
Bonds Of Trust

Singapore's Bureau Of Magic

Ever since William brought Wilson back to the bureau to get treated, Wilson collapse and is now unconscious. Having a familiar destroyed while the mind is still linked to the user caused serious psychological damage to the brain. Wilson is lucky that the familiar destroyed is just a weak little spider, should the familiar be stronger or magical, he would have suffered permanent psychological damage.

Wilson now lies in the bed of the infirmary of the bureau, tended to by nurses and doctors and looked after by Sophia, a telepath of Singapore bureau of magic. Wilson has been unconscious for about 2 hours now.

"Is he gonna be okay?" William asks worriedly. He was aware of the danger Wilson might face from having his familiar killed.

"He received quite a bit of shock when his familiar died. He's quite lucky, the damage isn't too extensive. I have fixed the damage done and he should be fine. For now." Sophie said. She has dealt with countless situations like this before, being telepath means she often has to see to patients that received psychological damages, though the most deadly is often from the death of a familiar.

"How long will he stay like this?" William was evidently calmer after hearing Wilson's condition wasn't as serious as he thought. After nearly a month of having him as his partner, William has taken a liking to him and wouldn't want to see him end up dead as his previous partner did.

"Around 4 hours, give or take. He should be fine. If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave." Sophie replied as she hurried out of the infirmary to attend to her next business.

William sat down on a chair beside the bed, looking at Wilson. He can't help but think of his previous partner who died during a mission both of them went on 8 years ago. His name was Azriel, a brilliant venator. He was the kindest person he ever knew, although he suffered so much, having his family massacred by demons, his wife, his children, his parents, yet he always put on a smile and treated others with compassion. But he eventually suffered the same fate, being cut literally in half right in front of William's eyes during a botched mission.

William was glad that Wilson seems to be fine. It seems like the one he was trying to negotiate with can't be taken likely, more extreme measures need to be taken.

Singapore, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, 2019

"Could you tell me more? About your kind." Kenneth asks. This was probably the question that he wants to know the most. What exactly is he? His memories, the key, everything that occurred, what exactly happened?

"We are Magus', basically humans that are able to use and manipulate magic. We are commonly known by other names, such as witches, wizards, warlock so on and so forth." Ethan replied.

"How many of you are there?"

"We are all over the world, though the numbers are not high, registered Magus' number around 30000 in Singapore alone."

"Can you show me? Some magic?"

Ethan obliged since it was not too difficult of a request. He stretched out his hands, facing it towards Kenneth and said, "Breeze". Then a gust of wind blew out if his hands, towards Kenneth, blowing his hair into a complete mess.

" Cooool, " Kenneth said. He was in awe by what happened. The room is closed, so there definitely wouldn't be wind blowing out of the blue. "Can I do that too?"

"Potentially. After you've awakened." Ethan replied, clearly more pleased.


"It's a process all supernatural beings go through to be able to use magic. You would have been awakened by now if not for the seal placed on you."

"Seal?" Kenneth had no idea what he was talking about and is curious.

"It seems there's a seal placed on you, it either prevents you from accessing your magic or prevents you from being awakened, most likely the latter."

"How do I get rid of it?" Kenneth wants to be able to use magic as Ethan does, hoping to get rid of the seal placed on him by any means possible.

"I don't know. I'm not so skilled in magical seals." Ethan replied.

"Isn't there any other way?"

"Well...there is...but you would need to come with me to the bureau..."

"Let's go," Kenneth said. At this point, he has thrown his caution away in favour of magic, he will do anything just to be able to use it, to be special, powerful and do the things he wants to do unhindered.

"Now?" Ethan was shocked at his enthusiasm. He thought it would take a whole lot more convincing before he would be willing to go with him to the bureau, seeing as he is so unwilling and cautious before.

"Why? Is there a problem?" Kenneth asks.

"No no, no. No problem, it's just a little unexpected."

"So can we go now?"

Singapore, Kenneth's Home, 2019

"What. The. Hell." Megan has just returned home from her camp and noticed a new door appear at the end of the corridor, right beside her room. Although she was aware of the existence of magic, seeing a new room in her home, made by magic wasn't what she was expecting. "DAAAAAAAD!"

Hearing the screams of her daughter, Yong Ming came out of the room. "Yes?" he had grown accustomed to the room and rather like the peace and quiet away from his wife.

"Um hello? The door? Seriously?! What if Kenneth finds out?" Megan had known about the existence of magic since she was 8 when she caught her father using it to clean the house while her mother was out. Brooms and cloth were floating all around the house, wiping and cleaning, she thought it was a poltergeist and nearly fainted due to shock. After she called down a little, Yong Ming told her more about magic and the supernatural, as she would eventually come to know about it, so might as well prepare her first.

"Oh don't worry, I've got it settled." Yong Ming replied, sounding satisfied.

"How the heck did you even create a good anyway?"

"A fox created it." He replied truthfully.

"Seriously?" This was probably the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard, after the fact that she's a half spirit beast. "Where's this fox then?"

"The park. She said needed a walk."

This was probably the most ridiculous situation she had encountered. She was just gone for 2 days. "What about Kenneth?"

"He's fine, I've sealed him back."

"You remember to hide the key right?" Megan asks.

Hearing that, Yong Ming started at her wide-eyed. Megan could tell something's wrong. "Dad?"

"OH NO. NO NO NO. I FORGOT ABOUT THE FREAKING KEY." Kenneth was given a key by his mother, it was said to protect him and appear to him in need. Under normal circumstances, it would be hidden in Kenneth's body, but as he was nearly just awakened and killed by a demon, the key is bound to have appeared. How could he have forgotten such an important detail? Of all the things he could have forgotten. The key could unravel everything. Though the key could potentially protect Kenneth from harm, it could also quicken his awakening.

"What should we do now?" Megan asks.

"I don't know..."

Singapore's Bureau Of Magic

Wilson awakens to find himself having a massive headache. He slowly pulled himself up from the hard cold bed he was lying on. William lies asleep at the side of the bed.

"Hey William, wake up." Wilson shook him by the shoulders.

William slowly woke up, stretching his arms outward. "You're up. Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"I'm fine."


"Yes, really" Wilson reassured. "What about the boy?"

William shakes his head and sighed. "Someone or something is protecting him. At least now we can confirm he's involved with the supernatural. Since we can't get any information, we'll get it directly from the source, his home."

Wilson was secretly overjoyed. He will finally get his hands on the fox and complete the mission, maybe he might be able to even kill a few people. Just the thought of the sadistic deeds he will be able to commit keeps him overjoyed.

"What are you smiling for?" William asks.

"Oh, just glad to be alive, I guess." Wilson unconsciously smiled while thinking of his wicked thoughts, he played it off smoothly, lying William straight to his face. Though he does feel a bit of guilt towards William, that soon he will be betraying him. He had done missions like this countless times and have gotten used to it, but the way William had treated him so far, makes it hard to let go, but he will have to, he needs to.

"So here's the entrance to the bureau? A freaking classroom? You're kidding? Right?" Kenneth asks. Kenneth and Ethan were now both standing in front of the classroom. This was a classroom that was rarely used by anyone in the school, guess it kind off makes sense for a rarely used classroom to be the entrance.

"One of the entrances. There are entrances scattered throughout Singapore, stores, schools even toilets. Every school has one, for convenience to those still studying. These entrances can only be accessed by those with magic. Now shall we go?" Ethan says. Kenneth nodded. He was nervous yet excited about entering the bureau, it feels like a kind of induction into the world of magic.

As Ethan opens the door, what appeared before him was not a classroom but a white enormous room. Within, there were many people roaming about. Right in front of them, just a few steps ahead was a counter, probably the reception.

"Surprised?" Ethan asked while grinning.

Kenneth looked around in the huge room from the outside, his mouth wide open in awe, "Yeah...."

"This building is one of the newest out of all the other bureaus in the world, you should be proud, not only is Singapore's human world one of the most developed in the world, it's magical aspect is too," Ethan said as he entered the room. Kenneth stood there stunned, unable to move. "Come on, what are you waiting for?"

"Oh, right," Kenneth said as he jogged lightly into the room while to catch up to Ethan.

As they both entered, the other side of the door leading to the polytechnic disappeared. Kenneth turned his head around to look. All he could see was a black hole in the wall of the building, surrounded by a large rectangular purple glow, which seemed kind of familiar. People walked in and out of the black hole, disappearing and appearing as if out of thin air.

"That's the portal. It connects to all the entrances to the bureau in Singapore. There are other entrances that lead to different departments, but only the staff here knows where those are." Ethan said.

"Wow..." Kenneth was speechless. He was amazed that all this is hidden in Singapore and he had only just found out. Ethan walked towards the reception in front of them while Kenneth followed closely behind.

"Hi, Natasha!" Ethan said to the receptionist.

"Hi, Ethan, how can I help you today?" She replied.

"Well, this is Kenneth, I brought him here to get registered today!" Ethan said excitedly, he grabbed on to Kenneth's shoulders and pushed him towards the counter for Natasha to observe, like a trophy he had just gotten.

"Hi..." Kenneth was a little shocked. He had no idea what's going on, he thought he was just here to look around, not get registered for who knows what.

"He's just been...awakened?" Natasha asked, squinting her eyes at him. Though not impossible, she rarely receives a registration request for those older than 16, which is the normal awakening period.

"Well....the situation is a little special. So could you do it?"

"It's my job," Natasha says as she prepares several documents.

A few seconds later.

"Here you go. You know the way don't you?" Natasha said as she passes a file of documents to Ethan.

"Yup, thanks!"

"Welcome," Natasha replied as she continued on with her work. Ethan brings Kenneth along the bureau to the room where they will conduct registration.

The bureau is enormous, it was probably the most spacious and largest building he had ever been to.

"We jokingly call this place 'The White House'. You know? Cause it's white?" Ethan said.

"I thought you were just here to bring me around? What is this registration we're going to?" Kenneth asks, ignoring Ethan's previous comment. Kenneth was a little pissed and suspicious of Ethan's intentions.

"I'm sorry. I just find that it might be easier for you to be registered with the bureau first. Everything will be much more clear afterwards. Besides, it's not like I told anyone about your status." Ethan replied, sounding apologetic.

"My status?"

"You know, the 'Heir Of Light'?" Ethan replied.

Again with this nonsense, Kenneth has no idea what he was saying but decided to take a leap of faith and just go along. Besides, he wants to find out more about the magical world and what exactly is the power hidden inside him.