
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Andere
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58 Chs

Results of Training

The sunrays shone upon the Global City as the sun rise from the horizon. 

The entire city was filled with peace and tranquility as the cadets and workers started to wake up.

But there was one man in the forests of the 5th District who was....running butt-naked?

The scene of him running in the forest which was filled with dangerous mana beasts was quite comical. He was Lucas Morningstar.

Even though he was running without any clothes on, his expression remained indifferent.

"I should have brought a change of clothes." I admonished myself for not preparing ahead of time.

Tomorrow will be my first the day at the Global Academy.

It was good that I completed my training a day before than planned since I had to make some preparations today.

Soon I reached the entrance of the forest and stopped running.

I moved the mana inside my body and slowly enveloped my whole body so that I can cast invisible magic. I looked into a puddle of water nearby only to see nothing.

After confirming that the magic is indeed working, I jumped over the forest's fence and started running towards my room.

Since I can't possibly board a train in this condition, I had to go by foot all the way.

Just a few days ago, running a few miles was enough to make me tired but now I was able to comfortably run all the way from the island and using magic has become a lot easier.

A few days ago,

Right after jumping in the volcano, a loud splashing sound echoed in the surroundings.

The scorching hot lava in the volcano started to burn my entire body.

Even though the lava engulfed my entire body, I controlled myself from groaning. All my clothes turned to ashes with only my bare body left behind.

Small burns started to appear all over my body. Before long my entire body will turn to ashes but it is still bearable for now.

Just touching lava is painful enough to make anyone scream at the top of their lungs. But I have a very high level of pain tolerance, even when the memories of Lucas poured in I didn't feel anything when it should have felt like someone hammering my head.

That's why even when I was in contact with lava I was able to tolerate it.

And due to staying at the bottom of the ocean for five long days, my body has become tough enough to endure some of the heat. But I can't let my concentration waver.

My body in my previous life was much tougher and resilient than now but my body now is not even at half the level of my previous one.

That's why I have to use mana to fill the gap. 

Slowly, the burns on my body started to heal but new burns continued to appear. I am not using mana to shield from the lava but instead to heal the burns.

If I can continue to do this till my body becomes capable of withstanding the scorching lava then my training will be completed.

And just like that it took me another five days for my body to become strong enough to handle the lava on its own. 

After reaching home, the first thing I did was to take a cold shower.

No matter how much my mana healed me, I was still inside the volcano for five whole days. My entire body was covered in ash, soot and sweat and felt really uncomfortable.

After a refreshing cold shower, I wore a fresh pair of clothes and ate a heavy breakfast since I was starving for the past 12 days.


Right then, my phone received a notification. Wondering how many messages I received over the past 12 days I picked up my phone only to see a single message from the Academy.

There was not a single message from my parents. Isn't this a bit too much? Their son has left his hometown and lived in an apartment all alone yet there was not a single call or message from them for the last 20 days.

They really are a piece of trash. Well, I will have my revenge on them soon enough.

I checked the contents of the mail sent by the academy. They were asking me to send my stats so that they can assign a rank to me.

I don't check my stats ever since the first time. I wonder how much my status has changed since then. I muttered status in my mind and the familiar screen appeared in front of me.


Name→ Lucas Morningstar 

Race→ Human

Strength→ 350

Endurance→ 400

Speed→ 359

Stamina→ 370

Accuracy→ 376

Charm→ 530

Intelligence→ 208

Mana Capacity→ 50000/50000

Rank→ Gold 2

Potential→ Gold 3

Professions→ Spearman Lvl. 1 || Archer Lvl. 1

Techniques→ None

Affinity→ Fire » Lightning || Light || Fire Resistance

Spells→ Fireball ⟨High⟩ || Zap Touch ⟨Intermediate⟩

Blessing→ Mana Burst


My stats improved a lot compared to previously. But even then they can't properly measure my strength. I mean, I am the strongest person on this planet after all.

Well, let's stop there before I continue on and on about my strength.

Still there is no way I could submit these stats. From what I know, achieving Gold 2 rank at my age is unimaginable.

Since I decided to live a peaceful life it would be better to submit my previous stats instead.

What I didn't know was that many people send stats much higher than them while I sent stats much lower than they are.

After I sent the email, I began thinking about my future academic life. I have no intention to act all chummy and happy go lucky with my classmates or anything.

Even if I don't take the years before I regained my memories into account, I was still 27 years old. There is no way I can be friendly with some brats who are 9 years younger than me.

What's more, all the people at the academy should already know about my previous transgressions. Since I never cared about what others thought of me it wouldn't matter if they shun me.

The concerning matter right now is that there is a good chance that she will also attend the same school.

I don't know what I should do if I come to face her.

Even after mulling over it a long time, I couldn't decide what to do and ultimately decided to behave the same way I used to. Of course not as Lucas did, but as Vincent.

I might even help all these youngsters if they are ever in danger. Its the least I can do since the adults in this world are throwing these children into war.

After deciding my course of action, I laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

After what happened all these days, I was in dire of rest.

Since tomorrow is the entrance ceremony for the academy.