
Heavenly eyes

When Kade dies and gets reincarnated, he does so to find himself blind. His fate seeming rather bleak in such a cruel world, finds hope in trying times and vows to always control his fate

Dawariboko_James · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Meeting Mother

While she was in her shocked state, Kade was busy admiring this new ability of his. He began "looking" around while he walked behind her.

'This is technically my first sight of this new world and this house'.

After a few twists and turns, Edna who remained shocked for a while, eventually led Kade to a set of double doors, where she stopped and stood outside.

A feminine voice, one Kade recognised as well as his own spoke from within the room.

"Come in"

The door opened which no one was apparently responsible. "Madame, I have brought him here" said Edna with a very respectful look on her face.

"Good morning mother". He said 

"Bring him to me" said his mother who was reclined her body on a large chair with a stool between her legs. Too bad Kade couldn't see clearly because it made for quite the alluring picture.

"Yes madame" Edna walked up to Kade, held his hand and brought him forward towards his mother.

"Kade my dear, sit here for me" 

Kade sat on the stool, while his mother began to run her hands through his long hair.

"Edna, leave us".

"Yes, madame".

After Edna left and shut the doors, there was silence for a while before she spoke again.

"Edna told me that you had awakened your martial spirit, what is it?".

"It's a large serpent"

"I thought this day would never come"

Kade remained quiet as she didn't seem to need his input for now.

"Your father, your real father isn't Elijah Astor"

Kade had suspected this because here on Earendel, martial spirits were inherited. There could be special cases but even then, the apple doesn't stray too far from the tree, the inherited martial spirit still relates in some way to the progenitor. These cases were known as mutations and they most times produced stronger variants of that martial spirit.

"I met a man, during my one of my travels to the capital. He was gravely injured and I took him in to take care of him".

She continued while sobbing "He was just so charming and he looked beautiful with eyes so pretty".

"He and I had you after that then he just left, but before he did, he gave me something to give to you if you ever awakened your spirit".

She got up and went over to a drawer, which she opened and brought out a box, slowly cleaned it and came back to sit.

She opened the box and brought out a ball that gave off purple light and put it in his hands.

'I guess I should have known'. Kade thought.

As Kade took the ball, it glowed even more, then it shattered. The light from the ball began to move towards his forehead.

When the light entered his head, he saw clearly for the first time.