
Heir of the Uzumaki

In their eagerness to protect their way of life, the leaders of the Ninja World decided to destroy the Lone village of Uzushiogakure. The Uzumaki clan knowing their end was near decided to create their Heir to carry on the legacy of the Uzumaki. Unknowingly at that moment, they had created something that would consume the entirety of the ninja world. (LONG CHAPTERS) R18, SMUT, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Menma x Harem, Multi X-over of characters adapted to the world of Naruto. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- This is a massive rework and translation of Uzumaki's Strongest Weapon by Shinpuuryuken. I'm going to be working on this for a while and ill try to take some suggestions. This story is going to be pretty dark so please don't try and read it if your not into some of the stuff above.

Darkest_Desire · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs


"Konan, go get Tsunade and Pussy Bitch and bring them here. I'm in a good mood, and it's about time I take a break..." Menma said with a smirk.

Konan simply nodded and walked off to fetch the two, but if one was to look closely, they would find that her cunt was dripping in anticipation.

"Could it finally be time?" Konan thought to herself, causing her to have an extra spring in her step.

Soon Konan returned with Tsunade, who stood beside her, and Pussy Bitch, who instantly kneeled at the sight of her son and stared dumbly with a big smile.

"I wanted to do this earlier, but I've been busy for the past few months. Pussy Bitch you can just stay there and continue watching, you two come forward..." Menma said with a smirk as he began to smirk.

Pussy Bitch continued to kneel as she watched in awe as her son stood up. He only wore a black robe with the orange Uzumaki symbol on the back, allowing her to see almost everything when he stood up.

She could see his toned muscles, and most importantly, she could now see her son's perfect cock...

Pussy Bitch almost instantly went into heat like a dog as she began to salivate, and her eyes glazed with lust.

Both Konan and Tsunade weren't much better. Their Master radiated such an aura of masculinity that their knees felt weak when before him.

Menma walked up to both of them as he admired the bodies of his slaves.

Both had their hands behind their necks, completely naked, beside the collars that all slaves now wore and six-inch latex platform boots.

Their large asses and tits jiggled due to their labored breathing.

Menma walked up to Konan before cupping her face.

Menma soon forced his tongue into her mouth before they melted into an intense kiss. He roughly squeezed her breasts completely, treating her as a toy.

Konan's eyes closed, trying to resist the urge to moan as she found herself completely dominated.

"Delicious..." Menma murmured after separating from his glorified angel due to lack of air. As they separated, their mouths were still connected by a trickle of saliva, which soon started to break apart.

Menma then looked to the side to find Tsunade barely restraining herself.

"Haha... Don't worry, I didn't forget you..." Menma said with a chuckle as he walked towards Tsunade.

Menma grabbed Tsunade's chin and stared deep into her eyes. Tsunade stared back with what could only be described as pure submission and joy.

Soon, Tsunade found herself being dominated like Konan a second ago, who was still recovering.

From the corner of his eye, Menma found Pussy Bitch still kneeling, looking at Tsunade enviously while furiously edging herself.

"Pussy Bitch did you want a kiss as well...?" Menma said with a smirk as he walked in front of her.

Pussy Bitch couldn't even find the words to express her joy and only found herself furiously nodding as she continued to edge herself for her son's amusement.

Pussy Bitch was about to stand up when she felt her son push her back onto her knees.

"It's alright. You can stay on your knees, open your mouth for me..." Menma said as he stood before her kneeling figure and lightly tilted her chin towards his face.

"Haha... You didn't think you were getting a real kiss, right?" Menma said with a chuckle.

Pussy Bitch showed a face of confusion before she quickly obeyed her son.

Menma, who stood above her, began to gather spit in his mouth before he spit it into her mouth from above.

"Don't swallow yet... Make sure you really taste it and then open your mouth to show me." Menma said with a smile.

Pussy Bitch closed her eyes and focused on the taste of her manly son's spit. She felt so silly for thinking that she deserved a kiss like her Mistress's.

Her Master was so thoughtful.

After a moment Pussy Bitch opened her mouth to show Menma.

"Perfect Pussy Bitch, go ahead and swallow now..." Menma said as he rubbed her head, treating her like an animal.

Pussy Bitch quickly swallowed and then opened her mouth again to show her Master again, enjoying the feeling of being degraded like an animal.

"Hahaha... Alright, now you can just stay there and watch the rest. Remember not to cum without my permission." Menma said with a laugh.

"Yes, Master Menma! Pussy Bitch will not cum without your permission!" Pussy Bitch with a salute in an effort to show her obedience but only made Menma break into another chuckle.

Menma walked away before coming up behind Tsunade and Konan and cupping each of their asses, causing them to let out a breath of labored air.

Menma smiled, amused, as he began to grope them harder before taking his flaccid cock and slowly rubbing between their thighs. Slowly his cock started to harden and revealed its full length of 10 inches.

"Get down on your hands and knees, both of you," Menma said as he let go of their flesh and began to back away to admire them.

Tsunade and Konan instantly felt their knees become weak at the command of their Master and found themselves falling onto their hands and knees.

Menma walked up behind them and slowly ran his hands along their backs before reaching their asses again.


Menma gave them each hard smack leaving a red print on their asses. In response, they each started to moan, and both of their cunts gushed.

"Arch your backs some more... You want to please me, don't you...?" Menma said in a tone that seemed like a whisper to them.

"Y-Yes, Master, all we want to do is please you..." Tsunade muttered as she bit her lips and closed her eyes in delight.

"Y-Yes Master! Y-You must train your sluts... N-No mercy!" Konan yelled, enjoying the tingling in her butt after the spanking.

"Well then, let's get started bitches…" Menma said with eyes narrowed in wicked glee.

Tsunade and Konan were raising their asses with excitement, eagerly awaiting what their Master would do to them.

Both women closed their eyes and bit their lips with repressed delight when they suddenly felt another spanking.

The stinging in their buttocks caused the two females to moan scandalously.

"Sows!" Menma said as he swung again.

The whipping was heard throughout the room.

"Lowly bitches!"

Tsunade and Konan raised their faces, visibly flushed and with their eyes closed.

"Drooling little Cunts!"

The women finally could not contain themselves and began to give wantoned moans.

"Punish us more...!" Tsunade yelled, abandoning herself to the bliss of pain.

"Do what you want to us...!" Konan exclaimed, tears leaking from her eyes due to the intense stimulation.

"But of course... Who am I to deny the request of my little sluts..." Menma said with a bewitching voice full of glee.

"Ah…!" Both Tsunade and Konan moaned at the same time.

Menma inserted his fingers into each of their drooling cunts, causing each of them to begin to moan louder.

Both women could only moan loudly and close their eyes as they moved their hips to the rhythm of their Master's fingers...

"Oh…!" Tsunade barely moaned out, shedding tears before the sensations that invaded every corner of her body.

"Uh…!" Konan moaned, more intense than she had ever been in her life.

"Do you like it, my little sluts?" Menma questioned with a smirk, brushing the G-spots of the two slaves.

Small trickles of saliva came out of the corner of their lips as they gasped for air. The women could not speak as they gasped, completely submitting to their Master's touch.

"Now..." Menma started as he pulled his hands back to the regret of both of them.

"I want you each to turn around..."

They obeyed instantly, their minds clouded by pleasure.

"It's time to take you to paradise, my submissive little sluts…" Menma declared as he crossed his hands so that the fingers inside of Konan were in front of Tsunade's mouth and vice versa.

"Yes Master…" Both women muttered with pleasure, tinging their voices.

The tongues of the two stuck out in a vulgar way as they began to lick his fingers...

"What do you want me to do, my little sluts?" Menma asked with a smirk.

"M-My pussy and huge tits are waiting for your huge cock, Master…" Tsunade answered.

"M-My tight little ass wants your big dick, my god..." Konan muttered, could barely contain the urge to masturbate.

"Very well, bitches…" Menma said as a smirk formed on his face.

Tsunade gasped as she felt Menma's dick slam into her.

"M-Master..." She moaned weakly while her eyes widened from the rising and uncontrollable pleasure.

She couldn't help but compare the feeling to what she imagined her first time with Dan Kato would be like. Only then did she find that Dan would never be able to compare to the pleasure her Master gave her.

Menma smiled sadistically before using Tsunade as a life-sized fleshlight.

"Oh, oh…!"

Tsunade moaned out in pleasure to the envy of Konan, who watched with growing desire as her God and Master began to move his hips faster.

Tsunade simply writhed as she drowned in infinite pleasure that dominated her body, mind, and soul.

For several minutes, the Uzumaki Prince's cock kissed the depths of Tsunade's womb, who was starting to drool and speak unintelligible words.

"Is it better than you thought?" Menma spoke heavily as he squeezed Tsunade's huge tits.

"Do you think Dan could do this!" Menma said as he slapped her tits, causing her eyes to roll back in pleasure.

"Never!" The woman instantly replied with a loud cry.

"Ah, oh…! Your huge cock… It could never compare to his tiny one! I saw it once after he got out of the shower! It was so small I wouldn't even feel it!" She cried out in pleasure.

"That's it…!" Menma said excitedly, placing his mouth near Tsunade's left ear.

"You're already mine, bitch…! Tonight, I'll make you forget you even dated him..."

The woman arched her back, allowing Menma to plunge his cock even deeper.

"I'm cumming slut…!" Menma grunted as he gave one last push and emptied himself inside the slave.

Tsunade moaned, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she came her brains out.

Tsunade finally reached her limit and collapsed face down on the floor, shaking from that intense climax she had longed for.

"I'm done with her... It's your turn now..." Menma said, glancing at Konan, who had been watching as if hypnotized.

"Y-Yes Master..." Konan said as she started to shake her ass in anticipation.

Menma rubbed his cock at the entrance of her pussy before he slammed his cock into her.

"OOOOHHH!" Konan screamed out in pleasure as her tight pussy was filled up to the hilt.

"Aaaahhhhh!" The woman continued to scream in pleasure as Menma started to fuck her roughly.

"Harder…!" She struggled to grunt out as her legs began to weaken.

"You're such a masochistic little angel..." Menma said with a laugh as he began to hardly pinch her nipples.

"M-More, give me more...!" Konan stammered as Menma began to increase the force he used.

Menma slammed his cock harder and faster until he finally felt his balls draw closer to exploding.

"I'm cumming slut..." Menma grunted.

"Cum in my pussy!" Konan screamed as she thrust her hips into him.

Menma closed his eyes and gritted his teeth before exploding inside her, causing her eyes to roll into the back of her head.

After a few moment's Menma stood up with his dick still leaking cum. He turned to see his slaves, who remained lying down with their eyes rolled back, their tongues sticking out, and a trickle of cum dripping from each of their shaved cunts.

Menma smirked at their state before turning to see Pussy Bitch, who was on all fours rubbing her cunt as if her life depended on it.

"Did you enjoy the show cunt?" Menma asked frivolously.

Pussy Bitch only managed to force a nod as her eyes stayed glued to his cock, still dripping cum.

"Can Pussy Bitch cum Master?" Pussy Bitch managed to stammer out.

"Come clean my cock..." Menma replied without answering, which caused Pussy Bitch's eyes to glaze over in lust.

She rushed over to him and squatted, balancing perfectly on her heels until she was at eye level with his glorious member. Her mouth-watering and unable to contain her excitement, Pussy Bitch swiftly swallowed her Master's cock whole.

It took all of Pussy Bitch's willpower not to immediately climax upon tasting her Master's delicious meat for the first time. As every last inch slid down her eager throat, her mind soaked in the taste, texture, size, and smell of her Master, imprinting the information deep in her brain so she could never be satisfied by anything else.

"Cock! Master's cock!" her mind raced. "I serve cock! Master's cock! Master's cock! I live to serve my son's manly cock!"

"Cum Pussy Bitch..." Menma said as he forced his cock into the back of her throat.

A geyser of juices erupted from her pussy, covering the floor, my legs, and even Menma's foot.

He backed away and watched in shock as she squirted more and more to the point that she started to pass out.

After it finally ended, Menma walked back over to see Pussy Bitch passed out in a puddle of her own juices.

Menma simply kicked her in the gut to wake her up, knocking her out of her comatose state.

"Clean up this mess. I'm going to head to bed. Remember that you need to lick up all the cum." Menma said dismissively as he started to walk away.

"Y-Yes Master! Pussy Bitch will lick up all the cum on the floor." Pussy Bitch grunted as she clutched her stomach and got up with a strained smile.

"Sure... You can clean Tsunade and Konan if they let you... Make sure you don't take too long cunt." Menma said before walking out.

"What a good day..." Menma thought to himself with a smirk.


This was Menma's first time but i'd love to here opinions.

I thought of making it a bigger deal but I didn't think it was in Menma's character to really give it that much thought. If anything I think would just be another day in the office kind of thing.

I also plan to keep Kushina just as degraded as this in the future but I would like opinions on if you want her to ever be able to fuck Menma.

I could just keep her denied and at most let her fluff Menma's cock leaving her as a cuckquean.

I also plan on having Chouchou be a cuckquean if you couldn't tell so they could have a relationship of "camaraderie" if you get what im saying.

Anyway hope you enjoyed!