
Heaven-Defying Rebel Sage

We are born free; yet, why do the deities and Buddhas claim supremacy! Bodhisattva, Buddha, Deity? ... I shall wipe out all your Divine Souls! If the heavens obstruct me, I will shatter these heavens; if the earth obstructs me, I will crush this earth! Tathagata, today you must return to me—five hundred years! ...

Monkey King · Ost
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128 Chs

Chapter 98: General Aspires to a Rebellion Against Heaven

However, Heaven-Defying and Wukong encountered danger on the fifth level of the tomb, where countless Yin ghosts attacked them, as if intent on destroying gods and Buddhas alike.

Yuan Hong extended his arms, and his Heaven-reaching Rod also grew immensely large, sweeping through the millions of Yin ghosts, immediately causing chaos and uproar among them. Wukong also transformed, becoming a hundred-zhang-tall Divine Monkey, brandishing the Buddha Beating Staff and thrusting it into the midst of the Yin ghosts.

"You are a General!" Yuan Hong bellowed coldly, "I never imagined you survived all those years ago!"