
Heaven's King Last Bride

Abigail is forced to ask some neighbors to thwart the work of Arfando, the man she believes to be her son who left her twenty years ago, and makes Arfando have to lose the opportunity to marry Abigail because of his failure. When she was restless knowing that Arfando left the village while continuing his tantrum, a handsome man wearing a royal crown came and protected her. Who was this man and what was his purpose in coming into Abigail's life?

arie_riyan · Fantasie
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20 Chs

15. Who Really is Sofia?

The white smoke that was clumping around Sofia's body slowly disappeared along with the woman who was always abused by her condition.

Everyone was stunned watching the state that unfolded before him. They always felt that something strange was going on when they disturbed her, but there was absolutely no desire to find out what was going on with Sofia's life so far.

"Don't be a coward! You always disappear and don't want to take responsibility for what you do. Where has the feeling in your heart gone? Your neighbor died because of what you did but you don't want to take responsibility at all."

"Anyone who disturbs my woman will face me."

Suddenly a voice filled the surroundings. Nobody knows who is talking. They felt that the sound was very close and not foreign at all.

"If you are a knight, show your face. Don't hide behind the magic that we can't touch!"

"Ha ha ha. Does anyone dare to challenge me? If you dare, please step forward and stand at the very front. I will show you who I really am."

No one carried out the orders from the foreign voice that was currently frightening them. The man who had been speaking loudly earlier, could only stay silent while looking around, trying to find a friend he could invite to face the invisible creature.

"Why don't you come forward? If you really feel like seeing my form, you should have the courage to carry out my orders. Remember you will never see my form if you don't want to do what I ask."

"A-excuse me, Master. I didn't mean to make you feel annoyed with me. I didn't dare to take a step forward from where I am. I was just being wary. Who knew you would attack me suddenly. I can only hear your voice without being able to see your true form, but you can see us. That means there is no justice between us at all."

"I told you to take one step forward. When you carry out my orders, I make sure you can see my true form. But you're just an ignorant creature. You're a person who always wants to make all your wishes come true in a cunning way. You always feel more. I know what your intentions were when you ordered your men to capture Abigail and imprison her in the dungeons. You yourself offered to guard her all night. You wanted to make your wish come true to touch her without them noticing, right? I'm not a fool who will let you carry out your intention to the woman I should protect. So don't ever blame me when a husband saves his wife from the hands of ignorant men who have been trying to target her chastity.'

The village head clenched his fists while occasionally looking around. He really didn't want his men to be provoked by the utterances of an alien creature whose form couldn't be seen at all.

"You don't talk carelessly, you useless creature. On what basis do you accuse me like that? I have never had any intentions towards Abigail. During this time as village head I have felt that I have given extraordinary justice to the residents here and they admit everything. There is not a single person that I get rid of and I ostracize and no one that I glorify. I consider all of them the same because they are residents who always support my intentions and goals in advancing this Village. If you say that I want to do something against that woman, you are wrong. I do not accept your accusations and I hope you will apologize to me right now in front of the citizens."

"I don't think I need to apologize to anyone because I didn't make any mistakes at all. If you really still feel that what I said is wrong, maybe one day I will tell the citizens that your real goal is the same as what I said. Even so, I'm sure things will never come true. I will always protect my woman and no one is allowed to touch mine except me.

I don't want to share with anyone. Items or anything that already belongs to me will forever be like that and I will protect it my way."

All the residents on the village road were silent without making a sound at all. Even though in their hearts they confirmed what the mysterious voice said, they did not dare to express their opinion at all. The village chief always gave unexpected punishments to people who tried to disgrace his good name in front of others. The incident of the death of one of the residents at that time was enough to prove how they are only created as a small community that has no power at all to express opinions. They dared not take the initiative to carry away the lifeless body without orders.

"Hey guys. What are you waiting for? Why isn't anyone picking up this guy who was struck by lightning?"

After the magical voice gave a warning to the residents to pick up the man who was currently lying down with a charred black body, the villagers immediately stepped closer to the stiff body which was currently still lying on the ground.

The bulging eyes made them take a step back. They felt pain when they saw the appearance of the corpse lying in front of them, which seemed to be looking at them with intimidation and threatening the peace and comfort of their lives.

Seeing the villagers retreat when they saw the bodies lying on the road, Andreas, the village head, clenched his fists and directed them at several men who were trying to avoid them.

"Is it just because you are afraid to see Anthony's face, you are afraid and don't dare to help him?"

"N-that's not the village head. We really felt uncomfortable when we saw Anthony's eyes intimidating us. We really didn't dare to get any closer because when we looked at that face, we really couldn't think that Antoni had died in such a state." which is fine.'

"What do you mean by saying Antoni didn't die fine? Never think negatively about other people. He died in a lightning strike and nothing could prevent his death. It's only natural that he who was in extreme pain would react like that. Whose orders are you waiting for? Do you absolutely not want to submit and obey your current leader? If that happens, I hope that you will become the next victim."

All unmoved. They stood stiffly in place. Between fear and courage they walked closer to Anthony. Their hands reached out to provide assistance to Anthony's body, but before those hands could touch Anthony's body they suddenly flew far back making all the women who saw the incident scream hysterically.