
Heirs of Hartia

From the moment of his birth, this heir, marked by the tragic loss of his mother, has had a life shrouded in shadows and doubts. In search of answers that always seemed elusive, he embarks on a journey far from home, crossing continents and exploring diverse cultures. In each new place, he encounters unique characters and experiences that challenge his beliefs and shape his understanding of life and death. As he traverses this personal odyssey, he will confront his deepest fears and then find unexpected beauty in pain and loss.

Gabrielafbdelira · Fantasie
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11 Chs

**The Allies**

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." – William Shakespeare

Amid the cries of warriors and the metallic clang of weapons, a young blond-haired man, his face smudged with soot and sweat, acentuara-me his blue eyes, stood out, fighting with desperation and courage. His blade cut through the air, meeting flesh and bone, as he shouted, trying to fend off the fear growing in his chest.

But this story does not begin at this point. Allow me to introduce myself:

"Dear reader, I am your narrator and also a very important character in this story. For now, I will keep my identity a secret. But I must give a small hint: 'What is the truth of a story told from different perspectives?'

Without further delay, let me continue.

The events that follow take place on the continent of Hartia, so named for its black-colored lands, located at the extreme east of the globe. Returning to the drama that brought you here, I will then tell this brief tale:

It is known that during that period, due to the powerful rulers governing the west of the continent, it was considered prudent, a "formidable strategy," to start a war. Well, I would call it a grand "hunt" against all the monsters and non-human creatures living in Hartia.

I know what you might be thinking: "What a prejudiced people!" or something along those lines. But I must remind you that Hartia was mostly under the rule of monsters. The aforementioned rulers were a very wealthy family with almost white blonde hair and dark eyes, known by the imposing surname Whitefield.

The Whitefields believed that, after the extermination of these creatures, the people of Hartia would finally stop worrying about the monsters and would evolve, build great capitals across the territory, and accomplish great feats, making Hartia a strong and developed continent compared to the others.

But the widespread chaos that took over the small villages during the great war led some distant kingdoms and villagers to turn against the Whitefield family. Some believed that the Whitefield kingdom had abandoned them, while others thought that the rulers, hidden in their royal castles, attacked the beasts and left the commoners and other kingdoms to clean up their mess.

This kind of thinking increased as the number of deaths among commoners and subjects of other kingdoms rose, leading to political movements planning a coup against the Whitefield crown. By the choice of the people from each region—north, south, east, and west of the continent—a royal family was chosen to represent them and put an end to the Whitefield tyranny.

From the northern region, the royal Bluestorm family was elected, tall and imposing, with dark skin and amber-colored eyes. They were excellent warriors who fought with axes and lived in a castle situated in the icy Peaks of Hartia. The northern people always saw them as the best representation of their desires.

It was no different with the South, which chose a royal family representing their customs and strong enough to fight for the people, the Ashrose family. This kingdom had the most prosperous capital regarding the realm and its subjects. Unlike the Bluestorm, the Ashrose were annoyingly pale geniuses with eyes of an almost grayish blue.

Having decided on the two main families to represent the north and south, they found themselves in a dilemma, as the grand ruling family Whitefield resided in the port lands to the west, and any movement linked to the western royal families would be suspect. So they first decided to visit the east, a vast desert of black earth, to try to find a people living there.

The east of Hartia was an arid and desolate land, marked by dunes and constant winds carrying the black dust of the lands. Few believed anyone could survive in such an inhospitable place, but ancient stories spoke of nomadic tribes roaming the desert, living in harmony with the harsh nature.

Thus, a diplomatic exploration group was formed with the heir of the Ashrose family and his men, along with the heir of the Bluestorm family and his retinue. They prepared and ventured into the desert in search of help for the upcoming battle.

They spent days, seemingly walking in circles, without reaching any civilization. Then the Ashrose heir exclaimed:

"We're going to die! We're lost! It doesn't take a genius like me to see that"- he said, his voice breathless, throwing himself to the ground in an attempt to rest.

After looking in all directions, the Bluestorm heir silently agreed, sat next to Ashrose, and said:

" I thought dying in the desert would be better than being devoured by monsters, but boredom will kill us before anything else!" - he said, his voice disappointed, sticking one of his axes into the fine sand of the ground.

"They are counting on us! I wish I knew who guaranteed there was any civilization here!" - said Ashrose, standing up and shaking the sand from his clothes. "We have to find a place to shelter; it's getting dark..."

Bluestorm immediately got up and replied:

"I saw some rocks a little further ahead. I think we can spend the night there. Do you agree?"

Before he could finish speaking, Ashrose was already pulling the saddle blanket from the horse and asked:

"In which direction" - Bluestorm couldn't help but laugh and pointed the direction to his companion. The other men did the same.

When they arrived, they saw that the rocks looked like ruins of an ancient civilization. Looking at each other incredulously, Bluestorm finally said:

"Don't tell me they sent us to find an extinct civilization?"- He looked distraught, looking to Ashrose for a different answer, but Ashrose replied:

"I've been analyzing this desert since we set foot in it, and there were no signs of life! This is the clearest sign that there was once life in this desert, but it doesn't prove that there still is!" - Both the men and the two heirs sighed in dismay, but decided to set up camp.

They went a little further and set up two tents. Ashrose preferred to stay in the open air, near the fire, looking at the starry sky. They began to prepare the rations, a bone stew, since they hadn't seen any living being to hunt in that region. But the cook knew what he was doing, and the smell of the stew filled the air around.

It didn't take long before they started hearing sounds approaching that didn't seem human. All the men grabbed their weapons and formed a circle to cover all directions and not be surprised by what was approaching. They soon realized they were surrounded by coyotes that seemed hungry. Leaving the circle seemed as dangerous as waiting for the enemy's attack, which was in greater numbers.

"Unlike normal coyotes, these measured about two meters each and had a monstrous appearance that resembled the death that inhabited that desert."

When all seemed lost, warriors mounted on their horses appeared on the horizon. The sound of the cavalry approaching scared off the coyotes, which vanished into the darkness.

The warriors approached the group, who still, stunned, seemed unable to believe what had happened. One of them, removing her veil, said:

"Did you come to die in the desert?" -The warrior, in fact, was a woman, beautiful, with green-amber eyes, olive skin, and long black hair. Ashrose was completely stunned by her figure, and Bluestorm replied:

"Thank you for helping us. We know little about the desert's dangers" he said calmly but was interrupted.

"You know nothing about the desert!" - completed the warrior. Bluestorm, slightly startled, continued, looking at Ashrose, who was still standing like a statue.

"Well, we came here because we were desperate! We're looking for a settlement that, according to legends, exists in this desert, to explain what is happening outside this territory and ask if you could help us!"- he finally completed. The woman, who remained silent while Bluestorm explained the reason for their coming to the desert, looked at her companions, who nodded, turned their horses, and began to leave. Then she said:

"If you want to go to the settlement, you'd better follow us! And leave that statue there" referring to Ashrose "if you don't want to waste time!"

After finishing speaking, the men began to dismantle the tents and pack their belongings. Unsurprisingly, Ashrose remained standing, looking in the direction of the warriors who waited a little further ahead. Then Bluestorm finally said:

"Will you help here? Or have you really turned into a statue?"- Ashrose seemed unconcerned and began to help his companions. When everything was packed and everyone ready to leave, the warriors began to move with their horses, and the travelers followed them on foot. That was when Ashrose approached Bluestorm and said in an excited tone:

"I'm going to marry that woman!" He said this and then started smiling. Bluestorm, initially surprised by his friend's words, now looked at him with concern, fearing he had gone mad at some point during the journey. And so, they continued following the warriors.

The sky was perpetually cloudy, creating a gloomy atmosphere that reflected the travelers' state of mind. The black clouds gathered, heralding storms that rarely materialized but kept the group in a constant state of alert. The continent's black earth, the result of a great volcanic eruption centuries ago, absorbed the sounds of their steps, creating an even greater sense of isolation in that desert.

During the day, the soldiers marched in formation, attentive to any sign of danger. The nights were cold and desolate. The campfires provided warmth and a sense of security, but the light of the flames also attracted the curiosity of wild creatures inhabiting those inhospitable lands. The guard shifts were rigorous, defined by the warriors, and the silence of the night was occasionally broken by the distant howl of a coyote, which seemed to have been lurking since the beginning of the march, thirsty for flesh.

After days of traveling under a relentless sun by day and a desolate cold by night, the emissaries of the rebel families finally arrived at the settlement accompanied by warriors. The tents were made of durable fabrics, and the inhabitants, with their sun-bronzed skin and eyes accustomed to the intense light, watched the newcomers cautiously.

The tribal leaders gathered with the emissaries in a giant tent atop a hill, where torches cast dancing shadows on the fabrics covering it. The tribal leaders and the emissaries of Hartia met around a long wooden table. The tension was palpable, but there was also an air of expectation and hope. The Sandstrider family, represented by Eldara, an elderly patriarch with a fierce spirit, sat beside his son, Daren, a warrior with a piercing gaze. Starting the debate, Eldara said:

"For a long time, our tribes have roamed the barren lands of the east, always seeking sustenance and security. We are tired of this life of uncertainties. We want the promise of fertile lands to cultivate and prosper! Your people never cared about us before, so why should we trust you now?" Eldara said, looking at Ashrose and Bluestorm. Then Ashrose respectfully replied:

"We understand your needs, Eldara. The Ashrose house is prepared to guarantee these lands after the takeover. In return, we need your support against the Whitefields, as their family's actions have harmed the people of Hartia too much already." Looking at Ashrose coldly, Daren said:

"What guarantees can we expect? Words are just words until they become reality. We need a solid commitment that our future wealth and lands will be respected." Eldara looked discouraged but did not intervene in his son's speech, who continued: "After all, you arrived in our lands and didn't even introduce yourselves, continuing to use your family names and acting like all nobles." Bluestorm and Ashrose looked at each other and then Bluestorm responded:

"Daren, we understand your concern. We propose a formal pact, signed by both parties, to ensure the fulfillment of the agreed terms. Moreover, we apologize for the lack of initial introduction. I am Kraig Von Bluestorm of the royal Bluestorm family, and this know-it-all here is Sebastian Von Ashrose, from the Ashrose kingdom in the south! We are representatives—I, from the icy region north of Hartia, and Sebastian from the southern region, which I guarantee has more than enough fertile lands to please you!" he concluded, looking at Eldara and Daren Sandstrider. Then Eldara asked:

"And what about our people? We need a guarantee that they will be treated with dignity and respect, not just now, but also in the future." He said with concern. This time, Sebastian responded confidently:

"Our commitment is to justice and fairness. The eastern nomads will be considered our allies and receive the same protection and rights as any Hartia citizen!" He said, then added, looking at Daren: "After all, you are already citizens of Hartia; it's just that, due to your location, this war hasn't reached you yet!" Still skeptical but slightly more confident, Daren replied:

"And if the rebellion fails? What happens to our tribes then? We need to know that our lives will not be ruined by this alliance." This time Kraig responded firmly:

"We will fight with all our might to ensure we do not fail. But, in case of adversity, our kingdom promises to shelter and protect your people. Together, we will share the risks and, if possible, the rewards!" This time Eldara, pausing for a long time before speaking, his eyes scanning the faces of the emissaries and his own son, said:

"Very well. On behalf of the Sandstrider family and the eastern tribes, we accept your proposal... But remember, an alliance is built not just with words but with actions and mutual trust!" Everyone stood, and then the leaders and emissaries exchanged handshakes and determined looks, sealing the alliance that would change Hartia's destiny. The meeting ended with the sense of a new beginning and the promise of a fairer and more promising future.

The eastern nomads, led by the wise and respected Sandstrider family, promised to support the rebellion against the Whitefields in exchange for more fertile lands and a fair share of Hartia's future wealth.

Thus, some warriors from the Sandstrider and D. Alder families were to be sent. Among the warriors of the D. Alder family was the beautiful warrior known previously. Seeing her preparing to leave the desert with the other warriors, Sebastian stealthily approached her and spoke, trying to sound masculine:

"The men seem ready. But we need more than brute strength to win this war. We need courage, cunning, and determination." However, he was ignored by the lady. But far from giving up, he continued: "Your reputation precedes you; it was much discussed in our talks with Eldara. Many others speak of your prowess on the battlefield and your leadership. It will be a privilege to fight by your side. By the way, my name is Sebastian Von Ashrose, heir to the Ashrose kingdom!" He said, bowing after introducing himself. Then the warrior finally replied:

"The warriors of the D. Alder family are known for their bravery and skills in battle. It will not be an easy task, but we are ready to fight for Hartia's freedom. My name is Leonor D. Alder! But as you have heard much about me, I imagine you already knew that, your highness." She said, turning her back on Sebastian.

With the east now united in the cause, the coalition of rebel families was ready to face the tyranny of the Whitefield kingdom. The war that followed would not be just a battle for power but a fight for Hartia's future and the promise of a new beginning for all its inhabitants. One that did not risk the lives of everyone, including the elderly and children, to accumulate wealth for the continent.

I’m sorry! I didn't paste the complete text from Wattpad here! And as long as I'm not fluent in English, this text may have many errors, so sorry once again.

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