
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Andere
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58 Chs


Liz was right.

Duds— the people who can't use mana properly— are given guns to train and fight with if they volunteer to enroll in a Military Academy.

But if a cadet, who can use mana just fine, intentionally chooses a gun, then that cadet is no better than a Dud.

Liz took out the guns from the display and handed them over to Hugh.

-"Handguns?! Is that guy stupid?"

-"He could choose a crossbow, at least."

-"Maybe he's really proficient in wielding mana!"

-"Or maybe he's just stupid."

The whole room was filled with murmurs like those. Other may not know but I have an inkling as to why he chose the gun.

His blessing must be related to guns.

Although I can see other's blessings if I wanted to, I haven't seen anyone's beside mine. I will let them have their privacy until I feel like it.


Shaking me out of my thoughts was the voice of Liz.

She was standing in front of me with an irritated look. It looked like she had come to hand me the bow I picked.

I casually stepped aside and made way for her.

Liz took out the bow that I was standing in front of… and threw it at me!

I caught it effortlessly but it was clear that she did it intentionally.

And I am not one to back out from a fight.

"Did you really have to throw it like that?" I asked her without hesitation while looking in the eye.

I know that she doesn't like me due to my past crimes but I can hardly ignore such disrespect.

The only one who has the right to treat me this way is 'Amelia Black' and rightfully so, since she was the victim. But I will not give such luxury to others.

"You have a problem with that?" She looked at me with cold eyes. The atmosphere in the chamber turned heavy. Seriously, how many people will pick a fight with me in a single day?

"What if I do?" I took the argument a step further while looking at her with indifference. 

'Should I just kill her? No, I decided lead a peaceful life. Let's try to settle this without a fight.' I thought to myself as I continued to look at her.

"If you have a problem with how I do things here then you are free to return the weapon." Liz said not backing down a bit.

Every single cadet in the classroom was watching Liz and myself. I must be looking crazy in their eyes. After all, not only did I pick a fight with Quinn but also with Instructor Liz in a single day.

But only in their eyes. In my eyes, no one in this world is my equal. 

Since she told me return the weapon, I obliged. It seems that we can settle things without a fight. Of course with it, I added a small gift as a bonus.

I extended my bow towards her indicating that I will return the bow. Perhaps not expecting that I would really return my weapon, Liz looked a little unsettled. Right then, the bow in my hand shot towards Liz with great speed.

Caught off guard, Liz hurriedly tried to catch the bow. She managed to catch it without trouble but she must have applied more force than needed and the bow broke.

I didn't use any advance spells or any techniques from my previous life to pull that stunt. All I did was to use my blessing ‹Mana Burst› from the palm holding the bow which made the bow fly at such speed.

Not minding the bewildered gazes around me one bit, I took a new bow from the shelf by myself.

"Since you don't like giving me a weapon, I will take it myself." 

"What are you doing?" Liz asked clearly irritated by my actions.

"Taking a new weapon."

"Do you know that I can expel you from the Academy on the account of insubordination?" Liz threatened.

Does she really think that I would be scared by that? How cute. I don't care about the academy, the only reason why I even tried to attend in the first place was because I was already accepted into the academy.

I have no qualms even if I get expelled. I will just live in the mountains as I originally planned.

"Do what you want. I don't care."

"Enough!! Cadet Lucas Morningstar, meet me in my office later. You are now dismissed."

After that I left the chamber and headed towards the faculty block at the center.


(Liz's PoV)

I was headed towards the class assigned. I didn't think that I would return to academy after all this time.

After I defied my superiors at the border, I was suspended and sent to the academy to work as an instructor.

I was standing near the classroom when I heard the loud chatter of the students from inside.

They are all so carefree, oblivious to the dangers they will face in the future.

Let's test them a little. With that thought I walked up the stage without many any sound while erasing my presence. 

Only a handful of people noticed that I entered the classroom.

From what I remember they must be...

Quinn Darkstar, Anastasia Bigod, Amelia Black,  Grace Godwill, Chase Woods, Ella Bright and....Lucas Morningstar? Did he just wake up? How did he of all people notice me. Wasn't he a criminal who tried to sexually assault a girl?

I decided to not think about him and looked at the class.

"Attention!" I shouted from behind the podium.

After scolding them a bit about their negligence, I took their attendance and distributed their IDs.

When it Lucas's turn I completely ignored. I can't believe I would have to teach a criminal at the academy. 

It was then I saw him picking a fight with Quinn Darkstar. Even though Quinn was pressuring him with his aura, Lucas stood there looking indifferent to everything.

I stopped both of them right then before things get more serious.

After that, my disciple Nero Dekrauf entered the classroom. I scolded him for being late and it soon turned into a small banter.

The one who stopped us was Lucas. Since I was in the wrong I didn't think much about his remark but his indifferent face at that time reminded me of the veteran soldiers I met in the past. 

But how is that possible? Most of the students had never participated in the war, so how can he have that kind of face. Moreover he was known as a fallen genius who didn't train for years but that very same person was able to stand his own against Quinn. 

It seems there is more to Lucas than it meets the eye.