
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · Anime und Comics
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102 Chs

Journey Home

While flying toward his hometown inside Heaven Dou Empire, Nie Long is talking to his Martial Spirit. They can communicate with him when they are inside his body. Otherwise, they will be bored staying inside his body.

"Master are we going to take your father and mother to stay with us in Suo Tuo City?" asked Lily.

"I also want them to stay with me but I will respect their will if they want to stay at Holy Sage Village. I can just visit them frequently," said Nie Long.

"I also want them to stay with us. They always pampered me when I stay at your house," said Lucy while yawning.

Because of Lucy's yawning, everyone also yawned. This is the infection of yawning. Nie Long continues to fly toward Holy Sage Village. If his parents already become Rank 10 then Nie Long will catch a Spirit Beast to make them a Martial Spirit for his parents.

"Aurora can you handle the pressure if I go faster? I want to meet them even if it was 1 second earlier," asked Nie Long. He really did want to arrive earlier since he already missed them so much.

Someone who never has parents in their life will treasure them more than someone who has parents in their life. (Talk from experience actually).

"I can handle the pressure Master but only 20% faster speed," said Aurora. Nie Long nodded and fly faster. On the way flying, Nie Long saw a boy being attacked by a 1000 years Spirit Beast. Nie Long then flies toward the Spirit Beast and attacks it.

The Spirit Beast ran away because of Nie Long's one punch to its face. Nie Long looks at the kid and holds his hand to take the kid up from the ground. Nie Long then asked the kid why is he inside the forest alone.

"I want to become Spirit Master but I don't have anyone to take me to hunt. I have Beast Martial Spirit but I have no money to hire a mercenary to help me hunt Spirit Beast." said the boy.

Nie Long looks at the boy and nodded his head approvingly. What he is approving? No one knows except for him. Nie Long then takes the boy outside near the border of the forest. Nie Long asked him what Spirit Beast he want as his first Spirit Ring.

"I have Lizard-type Martial Spirit, so I think camouflage is good as the first Spirit Ring." said the boy. Nie Long then looks around to find Spirit Beast that has camouflage as its skill.

Not long after looking around, Nie Long saw a Shadow Chameleon and know this Spirit Beast is suitable as this boy's first Spirit Ring. Nie Long walks toward the Shadow Chameleon.

The Shadow Chameleon thought that Nie Long doesn't see it and he can get a free meal today. After Nie Long is close enough to the Shadow Chameleon, it jumps to assassinate Nie Long but Nie Long catches it mid-air and holds him tight.

Nie Long walks back to the boy and gives the fainted Shadow Chameleon to the boy. The boy was so excited that he can get a Shadow-type skill as his first Spirit Ring. Not a lot of people have Shadow-type skills.

Shadow and Light type Spirit Rings are hard to find. Nie Long can find them is already a miracle, but he even catches it. The boy kills the Shadow Chameleon and absorbs his first Spirit Ring.

Nie Long then wait for a while and leave when he saw that the boy successfully absorbed the Spirit Ring. Nie Long flies to the sky and flies toward his hometown. This time there is no kid to help. He flies alone and talks to his Martial Spirit.

After 1 day of flying, Nie Long arrived near his hometown. He descended from the sky and walks all the way home. No one in the village knows he has Aviant-type Martial Spirit.

Nie Long greets every villager he saw and they asked him if it is his holiday. Nie Long nodded and said he came back because he missed his parents. After walking for a while, Nie Long arrived in front of his house.

Nie Long knocked on the door because he knew his mother is inside the house. After waiting for a while, the door was opened and Nie Long look at his mother while smiling cheekily.

"I'm back mother. Did you miss me?" said Nie Long. His mother doesn't say anything but just hugged him. It was a bear hug that make even Nie Long suffocated.