, and to evolve countermeasures on a molecular level " with a pride tone

"So you're basically a cheap version of Mahoraga, what a loss for talent ~" I scoffed, though looking half dead.

"Mmm...must be the brain damage that is making you spew nonsense..." titled his head

"What the actual fuck, how did you manage though ? You also fucked with my healing, didn't you ?" Kept neutral face.

"The katana ?"

"Ohh, right, so are we gonna chatt or finish what we were doing? "

"You wanna die so badly, I see, well I shall give you what you want..."


The damage was so low, yet I need it, my brain was so damaged and I couldn't even regenerate my damn arm, I had to play it safe for now. I could only summon a cheap dagger, regretting forgetting that sword I got in level 3, the useless halo floating above my head like why tf this thing is useless without my brain.


We circled each other warily, our footsteps crunching on the cracked, dry earth. I narrowed my eyes, studying Yu's movements, searching for any opening I could exploit. Then, in a sudden burst of speed, I lunged forward, my dagger flashing as I aimed for his exposed midsection.

Yu reacted with lightning reflexes, his three arms moving in a blur to deflect and parry my strikes. The sound of steel clashing against steel echoed across the dead landscape as we traded blows, neither of us willing to give an inch.

I danced around Yu, using my smaller size and quicker movements to my advantage. I slashed and stabbed, trying to find a weakness in his defenses. But his extra limbs allowed him to cover more ground, blocking and countering my attacks with ruthless efficiency.

The battle raged on, our deadly dance of blades and limbs unfolding across the desolate wasteland. Sweat poured down my face as I pushed myself to the limit, determined to emerge victorious from this clash.

Finally, with a desperate lunge, I managed to slip my dagger past Yu's defenses, scoring a deep gash along his arm. He laughed, his wound healing like he never been stabbed there. Striking me with a punch that sent me flying, it was a black flash, it felt like the end.

I focused my whole energy to heal my brain, the pain was getting worse, I did want to die like this....

Everything went black afterwards, as tears of anger, regret filled my eyes before they close...





I like snow....sorry for late update *looks down, apologising with tears*

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts