
Heaven's Retribution

The Middle Kingdom, being bestowed with great blessings from the heavens, lived in peace and harmony of hundreds of years now. But as humans failed to recognize this blessing, forgetting to take care of their fellow man, and indulging in pleasures, concerning only themselves with wealth and power, the whole kingdom is now in chaos. The reigning King Liu Wei, believes only with the power of man to rule the kingdom, decreed to destroy all temples throughout the kingdom. Kill all seers for spreading false prophesies to instill fear to the people and ban all practices of worshipping the gods. Little civil wars are happening throughout the kingdom while neighboring kingdoms are trying to invade small cities along the kingdom's border in the north. The court is in disarray because of officials who either want to keep their positions or wants to go up in authority and power. It's the fifth of the 7th month in the year 877, King Liu Wei sits on his throne while listening to the arguments of his ministries. It's been going on for four hours now but there has been no sound resolution yet. When, suddenly, the door of the great hall opened. Everyone fell silent and looked at the door. The king who slowly looked at the door suddenly gets angry to see a young woman, wearing a flowing black robe entered the great hall. She is looking straight at the man in the center of the throne as if there is only the two of them in that room. All eyes are on her. She walked calmly as if she is just strolling the garden in bright moonlight. "How dare you enter!" all eyes looked at his majesty as he spoke those angry words. Everyone is looking at his majesty and then to the woman who just entered. The woman, with no slightest emotion on her face, stopped a few meters away from him. Eyes locked onto him. "How dare you ignore the wrath of the gods who gave you and your descendants the power to rule this kingdom. How dare you take credit on the achievements that the gods aided you. Now listen, all of you! The gods will not be blind and tolerate such ingrate! Someone from the heavens will go down and destroy this kingdom and build a new one." Silence. "And all of you…" she looked in everyone present in the court. "All of you who choose to please a mere human to save your little lives will know the gravity of your sins. You and your children will know the intensity of the wrath of the gods you are trying to ignore all these years…" A sharp arrow fierce through her delicate body. With bloodshot eyes, she looked at the king again, who is now holding a bow. "You, you will no longer produce an heir to the throne and…." Another arrow shot through her heart is released from the same bow that fired the first one. "I don't care about your nonsense. If what you say is true, then, tell your gods that they are welcome to come here and they will know who they are dealing with. Now, go to hell." Three arrows simultaneously hit her body and she fell on the ground eyes wild open. After a few seconds, panic arose in the court. The things they saw brought chills on their spines. Confusion, fear, and anxiety filled the entire court. "Quiet!!!" Everyone fell silent and looked at the man in front of them. "Whoever dared to believe that wretch woman will be put to death and be branded as traitors!" Whoever witnesses that incident will later on regret the decision they made.

L_Y_N · Urban
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5 Chs

2. The baby appeared

Fifteen years ago:

A young man walked out of his bamboo house early that morning. He looked up. There is a tinge of sadness in his eyes.

"If there are really gods, why I feel so empty inside? Why are you keeping me on this mountain for almost 10 years now?" his voice started to sound angry.

It is as if he is talking to someone in the heavens.

Almost 10 years ago, his master asked him to stay in the Mengmeng mountain to receive his divine mission. He said that he has a great mission to do. He obeyed without asking and doubting but after almost ten years of loneliness in the mountain, he started to doubt the words of his master.

He remembered his happy days on the Holy Mountain with his master's other disciples.

He also suddenly misses his best friend Heng.

The fragrant morning spring breeze brought him back to the present. Seeing that the sun will soon rise, he started to walk. He has been walking absentmindedly for a few minutes when he heard the sound of the river.

"Oh, I already have walked this far," to told himself and decided to go to the river to fetch some water. Even before the river came to view, he heard another sound.

"A cry of a baby?" confused, he listened again. He heard it again. He slowly moved towards the sound until he came to a clearing.

The serene river on his sight. He saw this river a hundred times already but on this day it seems more alive. He heard the sound again. He looked around. Until he saw a bundle of cloth to his left.

He walked towards it.

When he reached it, he saw a baby with skin as white as snow, with clear blue eyes crying. He kneeled down and picked up the baby.

"Shhh… it's okay…" he started to rock the baby to calm it.

After a few minutes, the baby stopped crying.

He looked at it again. He saw a golden necklace on its neck.

He looked at it and saw a name engraved on it. "Qiao Zhi" he whispered and then a golden symbol appeared on its forehead.

It happened so fast he was not able to remember what the symbol was.

When he recovered, he looked at his surrounding.

There's no one there. The Mengmeng mountain is an enchanted mountain and no ordinary human can enter it.

All those cultivating can only come to the Mengmeng mountain to train and increase their inner energy.

When he looked at the baby again, it is now sleeping. Then, he suddenly remembered his master's words.

Since that day, Master Chuanli became the mother and father of the baby Qiao Zhi. Though he would always remind her that he is her master and not her parents, in Master Chuanli's heart he treated her as his own child.