
Helios Transmigration

"After Earth's sudden destruction, a catastrophe befalls a science facility on Mars, resulting in the loss of an important particle that could threaten humanity's very existence. H.E.A.T., a team led by Kell Thorn (our protagonist), must find a way to acquire this particle before it falls into the wrong hands. However, the mission takes a turn when they discover that the particle is not what they thought it was."

MAL_03 · sci-fi
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15 Chs


In the vast cosmos, humanity unfolded as a complex tapestry woven with ambitions, desires, and a relentless pursuit of dominance. Driven by insatiable greed and an unquenchable thirst for power, humans became creatures entangled in a ceaseless competition. Each vying to prove superiority, they engaged in a macabre dance, willing to spill blood merely to satisfy an illusion of greatness.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

Yet, amidst the tumultuous sea of human nature, there existed pockets of humility. Individuals who sought to rectify the imbalances, yearning to construct a fair and just society. However, their aspirations faced relentless opposition from those who hoarded power. The leaders dictated what the masses would consume, perpetuating the divisive mantra of "eat or be eaten." A callous encouragement for individuals to thrive at the expense of collective well-being.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

Blinded by their desires, the concept of equality became obscured, overshadowed by the rising tide of fear. Leaders succeeded one another, each perpetuating a cycle of oppression. Despite their grandiose ambitions, these leaders were nothing more than humans, insignificant in the vastness of the universe. Yet, their delusions fueled a belief that they could conquer the cosmos with their flawed ideals.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

My Father granted them life and nurtured them for billions of years. Like a generous tree providing myriad gifts, he allowed them to flourish. However, akin to the felling of a tree for selfish gains, humanity took advantage. "Let them be," my Father echoed, even as they stripped away everything he had bestowed. As they grew bolder, they snatched some of my brothers and sisters away, and still, my Father insisted, "Let them be."

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

Through the eons, as my Father aged, they continued their relentless plundering. Riches amassed through the suppression of the good and the fair. They deluded themselves into believing that nothing could impede their ascent, that they were the ultimate authority in the cosmos. Yet, in their blind pursuit, they failed to recognize a fundamental truth – they were mere humans. And my Father, despite it all, continued to say, "Let them be."

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

One time they managed to reach my father directly, and they abducted the rest of my kin, including me. They refused to be humble, they refused to stop their erratic ways, they refused satisfaction. They craved more.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

Initially, I kept my father's words echoing in my mind "Let them be." Calling me by the name my Father bestowed me,, Hot, they subjected me to torture, exploitation, they took advantage of my father's kindness. They took it all, and they wanted more.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

Their insatiable greed knew no bounds. I saw them reach the skies, reach the atmosphere, reach the moon, reach space, reach planets, they pursued an unending quest.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

News arrived that they had lost contact with their kin in Neptune, engaging in experiments on my father's descendant, Ardor. Yet, my mind remained entrapped in the circular cadence of that phrase "Let them be."

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

Whispers of their conversations reached my senses, discussing Venus's plea for assistance. The scientific team on the planet struggled with their research, and Venus's desperate call for help was callously denied. Among the mentions was another of my father's descendants, Zeal, portrayed as being in a critical condition.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

Their indifference to those in need unveiled a stark truth—they prioritize success but forsake those striving for it. Some of their actions etched a harsh tune, yet the refrain in my mind remained constant: "Let them be."

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

But they are just flesh, bones and blood.

Amidst fervent discussions, a movement arose, proclaiming Earth's purity and its right to dominate the universe. Leaders called for the eradication of extraterrestrial creations, branding mutations on distant planets—Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus—as abominations requiring correction. They vowed to rectify these perceived mistakes by starting anew.

In a chilling revelation, they unveiled plans to dispatch a team to Mars, with the aim of capturing on Heat, my father's youngest descendant. My core seared with an unprecedented intensity as they experimented on me. They wanted to annihilate everyone on Mars just to reach their objective. But my father's words transmute from, "Let them be" to:

"They are flesh, bones, and blood."

My core burned more and more without a reason, no emotion, no purpose, nothing and a few seconds after Instantly, I obliterated the facility without hesitation.

My swift journey then led me to Venus, where I landed on the facility holding my sister, Zeal. In a weakened state, her luminosity faded as she forewarned of her imminent demise, urging me to inform our father that she let them be. With emotionless efficiency, I dug a hole through Venus, reaching its core, reducing what was once flesh, bones, and blood to mere dust.

Covering a distance of a hundred and six million miles in an instant, I retrieved my father's oldest descendant, my brother, Flóga, from those creatures on Mercury. Once more, the echoing words resounded: "They are flesh, bones, and blood." And by consuming Mercury's core, I reduced them to dust.

Upon returning to Earth, their futile attempts to employ technological weapons proved inconsequential. The amalgamation of their greed, selfishness, and ambitions transformed into fear, making survival their sole pursuit. Despite assurances and pledges for change, my observations over billions of years convinced me of their inherent nature: promises made and subsequently forgotten. In response, I unearthed a hole in the ground, only to find an empty space where the core was supposed to be. My discovery of a human-made path led me to a science facility housing a crystal cube adorned with intricate machinery. Within this cube lay my sustenance. I melted the crystal, extracted the core, and consumed it.

Their once-pervasive pride, ambition, selfishness, and greediness dissipated into nothingness. Their elusive satisfaction finally met its end. They finally grasp humility…When they turn to dust.

A day passed before I reached Mars, and upon landing on a facility, I discovered that locating Heat proved challenging. I couldn't find her in the facility, but I knew she was there. The inhabitants of this planet displayed a level of advancement beyond those on Earth. During a confrontation, one creature managed to inflict damage upon me. Undeterred, I swiftly terminated the facility workers, putting an end to their misery.

Realizing my approach needed adjustment, I spent days scouring more facilities until I finally located him—Sergeant Kuznetsov and his team. Equipped with vestments resembling those of the creatures, and using a name not related to my origins, I coincidentally joined his team weeks later as the Mercenary, Tatsuki.

Recognizing Earth's manipulation of its planet's core, I deduced that Mars, not far behind in technology, likely undertook a similar relocation. To efficiently pursue my objective, blending with these creatures, living their lives, and uncovering their leaders' identities seemed the most effective strategy. The plan was clear: pinpoint their locations and dismantle them one by one.

After about a week, Kuznetsov and I seamlessly integrated into a team known as H.E.A.T, dedicated to locating my sister, Heat. Their inaugural mission aligned with the facility I had annihilated a week earlier. Luckily, my initial target was present, prompting me to redirect my team's focus toward officers accompanying the so-called Scientist Monoka.

Seizing an opportunity when the captain assumed command, I discreetly left the team and found Monoka, who was engaged in conversation. When an officer reached for his radio, I swiftly took the scientist to the basement. Despite my inquiries about the core's location and her sender, she adamantly refused to respond. On the second attempt, she ignored me, clutching a test tube vial. In response, I pierced her chest, and she crumpled, allowing me to rejoin the crew on time.

Later, with the H.E.A.T team, I discovered she survived. As my teammates approached another life signal, a mere blink was all it took to liquefy her heart, ensuring her silence.

That night, during the team meeting, I discreetly positioned myself in a corner unnoticed. Separating my soul from my body, I traversed back to the facility in pursuit of Heat. In the basement, I found her, consuming energy-based components from test tubes. In our shared language, I commanded her to proceed to Phobos, where Flóga awaited, and together, they would return to Father. Heat requested the final test tube held by the lieutenant, to which I assured her I would handle.

Upon reuniting with my body, I found the team, with the exception of Tanaka, occupied in the showers. Seizing the opportunity, I searched Marlow's science coat and successfully located the vial.


The following day, as we journeyed towards Phobos, our path was intercepted by a meteor shower. Fortunately, I emerged unscathed. Thinking of the fruitless search for clues during my time on Mars, I decided to approach the unconscious Captain, hoping to extract answers. However, my plan took an unexpected turn when Simmons intervened.

Adapting swiftly, I relocated the unconscious team to the surface of Phobos.

Subsequently, I separated my soul from my body and met with Heat at our predetermined meeting point. Presenting her with the crucial tube, I instructed her to head to the abandoned facility, emphasizing that Flóga awaited her there. Before she left, she mentioned Senator Thorne as a potential target who could have information about the core's location.

Later that day, upon learning of the captain's involvement in Heat's arrival at the facility. Knowing of their encounter with Flóga, I took advantage and decided to reveal some of my abilities, now that the squad will think Flóga is behind it. Extending my hand to the cosmos, I executed a slow-motion descent, akin to a martial arts move, igniting my hand with the intensity of half a quarter of the Sun. As my hand made contact with the surface of Phobos, the moon split in half, with one side vanishing into nothingness.


Back at the barracks, the lieutenant mentioned a dinner scheduled for the next day. Despite the risks of separating my soul from my body during such an event, time was of the essence.


On the day of the dinner, Tanaka displayed what these creatures referred to as happiness, and I found myself surprisingly affected by a sense of sadness. It was an unfamiliar human emotion creeping into my being. Spending time with these beings seemed to influence me in unexpected ways. However, Tanaka stood out—he had the potential to guide these creatures toward a better future. Perhaps that's why my sadness lingered. I'm sorry, Tanaka.


During the dinner, amidst the team's laughter and merriment, I discreetly separated my soul from my body. Undetected, I sought out Senator Thorne.

At the Mars Political House, I found the Senator in his office on the second floor. Unlike the fearful creatures back at the Mi'ro Facility, he appeared unafraid, though a hint of regret played across his face. Thorne revealed a plan for tyranny, a desire to rule the solar system. While he disclosed crucial information about key figures, he didn't possess their location or planet's core. I sensed the truth in his words, and aware of the impending consequences, he pleaded:

"Hot, please, kill me."

I teleported to the planet's atmosphere, conjured a tiny rock particle from my hand, consumed it, and expelled a quarter of Phobos seconds later. The rock plummeted, igniting into flames, reducing in size, leaving a fiery trail in the sky as it headed for the Mars Political House. Just before impact, I felt a touch on my body and swiftly transferred my soul back in an instant.


That very night, the team pieced together the information shared by the Senator, and the inevitable was now looming. Fortunately, my sister Heat and Flóga had returned to our father. However, I knew it was too late for us. Our Father had ceased to exist since the day I departed Earth.

Now, Flóga, it's your time to take his position. Heat will accompany you. No other particle has mastered controlling ten cores the way you have. As for me, I must find my own place. After Mars, I'll need six more cores to unlock our father's true self within me, becoming

Helios' Omnipotent Transmigration.