

Among the gods of the heavens, there was a famous laughing stock known throughout the three realms. Legend has it that eight hundred years ago, there was an ancient country within the Central Plains called Xian Le nation. The ancient nation of Xian Le had vast territory, abundant resources and content citizens. The country had four treasures: delicate beauties aplenty, thriving arts & literature, treasures of gold and jewels and last but not least, their renown Royal Highness the Crown Prince. This person, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince....you could say.... was a strange man. The Emperor and Empress considered him to be the apple of their eyes. They doted on him immensely and would often proudly proclaim: “In the future, my son will surely become a wise monarch, leaving a reputable impression for generations to come .” Yet, in the regards of what came with royalty, of riches, power and honor, the Crown Prince had no interest. What he was interested in, quoting the very words he often said to himself, was—— “I want to save the common folks!” The young prince cultivated in earnest. During this time, two short stories became widely circulated. . The first story occurred when he was seventeen years old. That year, the nation of Xian Le held a magnificent Offering to the Gods parade. Although this tradition had already been abandoned for numerous centuries, through surviving ancient texts and verbal stories, one could imagine the grandeur of the event.. Offering to the Gods day, Martial God Main Street. Both sides of the Main Street were overflowing with a sea of people. The aristocrats were seated on top of high buildings as they exchanged friendly chatter; while the imperial guards cleared the way with their impressive armours clinking. Young girls danced gracefully as their snow-white hands scattered flower petals like rain, filling the sky as far as the eye could see. It made people question whether the dancing maidens were more beautiful or the flowers themselves. Melodious notes sounded from within golden carriages and floated throughout the whole Imperial City. Behind honorable guards, sixteen white horses with golden bridles walked side-by-side as they pulled forward a magnificent platform. Located on top of the tall, magnificent platform was the focus of everyone’s attention, there stood the martial artist to perform a show to please the Gods. During the festive heavenly parade, the martial artist would adorn a golden mask, don splendid garments and wield a sword in one hand. He would perform the role of the first military deity in a millennium to have subdued demonic beasts——Martial God Heavenly Emperor Jun Wu. Being selected as the martial artist to perform such a show could be considered equivalent as to receiving the utmost honour, and thus the selection criteria was extremely strict. This year, the one who was chosen was none other than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. The entire nation was convinced that he would surely be able to become the most marvellous martial artist to perform such a performance since the beginning of time. However, on that day, something unexpected occurred. During that time, the martial god on the magnificent stage was just about to land a killing blow on a demon. This was the most exciting scene, and thus the people on both sides of the Main Street were fired up with passion. The people on the city walls were also becoming more rowdy as they started outdoing each other in sticking their heads out to see, both struggling and shoving. Right at this moment, a young child fell from the top of the city gate tower. DISCLAIMER: This story is not mine, I did not wrote or own this, I really just want to share it to everybody. I am not the translator either. If you have means to support the author please do so. You can find this novel at novelusb.com PS. the cover photo are also not mine. Belongs to Mr. Google

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267 Chs

Chapter 27

After the State Preceptor jumped down,

She said in the Half Moon language, "Ji Mo,

What's going on? "

When she opened her mouth, her voice was quite different from what Xie Lian had imagined. It indeed sounded cold, but it was very small, as if a sullen child was talking to himself. It wasn't the kind of cold and powerful voice. If Xie Lian's hearing wasn't bad,

He probably wouldn't have been able to hear it clearly.

Ji Mo said, "What's going on? They're all dead! "

The State Preceptor said, "Why are they all dead?"

Ji Mo said, "Isn't it because you pushed them all down?

Locked them up in this damned place! "

The State Preceptor said, "Who's here? There's another person. "


At this time, besides Ji Mo, there should be two more 'people' at the bottom of the pit.


San Lang didn't breathe or have a heartbeat. The Half Moon State Preceptor couldn't catch any trace of his existence.

Just now, it was also chaotic up there.

She couldn't remember who fell down and who ran away. Thus,

She thought it was only Xie Lian.

Ji Mo said, "They killed my soldiers. Are you happy now? They're all dead! "

The State Preceptor was silent for a while.

After a while, a flame suddenly lit up in the darkness.

It reflected a black-clothed girl holding a small flame in her palm.

This girl looked like she was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

She wore a simple black Taoist uniform and her eyes were also black. It wasn't that she wasn't pretty.

She just looked very unhappy. Her forehead and mouth were bruised, which could be seen clearly under the light of the fire.

If it wasn't confirmed in advance, no one would have thought that the Half Moon State Preceptor was actually such a pale girl.

The flame also illuminated her surroundings. At her feet, there were the corpses of the Half Moon soldiers wearing armor.

Xie Lian couldn't help but look to the side.

Because the flame that the State Preceptor held up was very small, it didn't illuminate the entire bottom of the sinner's pit. They were still hidden in the darkness, but with the help of the distant flame, he could see a red-clothed figure beside him.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but San Lang was originally taller than him, but now, he seemed to be a little taller. Xie Lian's gaze slowly moved up to the youth's throat. He paused for a moment before continuing to move up, stopping at the beautifully shaped lower jaw.

The upper half of the youth's face was still hidden in the darkness, but the lower half seemed to be slightly different from before. Although his handsomeness didn't diminish, his facial features seemed to have become more distinct. Perhaps noticing his gaze, the man tilted his face slightly and turned around, the corners of his lips curving up slightly.

Perhaps it was because he wanted to see too clearly, wanted to get closer, that Xie Lian unconsciously took another step closer to him.

At this time, a loud shout could be heard from the distance. It seemed like he had personally witnessed this tragic scene and was greatly stimulated. Xie Lian suddenly woke up with a start and turned his head around. He saw Ke Mo hugging his head, while that Imperial Preceptor heard him yell, yet there was no joy nor sorrow. He only nodded and said, "Alright."

Ke Mo was in the midst of grieving, and when he heard this, he flew into a rage. "What's good about it? What do you mean?! "

The Imperial Advisor said, "Good means that we are finally free."

She turned to Xie Lian in the darkness and asked, "Did you guys kill him?"

Xie Lian replied, "This was an accident."

"What kind of nonsense are you spouting?!"

Xie Lian braced himself and said, "Life is full of surprises!"

The Imperial Advisor glanced at him, unable to see his expression. She then asked, "Who are you guys?"

This sentence was actually spoken in very standard Chinese, and it wasn't in a questioning tone. Xie Lian said, "I'm a Heavenly Official from the Heavenly Court. This is … … my friend."

Ke Mo didn't understand, but he could tell that they weren't quarreling. He vigilantly asked, "What are you guys talking about?"

The Imperial Advisor's gaze slowly swept past Xie Lian, stopping on San Lang for a moment. She then retracted her gaze and said, "No Heavenly Official has ever come here before. I thought you guys had long since left this place. "

Xie Lian originally thought that he would have to fight with this Imperial Advisor for the half moon, but who knew that she actually had no fighting spirit at all. She then asked, "Are you guys going out or not?"

Xie Lian replied, "Of course I want to go out. But there's an array set up all around here, so there's no way out. "

When that Imperial Advisor heard this, she walked in front of a high wall in the sinner's pit. She stretched out her hand and straightforwardly slapped the wall. Turning her head around, she said, "I've undone the array. You guys can go."

"… …"

This was too easy to talk to!

Xie Lian already didn't know what to say. Right at this moment, a person's voice came from above, calling out from afar, "Hey! Is there anyone down there? If there isn't, I'm leaving! "

It was Fu Yao's voice.

Xie Lian seemed to hear San Lang, who was beside him, click his tongue. He immediately raised his head, and sure enough, he saw a figure dressed in black looking down. He shouted, "Fu Yao! There's someone down there! I'm down there! "

After shouting, he even waved his hand. Fu Yao said from above, "How come you're really down there? What else is down there besides you? "

Xie Lian said, "This … … Aside from me, there are still a lot of things down there. Why don't you take a look yourself?"

Fu Yao also seemed to feel that it was better to take a look himself than listen to him. Thus, with a boom, he released a large fireball and threw it downwards.

In a split second, the entire bottom of the sinner's pit was illuminated by the fireball, making it as bright as day. Xie Lian finally saw clearly what kind of place he was standing in.

He was surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Countless corpses of the Half Moon Empire's soldiers were piled up on top of each other. Their faces and arms were black, their armors were shiny, and their blood was purple. And the place where Xie Lian was standing was the only empty space at the bottom of the sinner's pit without corpses.

All of this had been done in the blink of an eye after San Lang jumped down in the darkness.

Xie Lian once again turned his head to look at the youth beside him.

Just now, in the darkness, he had vaguely seen that San Lang seemed to have suddenly grown a bit taller. There were also some subtle differences in some areas. However, at this moment, under the bright firelight, the one standing beside him was still the same handsome youth from before. Seeing him look over, the youth faintly smiled.

Xie Lian lowered his head to look at his wrists and boots. Sure enough, they were the same as before, without anything that would make light clinking sounds.

At this moment, he heard a muffled sound as Fu Yao jumped down. Xie Lian said, "Weren't you looking after that caravan of merchants?"

Fu Yao had just come down, so he still wasn't used to the smell of blood at the bottom of the pit. Frowning, he fanned the air with his hand and softly said, "I've waited for six hours, but I still haven't seen you guys return. I think something happened. I drew a circle to tell them to stay somewhere else and come over to take a look first. "

Xie Lian said, "Drawing a circle won't last long. With you leaving like this, it's hard to avoid their suspicions being left behind. What good would it be if they ran out of the circle?"

Fu Yao said, "If a person wants to die, even eight horses can't stop them. There's nothing we can do. What's going on with these two? Who and who are they? "

He was extremely vigilant against the other two people at the bottom of the pit. However, he quickly discovered that Ke Mo had been beaten to the point that his entire body was covered in wounds. He was lying on the ground with difficulty, while that half moon state preceptor hung his head and didn't make a sound. Xie Lian said, "This is the general of the half moon country, and this is the state preceptor of the half moon country. Right now, they … …"

Before he finished speaking, Ke Mo suddenly leaped up. After lying on the ground for so long, he finally gathered enough strength. With a loud shout, he stood up and sent a palm towards the half moon state preceptor. A burly man beating up a little girl. In the past, this kind of scene would never have happened in front of Xie Lian. However, Ke Mo had an extremely ample reason to hate the state preceptor. The state preceptor clearly could have dodged, but he didn't. Instead, he was like a broken doll being thrown around by him. Ke Mo angrily said, "Where's your scorpion? Come on, let them bite me to death! Quick, give me a release too! "

The state preceptor gloomily said, "Ke Mo, my snake doesn't listen to me anymore."

Ke Mo spat, "Why doesn't it bite you to death!"

"… …" The state preceptor said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

Ke Mo said, "Do you really hate us that much?"

The state preceptor shook his head. Ke Mo became even angrier and said, "You really want to anger me to death! You don't even hate us, so why did you betray us?! You shameful spy, traitor, traitorous thing!! "

Fu Yao saw that they were beating more and more fiercely. Moreover, it was a one-sided beating. He frowned and said, "Hey, what are they saying? Should we go up and stop them? "

Xie Lian really couldn't stand watching anymore. He stepped forward and grabbed Ke Mo, saying, "General! General! I think it would be better for you to tell us who that Yong An thief is. We … … "Suddenly, that state preceptor grabbed his wrist.

This grab was abrupt, and the grip was dead tight. At first, Xie Lian's heart sank. He thought that she was going to take the opportunity to plot against him. He didn't expect that when he looked down again, this state preceptor was lying on the ground. There was a bit of bruise at the corner of her mouth as she raised her head to look at him. She clearly didn't say anything, but her two jet-black eyes burst out with an almost fiery vitality.

This appearance overlapped with a small figure in his memory from a long time ago. Xie Lian blurted out, "It's you?"

The state preceptor also said, "General Hua?"

With this exchange, everyone at the bottom of the pit was stunned. Fu Yao took a step forward and knocked Ke Mo unconscious. He said, "You guys know each other?"

However, Xie Lian didn't have time to answer. He squatted down, grabbed the state preceptor's shoulder, and carefully looked at her face.

Just now, he was far away and couldn't see clearly. In addition, this young girl's appearance had also changed as she grew up. Moreover, more than two hundred years had passed. For various reasons, he didn't recognize her at first glance. But now that he looked again, this face was clearly the same as in his memory!

Xie Lian couldn't speak for a while. After a while, he finally said, "Banyue?"

The state preceptor suddenly grabbed his sleeve. Surprisingly, she seemed a little excited as she said, "It's me! General Hua, you still remember me? "

Xie Lian said, "Of course I remember you. But … … "

He stared at this young girl for a moment and sighed. "… … But, how did you end up like this?"

Hearing him say this, the state preceptor's eyes suddenly overflowed with a few traces of pain.

She said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Lieutenant … … I, messed up."

This was a general and a lieutenant, how could the bystanders not hear it? Fu Yao was slightly stunned. "Lieutenant? General? You? How could it be like this?? Then what's the General's Grave? "

Xie Lian nodded and said, "My grave."

Fu Yao said, "Didn't you say that two hundred years ago, you came here to collect trash???"

Xie Lian said, "This … … is a long story. Originally, that was indeed my plan. "

It was said that one day two hundred years ago, for some reason, Xie Lian couldn't continue living in the East. Thus, he decided to avoid the limelight. He planned to pass through the Qinling Mountains and go to the South to make a new world of collecting trash. Thus, he took the compass and walked towards the South.

Along the way, he felt depressed. Why did he feel that the scenery on the road wasn't right? It should have been lush with trees and densely populated, so why did it become more and more desolate?

Although he was puzzled, he still persevered and walked until he arrived at the Gobi Desert. When the wind blew, he ate a mouthful of sand. Only then did he realize that the compass he was holding had long been broken.

The directions he had been pointed in were all wrong!

Even if he was pointing in the wrong direction, he couldn't do anything about it. With the thought of 'since I'm already here, I might as well take a look at the scenery of the desert', Xie Lian continued to walk forward. However, he temporarily changed his destination to the Northwest. Finally, he arrived at the border and temporarily stayed near the Half Moon Country.

Xie Lian said, "At first, I was indeed just collecting trash in the vicinity. However, the border was in frequent turmoil and deserters were often seen. Thus, the army would randomly arrest people to make up the numbers. "

San Lang said, "And you were forcibly arrested?"

Xie Lian said, "I was arrested. But in any case, whatever I did was the same. Being a soldier was fine. Afterwards, I drove away a few bandits. I don't know how I became a lieutenant. Even those who gave me face would call me General. "

Fu Yao asked doubtfully, "But why did she call you General Hua? It's not like your surname is Hua. "

Xie Lian waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about that. At that time, I casually came up with a fake name. I think I was called Hua Xie."

When he heard this name, San Lang's expression slightly changed. The corner of his mouth seemed to curl up. Xie Lian didn't notice and continued, "There were many battles at the border. There were many orphans. When I was free, I would occasionally play with them. One of them … … was called Half-moon. "

When there were bandits, Xie Lian was definitely the bravest soldier. No one dared to block his path. They didn't even dare to stand beside him. But when there were no bandits, it seemed like anyone could order him around.

One day, he found a sand wall to light a fire and used his helmet to cook. As he cooked, the smell drifted out, angering a few soldiers who came over and kicked over the thing he was cooking. Xie Lian's heart ached as he went to pick up his helmet. When he turned around, he saw a child with disheveled hair and a dirty face squatting behind him. The child didn't care about burning his hands as he picked up the thing that had fallen to the ground and ate it. Xie Lian was stunned. "Don't! Wait! Little friend, you! "

Sure enough, after the child ate a few pieces of the thing he picked up from the ground, she began to retch and cry loudly. This scared Xie Lian so much that he carried her and madly ran for a while. Only after a while did he finally get rid of the thing she had eaten. Once he was done, he squatted on the ground and wiped his sweat. "Are you alright, little friend … … I'm sorry. But you must never tell your parents about this. Next time, don't randomly pick up the things on the ground to eat … … Wait, what are you doing again!"

The child's eyes were filled with tears as she went to pick up the food again. Unexpectedly, she still wanted to eat it. Only when Xie Lian grabbed her did he realize that the child's stomach was really close to sticking to her back.

When a person was this hungry, they would eat anything. Even if they cried, they would still eat it.

Xie Lian had no choice but to go back and take the last of his dry rations for her. Later on, he would often see this child peeping at him in the dark nearby.

In his memory, that child named Half-moon always had a very unhappy expression. Her body and face were always covered in bruises. When she looked at him, she would grab the hem of his clothes and stare anxiously from below. Because she was ostracized by the other Half-moon children, other than Xie Lian, only a youth from Yong An who lived at the border would occasionally pay attention to her. As a result, she would follow behind these two people all day long.

She rarely opened her mouth, but she could speak Chinese. As a result, Xie Lian had never been able to figure out where she was from. In any case, when he saw a child walking around without anyone to care about her, he would just randomly bring her along. When he was free, he would teach her how to sing and wrestle. Occasionally, he would perform something like breaking a boulder on her chest. Their relationship wasn't bad.

Xie Lian said, "I originally thought that the two words' Half-moon 'in' State Preceptor Half-moon 'referred to the country. I never expected that the State Preceptor's name was actually Half-moon."

Fu Yao asked, "What happened after that?"

Xie Lian said, "After that … … it was more or less the same as what was written on the General's Tomb's stone tablet."

After a moment of silence, San Lang said, "The stone tablet said that you died."

When he mentioned that stone tablet, Xie Lian felt very gloomy.

Shouldn't normal inscriptions sing praises and do their utmost to beautify the commemorator? Demoting and demoting again and again until there was nothing left to demote was one thing, but how could they seriously write down how he died in such a shameful way???

When he was sheltering from the wind, he read this paragraph. He simply couldn't look straight at it. If it weren't for San Lang, who could read the Half-moon language and was also watching from the side, he would've pretended that the part about how he died wasn't written on the stone tablet. Even he himself had spat when he saw this thing, so how could he blame others for also wanting to laugh when they saw it? When people came to his memorial tomb to shelter from the wind and sand, and when they saw his deeds on the stone tablet, they even wanted to comment on it and laugh heartily. He even felt embarrassed to ask everyone not to laugh. This really made him feel a bit gloomy. Xie Lian felt as if the space between his eyebrows was about to turn red. He said, "Ah, that, of course I didn't die. I pretended to be dead. "

Fu Yao's face was filled with disbelief. Xie Lian explained, "My feet were stepped on too many times, so I couldn't get up at all. If I didn't pretend to be dead, I had no choice."