
Heavenly Opposers

Manipulation... How would someone feel if their life was completely manipulated to the end? How would it be when everything from the moment of your birth to the end of your life is completely under the control of another? How much worse would it be that not just one, but all the lifetimes you have lived, be manipulated? Xiao lived two lives. In the first, he lived as the villain and died as one—a beautiful villain that made no impact on the real story whatsoever. Then he lives again in a different world, just to come back to his first. Doesn't that mean he can rewrite his mistakes? Doesn't that mean he could be great this time? But what if this was the goal from the very beginning? What happens when Xiao finds this goal and escapes his fate? What if the puppet escapes the puppeteer's hands, reshaping destiny, fate, and karma? What if this former plaything becomes the ultimate threat to causality itself? Witness as Xiao compels both the living and the departed to chant his name... Until the very cosmos quakes in awe of his might and fear of his name......

Chaosking · Aktion
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284 Chs

Chapter 220-Night.....Night.


Huifen was the first one to break the awkward silence that had formed, and the moment Azrail appeared in front of Valencia, she made sure to change her atmosphere to a more relaxed one, which was quickly caught by Ruibo, whose face turned seemingly calm. At least he tried to, but the jealousy and greed on his face ain't going away that easy.

"Hu? What are you doing here?"

Ruibo asked with confusion, his eyes seemingly passing over Azrail but they didn't forget to light up a bit when they landed on the stone-cold Xuanyin, her beauty still blooming, and the sense of coldness around her ever awe-inspiring to make boys want to break that cold expression on her face. The only reason she didn't get much attention was due to the very fact she was overshadowed by the other extreme combination that came up.

'Guess that side of his has already started to awaken.'