

*A diamond mark is engraved on a transcender*

Anlai swam for what felt like hours before he lost the feel of his body and simply let the waves direct his movement. His body had ever since only retained effort towards keeping his head overhead of the ebbing waves. Some part of him knew that hours had passed for the red moon had retired and been replaced by a bright orange sun.

His body had lost all sense of direction, there was only water and more water.

The waters which had looked previously like a large mass of red dye had a more crystalline look to them now. The whole area was clearer under the light of the sun, Anlai could see the great expanse of rocky waters up ahead, his demonic sight seemed to be on automatic ever since his transcendence.

The sound of seagulls cawing in the distance made Anlai narrow his demonic sight towards where the sound was coming from. Like the lenses of a camera, Anlai's demonic vision zoomed in on the area.