
Heirs of Hartia

From the moment of his birth, this heir, marked by the tragic loss of his mother, has had a life shrouded in shadows and doubts. In search of answers that always seemed elusive, he embarks on a journey far from home, crossing continents and exploring diverse cultures. In each new place, he encounters unique characters and experiences that challenge his beliefs and shape his understanding of life and death. As he traverses this personal odyssey, he will confront his deepest fears and then find unexpected beauty in pain and loss.

Gabrielafbdelira · Fantasie
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11 Chs

**Dark Forest**

"War is a continuation of politics by other means." – Carl von Clausewitz

The newly allied forces marched to the briefly decided rendezvous point: the Karayan Black Forest, located near the realms of Ashrose, Krois, Korya, and Greenland, united against the kingdom of Whitefield.

To reach there, they had to cross the Black Dunes, navigate the Amaymon River to the kingdom of Korya, and then proceed on a six-day southwest march to the Black Forest. In total, the journey would last nearly a month. Therefore, they prepared enough rations to reach the only port in the desert, located in a small village, where they intended to purchase more supplies to continue the journey. Thus, they moved forward.

Crossing the Black Dunes was a challenging task, but the allies seemed prepared. Led by experienced guides who knew the terrain well, they formed organized caravans to ensure no one got lost in the vast sandy expanse. The guides knew how to identify the subtle signs of nature that indicated the proximity of hidden oases and were familiar with the safe stopping points. Under their guidance, the allies could advance confidently, even in the face of occasional sandstorms sweeping through the region.

The crossing was carefully timed to avoid the hottest hours of the day, yet some could not endure and fell. The march began before dawn and continued until mid-morning, when they took a long break until late afternoon. At night, the cooler temperature allowed them to cover greater distances with less physical strain.

The allies demonstrated great solidarity during the crossing. When someone faced difficulties, the others offered support, sharing water, food, and encouragement. This camaraderie was crucial in maintaining high morale and ensuring that everyone reached the destination safely despite the losses.

After days of arduous marching, they finally spotted the village near the Amaymon River, where they would prepare for the next stage of the journey towards the kingdom of Korya and, ultimately, the Karayan Black Forest. That night, they decided to hold a new assembly to discuss the next steps.

The leaders of the allies gathered in a large tent adorned with colorful fabrics and symbols of that village. Seated in a circle, the flames danced in the center, casting dancing shadows on the serious faces of the leaders. The constant murmur of the desert wind echoed outside, bringing with it whispers of worry and uncertainty.

Some sorrowfully recounted the stories of their men who had lost sons, brothers, and other loved ones during the arduous crossing of the relentless dunes. Grief weighed on them like a dark mist, obscuring the uncertain horizon of the future.

Others pointed to the scarce piles of supplies stacked in the tent's corners. The provisions were rapidly dwindling, and the village had little more than some fish rations and meager grains left. The worried looks of the leaders reflected the awareness that hunger threatened to ravage their ranks, further weakening their already strained forces.

The tension in the tent was palpable, weighing like an anchor on everyone present. The future of the journey hung in the fragile balance between hope and despair, as the leaders sought solutions to face the imminent challenges ahead.

After intense deliberation, the leaders reached a unanimous decision: to send a small group of brave warriors to cross the river and enter the kingdom of Korya in search of supplies. This risky yet crucial mission represented the only hope of ensuring the allied army's survival.

With determination etched on their faces, the select group set out under the cover of night, moving stealthily along the riverbanks as the moon cast its silver light on the calm waters. Each step was imbued with tension and expectation, knowing that the success of this endeavor meant the difference between life and death for many. Then they took the ferry and proceeded.

A week later, on the other side of the river, the kingdom of Korya stood majestic, its imposing walls witnessing centuries of history and political intrigue. However, for the allied warriors, these walls represented not just an obstacle but also a promise of salvation.

After days of exhausting journey and encounters with Whitefield kingdom patrols, the group finally reached the bustling markets of Korya, where the tempting aromas of fresh and abundant food filled the air. With skill and discretion, they negotiated with local merchants, securing a precious cargo of supplies that would be their people's salvation.

Back on the riverbanks, the small group returned triumphantly by the ferry, carrying the weight of an entire nation's hopes on their shoulders. Now, with the supplies secured, the allied army was ready to face the challenges that awaited beyond the kingdom of Korya, with renewed determination and the promise of a brighter future in sight.

With the challenge ahead of them, meticulous strategy was essential to ensure the mission's success. Upon reaching the lands of the kingdom of Korya, the enemy presence loomed like a constant shadow, demanding a careful and discreet approach.

Sebastian, recognized for his sagacity and leadership, took the lead, proposing an alternative route that skirted the borders of the kingdom of Korya. His suggestion was both bold and prudent, aiming to avoid detection and minimize the risk of confrontation with enemy patrols or Whitefield's allies.

"We could follow the outskirts of the kingdom of Korya instead of crossing it directly through the center!"- suggested Sebastian, his voice filled with determination and confidence. "We'd draw less attention and could enter Ashrose's lands and proceed to the Black Forest."

Kraig, known for his caution and practicality, initially seemed reluctant to support Sebastian's audacious plan. However, after considering the advantages and challenges involved, he finally nodded, acknowledging the logic behind the proposal.

"Maybe it's better this way!"- agreed Kraig, his voice reflecting the seriousness of the situation and the need to adapt to constantly changing circumstances.

With the decision made and the leaders united in their determination, the group prepared to move forward, confident that their cunning and bravery would guide them through the adversities that still lay ahead.

Despite their best precautions, the group couldn't avoid all confrontations along their journey. They faced small groups of enemies from the kingdom of Whitefield, whose presence was a constant threat to their operations. Additionally, the dangers of the wild nature were also relentless, with monsters lurking along the way.

Although they managed to minimize significant skirmishes, casualties among the allies were inevitable. Each loss was a grim reminder of life's fragility amid the chaos of war, but even in the face of these adversities, the allies' spirit remained unshaken. Their determination was a flame that burned intensely, fueled by the hope of a better future for those fighting alongside them.

However, even with all their courage and resilience, the group was taken aback by a challenge of staggering proportions when a giant ogre crossed their path. Faced with the imposing figure of the creature, they had little idea of how to confront it, and before they could devise an adequate strategy, many were struck down by the ogre's terrible iron club.

The shock of the loss was overwhelming, leaving a deep wound in the survivors' souls. But even amid pain and despair, the flame of hope still shone, urging them to continue moving forward, determined to honor the sacrifice of those who had fallen and to reach their final destination: the lands of Ashrose and, eventually, the Black Forest.

The moment of despair was transformed into an opportunity for triumph when D. Alder orchestrated a bold and coordinated attack against the imposing ogre. Using chains and ropes tied to horses, they managed to topple the titanic creature, leaving it vulnerable to the allies' attack.

Kraig, wielding his axes with calculated fury, aimed at the ogre's weakest point and delivered precise blows that struck its eye, sending the creature into wild agony. Meanwhile, Sebastian, with his unparalleled dexterity, advanced with his saber in hand, finding the monster's vital spot and piercing its throat with a fatal strike.

The ogre's blood gushed like a red cascade, tinging the air with the promise of victory and freedom. The rain of blood was both a testament to the allies' courage and a tribute to those who had fallen before them. But more importantly, it was a sign that the journey was not lost and that hope still burned like a strong flame in their hearts.

With the ogre defeated and Ashrose's territories finally within reach, the allies advanced with renewed determination, ready to face any challenge that still lay ahead. United by adversity and strengthened by the shared experience, they marched forward towards the uncertain future that awaited them in the depths of the Black Forest.

After the intense battle and victory over the ogre, the allies decided to take a necessary pause in Ashrose, establishing an improvised settlement to recover their strength and pay homage to the fallen.

In the resting camp, bathed in the soft light of sunset, the survivors washed the battle's marks from their exhausted bodies, leaving behind not only the journey's dirt but also the painful memories of loss.

In an act of honor and respect, the dead were buried with the proper rituals, their bodies returning to the earth they had bravely defended. Above the graves, the ogre's club was placed as a lasting symbol of their courage and sacrifice, a testament that they had faced a monster to protect their comrades.

The names of the fallen were carefully engraved on the club, eternalizing their memories and contributions to the common cause. There, under the solemn gaze of those who remained, they found peace and dignity in their final rest, while their spirits continued to inspire the living to move forward with courage and determination.

In the improvised settlement of Ashrose, amid the tired sighs and murmurs of lament, a flame of hope shone, fueled by the indomitable spirit of the inhabitants of Hartia.

As they headed for the Black Forest, they spotted the remaining troops waiting at the entrance. They noticed that they were tired and wounded. The two groups united and began to discuss in detail the next steps to be taken, considering the state of the troops and the challenges that awaited them.

Upon entering the Black Forest, the air seemed to become denser, and the shadows danced among the trees. The forest exuded an eerie yet fascinating aura, as if the spirits of the past watched over the newcomers. The lush vegetation formed a green maze, where ancient and towering trees stretched toward the sky, creating a natural canopy that obscured the sunlight.

As the allies advanced, they encountered small streams flowing with crystal-clear water, the lifeline of the forest. The wildlife, alert and cautious, peeked out from the undergrowth, while birds sang eerie melodies. The forest seemed to come alive around the allies, surrounding them with a sense of mystery and magic.

Despite the beauty of the landscape, the allies knew they had to remain vigilant. The forest was an unfamiliar terrain, with potential threats lurking in every shadow. The dense vegetation and twisted paths made navigation challenging, requiring careful and constant attention to avoid getting lost or falling into traps.

Still, the forest seemed to welcome them with a mix of curiosity and caution. The allies advanced with respect and admiration for the ancient wisdom of nature surrounding them. They understood that the Black Forest was not just an obstacle to be overcome but also a crucial element in their journey towards an uncertain yet hopeful future.

Once deep inside the impenetrable Black Forest, all the allied soldiers felt an almost palpable oppression, as if they were being watched by a terribly strong and cunning predator. They proceeded cautiously, keeping their guards up. Organized in flanks with spearmen and shield-bearers, the nobles and the most experienced archers were in the center. The day quickly faded, giving way to a night that advanced swiftly, accompanied by howls and grunts that echoed louder as the sun disappeared among the tree canopies.

Faced with this ominous scenario, they decided to set up a defensive perimeter, establishing a secure boundary and preparing traps around the camp. Watch teams were formed to avoid unpleasant surprises from the forest beasts. However, even with all the precautions, sleep did not come easily for everyone.

The young Sebastian, concerned about everyone's safety, took the first watch, accompanied by Daren, Kraig, and Leonor. They positioned themselves closer to the trees, keeping low to better observe any suspicious movements. However, what truly surprised the group was when the forest fell completely silent. The howls and grunts ceased, leaving only the whisper of the wind among the leaves and the crackle of the campfire, along with the occasional snore of an old spearman. Alerted by the strange behavior of the forest, the youths exchanged worried glances and cautiously approached, each covering a direction.

It was then that they saw two immense shadows moving stealthily among the trees, their positions constantly changing. Daren decided to wake the others while the rest remained alert, nodding silently for him to proceed. However, as he stepped towards the tents, Daren inadvertently stepped on a dry branch, breaking it with an audible snap.

In an instant, two giant serpents emerged from the shadows, one completely white and the other entirely black! The traps were triggered but had little effect against the monstrous creatures.

Amid the chaos, as the allies awoke dazed and confronted the serpents, quickly grabbing their weapons, Sebastian, seemingly hypnotized, approached the beasts vaguely.

Leonor tried to grab his arm, but the white snake merely gave her a deadly stare, causing her to retreat. Calmly and unarmed, Sebastian continued to advance towards the Serpents. Suddenly, as if voices invaded their minds, everyone began to hear:

-"What brings you so far from home, Ashrose child? It's been a while since I saw your father," – it seemed to be the white serpent speaking. Everyone was shocked by the talking serpents, but they soon regained some sanity when Sebastian responded:

"If I'm not mistaken, your name is Sage. As for my father, he passed away some time ago. I am now the new King of Ashrose."- The serpents then began to evaluate Sebastian, and behind him, many were surprised by the news of King Aulus Von Ashrose's death.

-"If you are the new king, you should have appeared earlier to swear your loyalty, crown child!" – said the black serpent. Stammering, Sebastian responded:

"I-I'm sorry, I'm in the middle of a war and was going to leave the ceremonies for when it was over!" – he said, looking embarrassed at the serpents.

-"It is your duty as Regent in our territory to swear loyalty to us!" – said the black serpent, seeming angry with Sebastian and glaring at everyone behind him. Then, Sage interrupted her partner and said:

-"You humans have such short lives and spend most of it in your wars! I don't know what Aulus told you about us, child, but we were gods in this land before your lineage stepped into this region! And as we are not savages, we proposed a treaty with the self-proclaimed human royalty so we could live in peace in this territory! All your ancestors kept the agreement and even brought us offerings!" Respectfully interrupting Sage, Sebastian said:

"My father has been absent from the palace since I was five. He was in the far south of our territory fighting a horde of monsters. What little I know about you was told by my mother, who said my family worshipped snakes."- Then he was interrupted by the black serpent, who said:

-"Excuses without foundation, it was your ancestors' duty to respect the treaty we proposed! Besides abandoning us here in this forest without news, you tell me your father did not explain your obligations to you? Foolish child! Give me a good reason not to kill you along with your army and then destroy your capital!" – said the black serpent with a tone of scorn. Before Sebastian could say anything, Sage intervened, ignoring her partner:

-"We will give you one chance! There will be no other mistake like this!" Then the black serpent cursed and said:

-"Better to kill him at once!" And Sage continued:

-"Despite your father's failure to keep his word, I do not blame you, child, for not knowing your duties. But now that you know, it should be clear what we will do if the agreement is broken again, Ashrose child!" – said Sage, looking coldly at Sebastian.

Sebastian immediately knelt and said:

"I thank you for the chance you are giving me! I know it's asking too much, but could you help us cross the forest to Greenland's territory?"

The serpents then gave him a deadly look, and he added: "Without your help, I and these men will probably die in the forest and I won't be able to fulfill my promise!" - The serpents exchanged glances and conversed in a language impossible for humans to understand. Then Sage said:

-"We do not do favors for humans without mutual gain! What could you offer us, Ashrose child, that would be worth our help?" Sebastian looked at his empty and sand-covered hands, remembering that he barely had provisions to reach Greenland. So, without much thought, he said:

"I mentioned that my father died eradicating monsters in the far south of the Hartia continent, beyond the kingdom of Ashrose! There is no human interaction there, and you wouldn't be disturbed! I can ask them to build a temple for you so the people of Ashrose can worship you as gods, and you will no longer have to live isolated in the Black Forest, surrounded by inferior creatures! What do you think?"– said Sebastian in a convincing tone. The serpents conversed again in their language and then responded:

-"The agreement is accepted, now the lands of the far south belong to us! And you cannot go back on your word! Moreover, you will continue to fulfill the promise your ancestors made! Do you agree?" Then Sebastian slowly got up, with few alternatives, and replied:

"I give you my word!"

At dawn, the serpents divided, positioning themselves on the left and right sides of the allied army, guiding them out of the Black Forest. It took three days, camping at night and continuing the journey during the day, until late afternoon when they reached the end of the Black Forest and the entrance to Greenland's territory! This time, with no more casualties! The serpents then returned, and one of them spoke loudly:

-"You better keep your word, Sebastian von Ashrose! And my name is Sef, I came to this world with Sage! And I will come after you if you betray us!" And then they disappeared into the forest again.

The celebration of the army was palpable, a mix of relief and euphoria spread among the soldiers as they exchanged incredulous glances, as if checking if they were really alive or just in a vivid dream. Relieved smiles and warm embraces filled the air as each soldier realized the magnitude of what had just happened.

However, amid this collective joy, Sebastian remained pale, his expression laden with worry and exhaustion. His mind was still absorbing the weight of the conversations with the serpents, the sudden responsibility of leading his people, and the consequences of each word he had just spoken.

While many were enveloped in the festivity, Leonor, Kraig, and Daren immediately noticed Sebastian's condition. With instinctive empathy, they approached him, placing comforting hands on his shoulders, silently sharing their solidarity and support.

The setting sun began to cast rays on the horizon, painting the sky with shades of gold and pink as the distant sound of horse hooves and the creak of carriage wheels echoed through the air. The imminent arrival of reinforcements or allies brought a new wave of hope, but also a sense of urgency. What would come next would be the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity, or just the prelude to even greater challenges?