
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · Anime und Comics
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102 Chs


He then sits on his bed and begins condensing this first core. The core he makes is the same as Nie Li. The core he makes has colour, and the first colour he has is Red. Everyone in Douluo Dalu doesn't have the knowledge of condensing Spirit/Soul Core yet.

So Nie Long doesn't know what colour the other has. He doesn't even ask Bibi Dong since she doesn't have a Soul Core yet. She will get her 2 Soul Cores after she ascended to become Rakshasa Goddess.

Nie Long then focuses on condensing his other core since he uses very little time to condense his first Soul Core. He then continues to make his second Soul Core and stops after making his third Soul Core since it is time for lunch.

Nie Long has his lunch outside the Academy since he feels a bit bored of eating the same thing every day inside the Academy's canteen. He walks out and walks around till he found a small shop nearby,

Nie Long trusts his instinct since he always has a good instinct to find good food. This is why he always finds good food everywhere he goes. And now he saw a little shop outside the Spirit Hall, he enter the small shop and he found that this store sells curry.

"How can there be curry in this place? As far as I know, no one knows curry in this place," thought Nie Long.

Nie Long then sit at the table and orders his Cutlet Curry since he is already feeling hungry from the smell. Nie Long waits for a while and gets his food. He tastes the curry after a while and tastes that this is Japanese Curry.

A sweet and slightly spicy taste of curry. Nie Long then call the waitress and asked about the curry.

"Curry is a secret recipe that a Title Douluo had in the past invented and no one knows about this since they thought it is weird food with red colour," said the waitress.

Nie Long nodded his head and said to the waitress to make another Cutlet Curry but this time to make it less sweet and spicier. The waitress look at him weirdly and nodded her head. She then walk to the kitchen and after 5 minutes of waiting, Nie Long got the spicier Curry that he dream of.

Nie Long eats as fast as he can and he orders 2 more times the spicier Curry. Nie Long then went to pay for his food and before he left, the waitress asked him "how can you eat that Spicy Curry? Everyone who came always asked for the sweet curry unlike you."

Nie Long look at her and said, "it's just that I love spicier food instead of sweet food. So I will come again and please make it like today." Nie Long then walk out of the small shop and walk back to his room.

After arriving at his room, Nie Long continue making his Cores and he makes 2 more cores since it is become harder to condense Soul Cores. Nie Long takes at least 6 hours to condense 2 small cores.

After finishing condensing his cores, Nie Long doesn't have any energy left to go to have his dinner so he just falls asleep without cultivating. He releases Charlotte and Lucy from his Inner Space to sleep with him.

Nie Long woke up before 4 am, and he condenses his last core. He finishes condensing his last core, but he breaks through Rank 67.

"Huh, tonight I need to condense 1 more core. Why did I rank up at this time? I just finished making the cores and now I need to condense 1 more core," thought Nie Long.

If people know he is sighing because he ranks up, people will come and chocked him to death. Nie Long then wears comfortable clothes before walking to do his body training. He is already late but the Title Douluo doesn't scold him and this makes the other people jealous of him. The one who came 1 minute late got scolded so badly, but Nie Long who was late for 10 minutes doesn't get scolded at all.

This makes them jealous since he gets a leeway. He doesn't need to do anybody training and the Title Douluo won't scold him even if he doesn't do it. Nie Long then walk to do the training further than the other. He doesn't care about their jealous look and he doesn't care what they said about him. In the end, they all know that he is the new Holy Son of Spirit Hall.