

#Chapter38 Eight

/"Lola/" He called tugging on her shirt as his mother grabbed all the money she kept in her cabinets while talking about how disgusting her husband was. She smiled wiping her tears and running her hands through his hair.

/"Be a good boy/" She whispered, he groaned tugging on her skirt even more as she closed the trunk standing up, She couldn't stop her weak voice as she cried looking at the shed.

/"Are you running to call a carriage or shall I make you stay here/" She shook her head running down the stairs and out of the house.

If she got back in time after calling for a carriage. She would be able to say goodbye to him. She wanted to see him one last time. Just to say goodbye. As she ran out the doors in a hurry, Vincent opened his door looking at the house. He sighs walking to the back door and knocking over it.

No one answered.