
Heir Of The Night

Rio grew up like a teenager his age. However, behind it all there is a big secret, about Rio's true identity. The vampire nation continues to hunt Rio, because in his body is the Ruby of Eternity, has the greatest power that is only born once a thousand years. Because of that, several of the Wolf nation's protectors kept trying to protect Rio, until he was old enough to receive the Ruby of Eternity's power. However, no matter how well one hid a secret, it would still be revealed. His friendship with Raeni, grows the seeds of love between the two. Until in the end, Raeni was kidnapped. However, it was all meant to trap Rio. Until the moment Rio saved Raeni, that's when her identity was revealed. Rio turned into a werewolf when he saw Raeni injured. Ludra used this to attack Rio and snatch the Ruby of immortality, which was embedded in Rio's body.

arayan_xander · Fantasie
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158 Chs

Chapter 20

After Rio was brought home, the Math Teacher invited Ludra to sit on the chair that had been prepared.

"Okay Ludra, you can take your seat."

His teacher had asked for it, and Ludra gladly accepted it.

"Very well, sir. Thank you."

His smile accompanied him. Ludra went to his chair which had been prepared.

He would sit in the empty chair up front, by the wall. No one has occupied it yet, it means that it is deliberately lucky for him.

Ludra immediately sat there, "It's comfortable," he shouted happily.

He found this comfortable and without much time he immediately liked it. Ludra felt it didn't take long to mingle with the others, I guess? Ludra thought.


The girls continued to greet him. He was honored to receive such a good reception like this. Because at school he was previously not treated well Ludra.

But it seems that at his new school, Ludra can easily make new friends.

"Hi everybody."

He could not greet one by one the friends who were here in the end he could only smile, but with this Ludra tried to be friendly to all students.

"Aaa… He greeted me!" screamed one of the girls sitting right behind Ludra.

"Gosh the smile… Aaa, makes me want to fly," said another.

These girls felt in the air, soaring high as Ludra with his death smile greeted them.

Which girls' hearts didn't melt when Ludra's soft voice whispered in their ears.

Whatever Ludra did, everything was sweet. Even when sleeping, it is certain that he will look very handsome. They think so.

"Okay, everyone. Open your Math books. We'll continue our lesson yesterday," asked a teacher immediately.

"Okay, sir," said all in unison without exception.

The requested books were removed from their respective bags. Everything is quiet and still, they are especially listening to the material being explained.


Leaving the teaching and learning activities at the school, now go to Rio's house which is located in Gang Narrow, Jalan Panjang, number 12345. Rio's house is located at the end of the path to his house.

Rio had already arrived at his house, now Rio was lying limply on his soft bed, with his whole body covered with a blanket that was so thick.

Until this moment he had not regained consciousness, even Lay and Laras were not there. What appeared to be Rio alone with no one accompanying him, it seemed that his friends had returned to school.


Moving from Rio's room, shifted to one of the other rooms. That is Lalisa's room, Rio's adoptive mother.

This child already knows that his mother is not the mother who gave birth to him. Rio was told by Lalisa when Rio was 10 years old.

At that time, Lalisa felt that Rio was old enough to need to know everything. Sooner or later Rio will also know his origins, but in the end Rio heard his story from other people, it was better for him to tell the truth to Rio as soon as possible without exception.

Although at first Rio was quite disbelieving, but slowly Rio began to accept that fact. And in the end, Lalisa is still considered as Ranya by Rio.

That's just the beginning. However, the story doesn't end there. Now there is another thing that Lalisa should be afraid of, namely Rio.

Why was Rio the one he was afraid of? Because Rio is already a teenager. The next full moon Rio will be 17 years old. That's a sign that Rio is required to have (KTP Identity Card.)

Et, that's not what was meant. Then?

When he was 17 years old, it was a sign that Rio was ready to carry out his duties as King in the Lunar Kingdom.

Replaced the previous King, King Byun. Rio's own father.

This is what Lalisa is currently worried about.

This 40-year-old woman is standing facing the window, her eyesight looking straight out the window right at their yard.

While holding the wolf-shaped pendant in her right hand, Lalisa was reminded of those bitter memories.

The past is difficult to bury deep, because for him forgetting the past is the same as running fast towards the sky. Something he couldn't possibly do.

"Your Majesty," he breathed along with the whistling of the wind this afternoon.

Lalisa still has that dark memory in her mind. The dark image that had happened in the past was now re-emerging in his mind.


500 years ago, right on the day of Ranya's escape to the Human World.

Unfortunately, before reaching the Border of the two Worlds, Ranya had died first.

"Lalisa," said Queen Ranya.

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied Lalisa full of emotion.

How not to grieve, he who is only a servant can't do much to save Ranya's life. He could only lament the pain of the Queen.

Ranya had been lying limp on this bed of dry leaves. His body was covered in blood, and covered in wounds. Drops of blood also started flowing from inside his mouth.

"Lalisa. I don't have long to live."

It was clear that death would soon pick him up. Ranya had given up with his only life.

"What does Your Majesty mean? Your Majesty must not say such a thing. If Your Majesty leaves, then what will happen to Prince Rio? He is still very young, and still needs His Majesty very much."

It was undeniable that Lalisa said something like that, but Ranya couldn't escape the fate that had been laid out for her. The living will surely die, that's the system of life.

"You exist, don't you? You can't say that? How can you think that? You're also his mother. You deserve Rio too."



Ranya starts coughing. This wasn't a normal cough but his internal organs were damaged, which resulted in him having to bleed profusely from his mouth.

"Your Excellency!" worried that Lalisa came back.

Oh my….

Rio was crying in Lalisa's arms. Currently the 40-day-old baby is indeed in Lalisa's arms, that's why Ranya wants her maid to take care of Rio.

"Cup, cup, honey, calm down, okay?"

He stroked it, and gave Rio a warm touch so that the baby would calm down and not cry anymore.


His breath was only a few more breaths away.

"Promise me! You'll take care of Rio for me, Lalisa. Promise me!"

Ranya had no choice, he pulled the back of Lalisa's right hand and forced Lalisa to do the promise.

"I really can't Your Highness."

It is hard to make a promise, for fear that the promise will be betrayed one day.

"No Lalisa. You have to be a mother to Rio. You deserve it." Ranya begged him earnestly.

There is no one else he can trust except Lalisa. He is not only her loyal servant, but also a friend and friend to Ranya all this time.

"Promise you will take good care of him. Protect him from our enemies, and also teach him all noble character so that in the future Rio can become a wise and wise leader," said Ranya, while stroking Rio's bald head.

"Promise Lalisa!"

Constantly asking. Ranya herself would not be able to say much more. His life was on the verge of death.


While shedding tears, Lalisa also promised to take care of Rio for the sake of her queen.

"Very well, Your Majesty. I will take care of the Prince as best I can. I will protect the Prince with all my might, and I will also teach all things that will lead him to his glory."

Ranya smiled when he heard that. At least he was relieved that his Son was in good hands.

"Be a good mother to Rio. You can use my name, so that later Rio will not forget the figure of Mother… Right… dung…nya…."

It was his last breath. Ranya ended her wandering life in the midst of this forest, and closed her eyes for good.


His shout accompanied Ranya's departure to Nirmala where the holy people resided.

Slowly the body that was originally intact, is now starting to fade and become transparent. The flow of blood that had been flowing fast, was now nowhere to be seen.

Ranya's body slowly turned into blue crystal beads.

"Your Excellency!"

It was useless to call him, because the blue crystals had been swept away by the wind into the sky.

Hugging Rio so tightly. How unfortunate the baby was because he had to be left by his biological mother, without him knowing the figure of his mother.


It happened 500 hundred years ago. Even though 5 centuries have passed, Lalisa has not been able to forget the incident until now.

For him, the figure of Ranya is not limited to the Queen, but there is the figure of a friend and friend that he has never felt before.

"Mother," Rio's voice called out.

Hearing his son calling, he immediately turned around and saw Rio standing at the door.